Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 11 Chapter 89: Ouyang Shao Gong's opportunity (Supplement 6)

The strength in Chu Tian's hands increased again by a few points.

On the sword of burning silence, the red dazzling blood aura breathed up again. The hands of real man Ziyin can no longer block the edge of Burning Sword, and the scorching breath sways away!

寧 啦 ——!

The dazzling light with the breath of burning everything, the powerful sigh came from all directions, the space was twisted and changed under a sword, and the sights were all messy. Under the violent sword spirit, the real person of Ziyin gradually turned into ashes. Even the clothes corner is not left ...


A sad voice came.

Tu Su on the ground gave a terrible roar.

No one knows whether Master Master Chu Tian shouted or Ziyin who shouted. But looking at the demeanor of Baili Tusu, it is undoubtedly extremely sad for the death of Ziyin.

Baili Tusu has been out of Chu Tian's control, and now Baili Tusu has restored its original wisdom.

"you you you!!!"

The body of Tu Li in Baili was criss-crossed. At a heavy pace, he walked towards Chu Tian.

Waking up from Chu Tian's control, Baili Tusu's actions on Chu Tian are clear. Controlling his humiliation like that, and even letting him deal with the real people of Ziyin, Baili Tusu has already been murderous for Chu Tian.

Must kill!

Must be killed!

Crimson colors occupy the pupils of Baili Tusu.

The violent evil spirit lifted the atmosphere of Tu Su in Paris again and again. Without looking at Chu Tian, ​​Baili Tu Su raised his fist and waved towards Chu Tian!

"Go to **** !!!"

The violent power surged in the fist of Baili Tusu.

The power of this punch is already comparable to many powerful immortals in the world. However, compared with the attack of Ziyin real person and Ouyang Shao Gong, it is still much worse.

Baili Tusu, like a flash of lightning, rushed towards Chu Tian. The fist with a scorching breath twitched towards Chu Tian's face. Chu Tian did not rush, but opened his palm.

Boom! !

The circle of Tu Li in Baili was easily blocked by Chu Tian.


Chu Tian lifted his feet and kicked out, striking Baili Tusu against the thick studs in the distance, and sprayed a red blood. Baili Tu Suhun was awkward, his whole body seemed to fall apart.

"The power is wrong, the posture is wrong, and even the enemy's weaknesses are not known. Just attacking in such a random way, don't you worry that your body will suddenly lose a part?"

Chu Tian looked at the opposite protagonist calmly and started a joke.

Today's Baili Tusu fights the same way as ordinary scoundrels. The only trick is to use a set of basic swordsmanship in Tianyong City.

"—But, courage is commendable! Come on, can let me take a step back, even if you win, how? Resurrect your master, resurrect anyone who died, and even let you completely get rid of the pain of burning the spirit, It ’s not a problem. Are you interested in giving it a try? "

Chu Tian walked forward, his sword intention slowly coming out.

The whole hall was trembling under the spirit of Chu Tian. Chu Tian was so happy today with so many people. Jian Yi, with the mood swings, emits a trace. However, even such a trace is enough to shock other monks!

"Just kill you!"

Baili Tusu climbed up from the ground again!

Baili Tusu's only thought now is to kill Chu Tian. The sanity has been extremely chaotic, and the whole person will be completely occupied by the Silent Sword Spirit.

The only thing that can allow Baili Tusu to have a simple thinking ability is hatred of Chu Tian.

The **** fist seemed to feel no pain. Baili Tusu threw a fist again, bursting with violent force from his body. The Sword of Burning Silence in Chu Tian's hand also seemed to have a sense of radiance.

A raging atmosphere swept through the hall, and Baili Tusu rushed to Chu Tian again.

"It still doesn't work, it's all flaws." Chu Tian commented seriously, reaching out and blocking the front.


Baili Tusu's punch hit Chu Tian's palm, and the loud thunder burst. The whole arm was in pain, as if ten thousand ants were biting. The clothes on the right arm of Baili Tusu, one inch after another, exploded.

The bones seem to be broken!

Chu Tian's palm twisted gently.

The fist of Baili Tusu was completely smashed. Then the whole person was driven by Chu Tian's twist with one arm. After twirling 360 degrees in the air, Tu Li was thrown away by Chu Angel!

Boom Boom Boom ————

Boom Boom Boom ————

Baili Tusu dragged all the way down the floor, and a huge ditch appeared on the ground. Gully, Baili Tusu's grievances were even stronger, but Chu Tian's random dumping could not be stopped.

With a bang, they collided with Shao Gong Ouyang.



The two spit out blood.

Chu Tian shook his head silently, looking at the two people on the opposite side. In fact, I didn't really plan to kill the two so early, but since they were delivered to the door, then I will solve it by the way.

Anyway, it's almost the same.

Gently caressing. Touching the burning silence in his hand, as a fierce sword, in Chu Tian's eyes, it was not enough. However, it can also be used for a while.

Everything rises due to the silence, then kill you with the silence. Gee.

Chu Tian reached out and threw a sword!

A violent sword swiftly crossed an arc, the fire and hot light shone, and the hall was dyed blood red. The power thrown by Chu Tian can be imagined!

At this moment, Ouyang Shao Gong suddenly moved.

Pulling over Baili Tusu in front of him, Burning Sword pierced into Baili Tusu's body, blocking the fatal blow for Ouyang Shao Gong.

Ouyang Shao Gong's face showed an excited light!

"It's now!"

Yuheng fragments fly out!

Ouyang Shao Gong's soul, there was a strong wave, grabbing Bai Li Tu Su's body, it seems to be doing something terrible! The burning sword spirit in Tu Su's body, and the burning sword sent a fierce trembling!

"The Spirit of Crossing the Soul?" Chu Tian said to himself as he looked at the scene in front of him.

Standing in the hall, Chu Tian did not stop Ouyang Shao Gong, but just wanted to see which fusion of the souls of the two will be the final victory.

And Chu Tian really wants to know, where Ouyang Shao Gong's goods come from, he is so emboldened that your two bodies are full of holes, even if the soul is complete, it can't be defeated ...


The next chapter is scheduled for 6pm.

Well, there are still three time points, 6, 18, 22, timing.

Save everyone, wait ~

(The dormitory is a bit noisy, Nima, I feel that the night owl is in better condition, quiet at night ,,,)

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