Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 11 Chapter 43: Good medicine sticks to the mouth and benefits the disease (2/7)

Mengmenda Xiaolioli Xunfang, with Chu Tian's advice, finally returned to the sick chuang.

Little Loli burst into tears and felt extremely guilty. Master Chu Tian came, she actually fell ill, and she didn't even have a chance to serve tea. Xun Fang's pious heart of faith was full of frustration.

Xun Fang made up his mind that when his condition improved, he must give Master Chu Tian a perfect service! Not long ago, but just learned massage techniques from sister Nuwa!

"Master Chu Tian, ​​Xun Fang, when will Xun Fang get better?"

Lying in Chu Tian's arms, squeezed in the bed together with Chu Tian, ​​Xun Fang's gleaming eyes were shining, watching Chu Tian. Chu Tian is omnipotent, and Xun Fang will ask Chu Tian if he does not know anything.

The little Loli Xunfang, who took off her coat, only had a close-fitting sleeveless blouse with powder, tender powder and tender jade arms exposed in the air, which was full of the lovely Loli girl.

On the delicate calf, black stockings were still shaking visibly in Chu Tian's hands. Xun Fang belongs to the kind of gentle loli type, after wearing such a piece of black silk stockings with a sense of sex, it has a little charm. Chu Tian's big hand was stroking on the small loli's leg while enjoying.

"Xun Fang, want to get better soon?" Chu Tian asked.

"Well! In this way, Xun Fang will be able to serve Lord Chutian!" Little Lori admired, looking at Chu Tian with infinite yearning.

Xun Fang said while twisting the body of the young girl in Chu Tian ’s arms, so that Chu Tian could touch it more easily. Touching every part of the body ...

Something seemed to be on Xunfang's stomach. Xunfang looked down and found Chu Tian's third leg between his legs.

The girl thought about it carefully and didn't know what it was. She stretched out her cute little hand and found that it was still quite hot. It is worthy of Master Chu Tian, ​​even the body structure is different from ordinary people, little Lori Xunfang said ...

"Xun Fang, you, what are you doing." Chu Tian gasped and asked.

"Adult forgive sins! Xun Fang, Xun Fang did not deliberately offend the adult!" Little Loli immediately apologized with a trembling look.

"No, no, I mean, I mean--" Chu Tian looked at Xiao Loli Xun Fang for a long time, and finally, still couldn't help it, said, "Xun Fang, in fact, there is one Way to make you feel better immediately. "

"Adult, ask Xun Fang!"

"Do you really want to know?"


Little Loli Xunfang nodded seriously, and looked at her with an open mind.

Chu Tian then lowered his head and said in Xun Fang's ear: "Xun Fang, lord, I'm a treasure. It's just a little difficult for medicinal materials in this baby to be taken out. Again ... "


After a long time, Xiao Loli Xun Fang showed a sudden realization.

Looked at the third leg between Chu Tian's legs.

Then rubbing his little hands, Tiantian Xiang. Tongue, seems to be doing what preparations.

"Then, Master, Xunfang started?"

After getting Chu Tian's nod, Xiao Loli finally slowly lowered her little head. The powder. Tender powder. The tender white hands like jade also reached Chu Tian's waist ...


(Ten thousand words omitted here ...)

Half an hour.

Little Loli Xunfang suddenly shouted, "Sir, come out! The medicine comes out!"

"Xun Fang! Drink it!"

"Yes! Master!"

Then the sound of cooing ...

Little Loli Xunfang's pale face quickly turned ruddy.

It seems to have a huge force, spreading from the mouth of little Lori Xunfang, reaching all the limbs.

Penglai Island can also be regarded as a fairyland on earth. Many of the maids on the island have been serving Chu Tian since thousands of years ago. In my spare time, I also refine some elixir.

There are also many treasures on Penglai Island that can be eaten by people.

But Little Loli Xunfang has never tasted such a medicinal material with such rich energy! The huge energy seemed to propel her in an instant, and there was endless strength all over her body. Not only did his condition improve in an instant, but even Xiuwei rose rapidly. The spirit of heaven and earth is centered on Xunfang, and the rapid earthquake trembles and whirls.

"Woo woo woo, sir, Xun Fang, Xun Fang is sick!"

Xiaolio Xunfang felt much better after swallowing the last medicine. The whole person is refreshing, and there is no more fatigue. In the crystal eyes, halos flowed. Little Loli had a fair-skinned powder deep in her hands. Tender little hands ticked her mouth and sent the spilled medicine back.

"Xun Fang, how are you feeling?" Chu Tian asked Xiaolian Li Xun Fang with satisfaction.

"Well, it's delicious, sweet, and very comfortable. This is the most superior medicinal material that Xun Fang has eaten. It is full of energy, pure, thousand years of Ganoderma lucidum, and thousands of years of Biling Soul. Xiao Loli Xun Fang's voice was clear and crisp, but she spoke old-school words. The education received on Penglai Island is the most high-end.

"So, does Xunfang want to eat in the future?" Chu Tian asked with a tempting voice.

"Think! Xun Fang thinks!-But ... But with such a precious medicinal material, can Xun Fang still eat it?" Little Lori Xun Fang said regretfully.

"Cough, this is not a problem. That, Xunfang, how often do you want to eat it?" Chu Tian asked again. This is not the first time Chu Tian has done such an unruly thing, and there is no guilt in it!

There was a loud hiccup, and Xun Fang's face showed a thoughtful look.

Since Master Chu Tian gave her this opportunity, Xun Fang naturally had to fight hard. Wrinkled with cute eyebrows, Xunfang thought for a long time, only to say: "Adult, Xunfang, Xunfang want to eat every hour! It's delicious, woo woo woo woo ... But, lord, this medicine The concentration is too high, sticky, a bit dizzy after eating, and a little dizzy ... And adults, the amount is too large, you see, only once, Xunfang ’s belly bulged ... "

Little Loli Xunfang said longingly while showing a distressed expression.

This cheating expression is very similar to the Nuwa girl!

Chu Tian hugged Xiao Loli Xun Fang and said: "This is not a problem, Xun Fang likes it. Just sleep. Come on, get some sleep first."


Little Loli Xunfang lay in Chu Tian's arms, sucking her lips, and slowly fell asleep unconsciously.

The huge energy is difficult for Xiao Loli to digest completely, and will naturally fall asleep. Chu Tian reached out and ate tofu on Little Lori, while reluctantly helping her to absorb powerful power ...

Soon, the subtle breath of little Lori came ...

"Hello, you have watched it for a long time, what's the matter, say it." Chu Tian turned his head and said to the large group of beautiful women at the door.

The ruddy sword-like ruddy red.

He Wenjun, who is simple and elegant.

And a large group of beautiful women from Yingyingyanyan on Penglai Island, all peeping at the door ...

"Sir, we are sick too!"

A group of beautiful women laughed in unison.

The flowers are trembling and moving ...

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