Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 11 Chapter 87: Chu Tian's Sword (4/9)

"Then, you come first."

Chu Tian's sword pointed at Ouyang Shao Gong's neck.

The slight sword intention seemed to pierce Ouyang Shao Gong's forehead, making him lose his mind for a moment!

Burning Sword is in Chu Tian's hands, and the power of it can be imagined. After the raging turmoil, Ouyang Shao Gong stood there alone, and there was a kind of creepy horror!

The power of burning silence is so strong! ?

Or is it that the person who uses the sword is too strong?

"--You said, this time I scrapped your other arm? Or, by the way, scrapped your two legs, or, I killed you directly. I'm bored recently, I don't know what to do , What to do. You said. "Chu Tian said, dancing the Burning Sword gently.

Slowly, sliding in the air.

A half arc.

Simple, crescent-like shape.

this is--

Ouyang Shao Gong suddenly had an illusion.

Chu Tian's movements seemed to be a huge black hole, which attracted him all. No matter how you break free, the Divine Consciousness cannot escape! All the attention of the whole person was attracted by Chu Tian's sword moves!

In a simple sword, illusion is actually incorporated!

Observe hard, but actually will be recruited!

But how to crack without observing!

"No, you can't die here! Burning silence is within easy reach! Baili Tusu is also here. This is a good time for a lifetime! I just have to find the opportunity to win, and I don't have to fight hard with him!

Ouyang Shao Gong violently bit his tongue!

The intense pain slammed, causing Ouyang Shaogong to escape from the illusion. Chu Tian ’s vast combat experience, even inadvertently, can still kill people.

Where did Ouyang Shao Gong dare to stay in place and ran to the side quickly.

As long as you can escape!

Just hide away!

A collection of auras gathered in the hands, and the fragments of Yuheng were also used by Ouyang Shaojiong. The effect of attracting spirits is insignificant at the moment, but it can be used! Even a little help is worth it!

The strength of the whole body is concentrated on the footsteps, and Ouyang Shao Gong's speed is suddenly increased to the limit, and he runs to the side. Aftermath of the aftermath remained in the hall, the violent airflow was surging, and Ouyang Shao Gong worked hard to escape!

Chu Tian ’s strength is not clear to Ouyang Shao Gong.

However, the present self is undoubtedly not an opponent! Ouyang Shao Gong wanted to challenge Chu Tian, ​​but that was under the condition of retrieving the soul of Tu Su and possessing the ancient fierce sword burning silence!

Now you ca n’t withstand Chu Tian ’s attack at all, Ouyang Shao knows well!


Hurry up!

Ouyang Shaojiong inadvertently shortened the distance from Baili Tusu. Now this dangerous time is the time of his surprise attack!

Must catch up ——————


Spray with blood.

The unbelievable scene happened suddenly.

Obviously avoided Chu Tian's attack, but Chu Tian's attack followed Ouyang Shao Gong again.

The sharp sword spirit is straight and straight, and it is as bright as the red sun, and it cannot be pressed. The momentum of tearing everything came from above. The entire sword can only be described in two words: neat!

This is a fierce and extremely determined sword!

A straight sword!


But when Ouyang Shaojiong and Ziyin real person looked closely, they found a very contradictory feeling.

This sword gas crossed the crescent-like arc.

Yes, it is an arc!

Through the tortuous space, Ouyang Shao Gong's right arm was finally torn apart at an ingenious angle. The blood burst, Ouyang Shao Gong's whole person made a terrible roar!

Right arm, crippled!

With Chu Tian's position, wielding such a straight sword, it is simply impossible to strike Ouyang Shao Gong. But the fact is fulfilled, and Ouyang Shao Gong will be created!

This is a twisted space! Twisted sword gas!

Twisted like a wormhole, Chu Tian's sword qi experienced a straight line that is shorter than the straight line, more strange and violent!

Blood was spraying.

Both of Ouyang Shao Gong's two arms shrugged weakly. Although it is still connected to his body, it is no different from being broken. Two arms, no longer listen to his command!

The scar that was torn by Chu Tian was only an appearance.

Ouyang Shao Gong's entire arm was eroded by Chu Tian's sword intention, unless Chu Tian's sword intention was wiped out, otherwise it would be impossible to recover!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh possible! How is it possible ——— !!!!!!"

"Me, I am Ouyang Shao Gong, unwilling, unwilling !!"

"Not willing to--"

Ouyang Shao Gong looked at Baili Tusu not far away, very angry in his heart, sorry!

It's almost!

It ’s almost enough!

"Yuheng, me, I still have Yuheng !!"

Ouyang Shao Gong walked forward again, and the green light of Yu Heng in his arms also emitted. Although it can't be compared to the perfect Yuheng, Ouyang Shaogong has discovered some important uses of Yuheng in these years.

The power of the Soul Casting is a little bit about how to say it.

As long as the soul of Tu Su is taken out, even a little, you can gamble!


Another sword exploded behind Ouyang Shao Gong.

This time, Ouyang Shao Gong was completely defeated, and he didn't even have the strength to go. The whole person fell straight, staring at the situation in the field.


Strong, too strong!

That kind of crushing gap, Ouyang Shao Gong even wondered what the **** in front of him was! But the gods have not been born, and have become the consensus of everyone, simply ... impossible! !

"Not yet dead? What a perseverance."

Chu Tian's body shook, and he had reached the edge of Ouyang Shao Gong. Ouyang Shaogong glanced dullly at the end. The sword in his hand pierced again, and a dazzling silver awn struck the opposite real person of Ziyin!

"The burning silence is here. Whether you can take it back or not depends on your own."

Compared with when I just dealt with Ouyang Shao Gong, the points are not weak. The gorgeous light shrouded Ziyin and Tu Su!

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