Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 11 Chapter 99: Take it easy (3)

"Asshole !! Kill, kill, kill them for me !!!"

When Lei Yan heard Fu Hui's words, he turned black with anger!

After taking the medicine made by Yu Heng, it really increased its strength. But correspondingly, it will also become unhuman and demon, extremely ugly. Suddenly the strength rises, how can there be no side effects!

Moreover, although Li Panan is also a famous doctor, it is still a bit worse than Ouyang Shaojiong! As a result, Lei Yan's appearance is a bit uglier than after taking the Elixir in the original book ...

Ugly, has always been Lei Yan's most taboo!

"Kill me kill them all!"

Lei Yan shouted again.

All the people in Fanyunzhai, as well as the old part of the small jade altar summoned by Lei Yan, were all killed in the direction of Chu Tian. After taking the immortal medicine refined by Yuheng, the strength of everyone has greatly increased and the speed is extremely fast!

Lei Yan, Li Ergou and Fang Lansheng looked at each other and moved the target to Chu Tian.

Li Ergou is the owner of Fanyunzhai Village, and his original strength is very strong. Needless to say, Fang Lansheng has been in the robber heap since he was young.

The three are the most powerful in the entire anti-thief legion.

After taking the Elixir, it became stronger!


Lei Yan's words fell, and the three of them rushed to Chu Tian in the distance like lightning.

And Chutian now--

"Then, let me play with you the miscellaneous stuff. Ru Qin, Yue Yan, you haven't practiced for long, just play it. If you're tired, just rest in the sedan chair, anyway, it's a small role.

Chu Tian was not in a hurry, and said to several women.

"Brother, rest assured!"

"Master, I will protect the two sisters!"

"Your Majesty, come back quickly, we are still waiting for a spring tour."


Where is Chu Tian fighting with people?

It's like playing!

Before Chu Tian even left, he did not forget to touch the faces of the beauties and make fun of it. The thunder came from afar, and his face was black!

Does it make sense!

Too despise people!

Above Lei Yan's body, violent forces surged, the surrounding wind raged, and thunder roared. Although Li Ergou is not in a hurry, Ouyang Shaojiong, but the Pills of Medicine are made by him with all his strength. The power of Lei Yan can be imagined!

The whole sky was covered by gray clouds and mist, Lei Yan's hair fluttered in the air in a mess, red eyes were scattered in his eyes, terrible!

"Huang Chu, don't be arrogant, you can only now--"


Before Lei Yan finished his words, Chu Tian suddenly turned his head and spit out the chewing brown sugar!

The brown sugar is divided into three, and it is transformed into three small brown sugar, which rushes across the air, even rubbing in the air, and makes a hula sound.




Three explosions, three brown sugar hit Lei Yan three people. After meeting the little brown sugar, the three powerful men suddenly disappeared!

The powerful force radiated from the brown sugar and reached the limbs. The body of the three Leiyan was painful, and a mouthful of blood could not help but sprayed out, and the body was retreating quickly, faster than they rushed to Chutian earlier. Ten times!

Boom Boom Boom ————

After a few loud sounds, the three were covered in a mess of rocks ...

This is just a brown sugar!

There was already cowardice in the hearts of the three ...

"Bah! Lao Tzu talks with the beauty, it's your turn to intervene?" Chu Tianniu said coquettishly. After a few words with several daughters, it slowly left.

Several women took out their weapons and started their "warm-up exercise" ...

Chu Tian's body flickered and came to the front of the chaotic pile.

The strengthened bodies of the three are not so easy to die. Chu Tian stretched his hands slowly, and a quaint and long sword appeared in his hands. The sword body is simple and natural, and the breath of killing and killing comes out from above.

"Come on, come up with all your strength, I know your strength is not only that. If you can make me happy, there are rewards. Not kidding, there are rewards."

Chu Tianfu touched the sword and smiled.

Among the turbulent rocks, after a few rumbling noises, Lei Yan and the three of them drilled out in embarrassment and looked at Chu Tian cautiously. A brown sugar hit three people, this power is bigger than the three people imagined.

The three looked at Chu Tian cautiously.

It seems that even the action is a bit slow.

"What should I do? It is stronger than expected!"

"What else can I do, go!"

"But what if I lose?"

"You should think, if you win, this world is ours!"

After taking three medicines, the guy who became a little mentally disturbed again gathered courage and looked at Chu Tian. The power of violent rushes out of the body again!


Li Ergou shouted.

The body gets bigger, bigger, bigger and bigger.

In a short moment, Li Ergou grew to more than 30 meters high! If the appearance is decorated, it can be comparable to Ultraman!

Li Ergou laughed in the sky, and the feeling of strength in his whole body made Li Ergou very excited. Appearance problem? I used to be troubled by this, but now this force makes him completely indifferent!

"Power, this is power !!"

Fang Lansheng also shouted excitedly.

A violent force poured out from Fang Lansheng. Fang Lansheng's speed increased several times in an instant. His body crossed an invisible arc and attacked Chu Tian quickly!

And, Lei Yan!

Lei Yan actually demonized directly and became a monster!

Downright monster!

The desire for power, the desire for power, plus the body transformed by alchemy. Lei Yan, now, with a terrifying look, can no longer be seen as an individual! The powerful demon spirit even rolled up a tornado and rolled away!

Three people, three directions, attack Chu Tian!

"That's enough to see."

The long sword in Chu Tian's hand gently stroked.


Well, Li Ergou, everyone should remember,

Many plots are not very well designed. Chu Tian is here. Qin Chuan ’s law and order is swollen. May there be flower thieves?

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