Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 11 Chapter 42: That year, Xunfang was still a loli (1/7)

【Little Loli Xun Fang Picture】

"See Master Chutian!"

"Master Chutian!"

"Master Chutian!"


A wave of waves of beautiful women, in the moment of Chu Tian's appearance, all of them instantly fell to their knees.

Yingying Yanyan, covered with ice muscle jade bones.

Tingxue Xuefeng's slim jade legs make people breathe and solidify.

The entire palace is composed of women, and each woman looks like a fairy and has a high mana. Here, it is one of Chutian's 1080 palaces all over the world.


Ever since he believed in Chu Tian, ​​Chu Tian has become the idol of the Penglai people, the **** of Penglai!

Penglai Tiangong, the upper island of Penglai Island, is an island suspended in the air, built by Chutian with supreme mana. Anyone who sincerely prays to the **** of Penglai will accept the call of God and come to the heavenly palace. All Penglai residents are praying hard, year after year ...

No one knows, in fact, Chu Tian just made an excuse.

The real selection criteria can't be simpler: any beauty can come up!

Penglai became a beauty production base, then campaigned layer by layer, and finally reached the upper Tiangong, which accumulated over a thousand years, is also a considerable number ...

"Xun Fang? How is it now?"

After Chu Tian kissed Ruby and He Wenjun on the cheeks, he walked forward. Everywhere in Penglai Tiangong, Chu Tian knows everything.

"Master Qi Tian Chu Tian, ​​Princess Xun Fang, is now resting on illness. Princess ... When the princess is sleeping, she is calling your name, Master," said a maid.

"How come suddenly you are sick?" Chu Tian asked.

The Penglai people are long-lived, healthy and free from all diseases.

In addition, Penglai Tiangong was built by Chutian in heaven, and it is nourishing to say that it is nourished by the air of heaven and earth. If you use dim sum to practice some of the exercises created by Chu Tian, ​​let alone being sick, immortality is not a problem!

How could he get sick, Chu Tian would not understand.

A maid came and whispered:

"This ... is ... due to the excessive thoughts of the princess. You have been away for a long time. The princess misses you so much. You do n’t think about tea and rice. You are dazed by your portrait every day. fall down."

"So exaggerated?"

"Adult, Princess Xunfang's love for you can be learned from the world. Master, the princess is calling your name even in her dreams. You, please see her soon!"

The court lady suddenly knelt down boldly.

The eyes were red and swollen, and even, with tears flashing, it seemed to be touched by Xiao Loli's true feelings.

Suddenly, behind this maid, she also knelt down on a large group of maid.

"Sir, look at Princess Xunfang!"

"grown ups!"

"grown ups!"


All the maidens looked at Chu Tian with the eyes of prayer, which was truly incomparable. Suddenly Chu Tian was puzzled, and he didn't want to visit Xun Fang, so beg him to do so!

As if I were a bad person.

"Okay, get up, I'm ready to go and see. I hurried back, came to see Xunfang."

"Thank you, lord!"

The women wept with joy.

Waving hands with the girls, Chu Tian walked forward ...

Through a curtain of pearls, on both sides are huge sculptures carved from jade.

The sculptures are almost exactly the same as Chu Tian himself. Chu Tian felt the remaining breath, all carved by Xun Fang. Or Chu Tian's eating attitude, or sleeping attitude, as well as talking about Taoism, and laughing attitude ... Little Loli Xunfang captured almost all of her details.

There are various portraits of Chu Tian on the wall.

The tea cups and plates used by Chu Tian were also kept intact in the cabinet.

And the slippers Chu Tian passed through were all wrapped in delicate boxes and placed in a crystal cabinet, which can be seen all the time ...

In short, everything is related to Chu Tian!

Looking at it, even Chu Tian couldn't help but shed a drop of Genghis Khan on his head.


Although I have always believed in the cultivation of loli, Xunfang this time, it seems that the cultivation is overdone? It is so unimaginable to think so much at this point!

Pushing the door open, Chu Tian's forefoot had just stepped into the room, and he hadn't spoken yet. A clear voice immediately came out from inside: "Master Chu Tian!"

"Master Chutian! You are back!"

A little loli with powder carvings and jade carvings, dressed up to show her awesomeness.

His face was still pale, but when he saw Chu Tian, ​​he seemed to recover all his strength in an instant. After just two seconds, he finished wearing it, then quickly went down, gently stepped on the smooth floor, and moved forward Go.

Shaking his body, it was obvious that the illness was still not good, but Xunfang didn't realize it, and ran towards Chutian. The orange-colored clothes are gentle and lovely, with the freshness of little Loli. Pink. The tender jade arm was half exposed, and Loli ’s slim calf was wearing black alluring stockings ...

"Xun Fang, be careful, you are still sick."

"No, Master Chu Tian, ​​Master Chu Tian, ​​Xun Fang is not sick, no, Xun Fang, Xun Fang wants to be with the adult ..."

The body thumped, and Xunfang fell to the ground.

All the portraits on the ground are from Chutian.

Xun Fang looked at the image on the floor dizzyly and said, "Master Chu Tian, ​​you, why did you fall down? Are you making a meat pad to prevent Xun Fang from falling down? Ooo, Ooo, Oo, Fang was so moved ... "

"..." Chu Tian would like to tell her, Auntie Granny, you are dazzled, and the portrait and the person are indistinguishable.

"Adult Chu Tian, ​​Xun Fang, Xun Fang have studied hard recently. I have spent a thousand pictures of your portrait, and it is everywhere in the house, so that when Xun Fang opens his eyes, he can see the adult. He is always with Xunfang, and Xunfang is so happy. Xunfang's paintings are here, here ... "

Chu Tian touched Xiao Loli's forehead and wanted to say "Child, it's time to wake up".

Little Loli was poisoned too deeply. It seems that the original Lori training course was a bit too strong. When Xun Fang was born, he was named by Chu Tian and sent to Tiangong, and then a series of various belief education about Lord Chu Tian ...

Now think about it. At that time, in order to dominate this loli, it seems that it has done a bit too much.

Touching Xun Fang's delicate face, Chu Tian said softly: "Xun Fang, don't worry, come, I'm here, let's get up first. Let me see first, how is your illness."

"Master Chu Tian! Mana is boundless! You, you were just under me, how did you get here again? Master Chu Tian, ​​woo woo woo, Xun Fang miss you ..."

"Xun Fang, don't cry, it's not pretty to cry and paint your face."

"Yes! Big, big, grown-up! Woo, woo, Xunfang is so happy ..."


Chu Tian just wanted to say that he was n’t intentional. The worship of Little Loli can only blame his charm ...


The picture uses the name of Sakura Man real name, let's get closer to the temperament ~ He Xunfang ~

Ignore the hairy horses ~ cough, Xunfang in the era of Lori is not easy to find ~

The picture I am most satisfied with in this volume is still that of Nu Wa ~

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