Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 11 Chapter 88: Ziyin's determination (5/9)

In the shortest time, Ziyin real person made the fastest response!

The figure was as misty as smoke, and three phantoms were suddenly transformed into three directions.

One Qi and three Qing, many Taoist Taoists have such applications. But the entire world of human beings can achieve the level of Ziyin real people, no doubt, only a handful!

Ziyin real people can cultivate into immortal body, its talent is undoubtedly very strong! Although Chu Tian's forbidden guards had many people who cultivated above Ziyin, at that time Chu Tian was occasionally interested, pointing out one or two. Without Chu Tian ’s intervention, Ziyin is well-deserved, the first person in the world!

While the three phantoms were scattered, they also twisted sword tactics and launched an attack towards Chu Tian. Ziyin knew the strength of Chutian very well, and at the beginning, he showed 100% strength!

"Empty phantom sword!"

"Empty phantom sword!"

"Empty phantom sword!"

Phantom launches an attack!

Three swords in one.

The three phantoms of the real people of Ziyin, the faintly combined into a formation!

Three talented sword array!

The three attacks complement each other and increase each other's power. The empty fantasy sword is the strongest trick in Tianyong City. With this blessing, the power has more than tripled!

Moreover, the three people are all their own, and the three talented sword arrays played by three different people are very different!

The entire sword pavilion collapsed again and again under this huge sword spirit. On the roof and on the walls, there were holes full of holes. The fierce Jianqi shot through Xiaodou and left a hole in the dark black bottom on the ground outside.

"Huang Chu! Why are you doing this !!!"

The three swords of Ziyin pierced at the same time and asked Chu Tian.

This is Ziyin's superb blow!

Chu Tian didn't answer, but instead looked at Ziyin's Taoism and praised: "I can actually combine body, formation, sword, and three together. Ziyin, you are not bad."

Chu Tian suddenly moved forward.

Sword qi agitated vertically and horizontally, shooting everywhere.

Even, as dense as raindrops, but Chu Tian walked in between, but a little sword gas could not touch his body. Like a slippery loach, all attacks are cleverly dodge past.

In a blink of an eye, the distance from Ziyin was reduced by thirty steps!

The sword of burning silence in Chu Tian's hand gently opened, saying:

"Unfortunately, the sword gas leaks, the energy is wasted, it is purely out of control. This move is still too early for you. If you can polish it for a while, the power of this move will increase by one. Twice to twice. "

Ziyin's eyes suddenly enlarged! After carefully studying his unique tricks for so many years, Chu Tian suddenly saw through.

In the sight, on the sword of Chu Tian's burning silence, a ray of fire. The hot light shone. The scorching temperature was transpiring, and it seemed that the entire hall was to be scorched.

Chu Tian did nothing.

Just wield the sword gently.

There is no mystery, the only thing Ziyin can feel is the huge, overwhelming sense of oppression! As if the whole world was shaking and shaking, Ziyin even had an illusion that even the Sword of Burning Silence could not bear the powerful power of Chu Tian, ​​squeaking!

What a powerful force!

Both the Sancai Sword Array and the empty illusory sword gradually collapsed under Chu Tian's sword spirit.

The empty and illusory sword is unreal and elusive, but Chu Tian doesn't even look at it.

How Chuanjian array complements each other, inspires power, where is the weakness, and so on, Chu Tian is too lazy to care. After going, the bulldozers are generally crushed!

Pure skill is better than skill!

The majestic sword gas swept away Ziyin's attack without any obstruction. In front of Chu Tian's attack, Ziyin's attack was like a tofu flower hitting a brick, and it immediately broke.

Chu Tian smiled faintly, and his body moved in an instant. No trace can be found, as natural as the breeze, casual, as if blending with this world.



Stabbed with a sword!


"Guess it, this is the real body."

Chu Tian stood opposite a phantom of Real Man Ziyin and said jokingly. The Burning Sword pierced the shoulders of Ziyin, and a red blood flowed down the shoulders of Ziyin. The real person of Ziyin was pale, and his movements were extremely difficult. The other two phantoms also disappeared in an instant.

When Fenjisha pierced the real person of Ziyin, he immediately eroded Ziyin's body. Now Ziyin is already half a waste.

However, Ziyin did not seem to give up.

With a trembling outstretched hand, he grabbed the burning silence in Chu Tian's hand, and then glanced at Baili Tusu lying on one side. During the fierce battle, the real person of Yinyin threw him on the floor.

Ziyin gasped for a while, and said, "Chu Emperor, Could Emperor Chu tell me, why?"

"Tu Su? I didn't say that, just play around, there is nothing fussing about." Chu Tian looked at Ziyin and said casually.

Ziyin spit blood and continued: "Then, what about the people who attacked outside? The method of the Chu emperor was much smarter than I expected. These people came to attack, and I must have expected it earlier, why ... why are you so slow Hands on? Now the disciples are fighting in blood, aren't they ... this is also the Emperor Chu's ... playing? "

The vacated left hand scratched his head, Chu Tian thought for a long time, and said: "Oh, how can I say, you can't understand it anyway. You know, everything in the whole world can operate according to my will, everything exists It exists because of my will, and the operation of the law depends on my personal attitude.-Then follow this line of thought, why do you, Ziyin, him, Tu Su exist? Why can you live to the present? "

Ziyin froze, not knowing what Chu Tian said.

Chu Tian chuckled and said, "I haven't directly manipulated the cause and effect of your destiny, and I'm kind. It's you who doesn't necessarily have to do me well! Well! With all that said, you can go. Relax. , I won't pit you in my next life ... "

The blazing sword in his hand shone brightly.

Haruyuki and the two are almost over. If they are slower than them, they will be teased again, but they will get faster. After the Sword of Burning Silence stabbed a few inches, it suddenly stagnate.

Chu Tian looked at the dying Ziyin and said, "You still have strength?"

Ziyin didn't listen.

A layer of blood smeared on the burning silence, and the burning silence suddenly rioted. Breath of breath, everywhere! Ziyin grabbed Chu Tian's burning silence with both hands: "Tu Su !! I can help you, and that's it!"

Evil air spewed out, rushing into Tu Su's body in the distance. In the sea of ​​knowledge of Baili Tusu, a violent earthquake swayed, and Chu Tian felt that he had left a hypnotic prohibition of Taoism, and gradually disappeared gradually in the roar of shame ...

Using the evil spirit of burning silence, arousing Tu Su's tyrannical emotions and turning away from Chu Tian's control!

Boom! ! ! !

A sound in the sea of ​​knowledge!

Tu Su wakes up!

"Okay! What an exquisite trick! Using human tyranny and innocence, inside and outside, to break my ban, good, good, really good! I didn't expect you to have this trick!"

This is the first time Chu Tian has praised a person like this for the past 100 years.

Although Ziyin is a defeated man, his strength is still far from the same. However, one thing is one thing, and the talent of Ziyin is admired by Chu Tian! Chu Tian thought that Tu Su and Ouyang Shao Gong would kill each other, but they were actually destroyed!

So, how to play next ...


When controlling Tu Su, Chu Tianmu had the power of laws.

So there is still the possibility of unraveling.

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