Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 11 Chapter 100: Easy two (4)

A faint light shone on Chu Tian's blade.

The shallow arcs spread from circle to circle in Chu Tian's side, becoming larger and larger.

The messy cottage suddenly became quiet at this moment, and there was no sound at all. This is a very weird atmosphere, a creepy mood.

Obviously many people are still yelling and desperately attacking. The three of Lei Yan and Fang Lansheng are like a rainbow, and the huge power has even changed the surrounding celestial phenomena, shaking the mountain and terrifying! Various scenes should make people feel very confused, very noisy.

But Chu Tian's sword swung open, and all the chaos was gone.

Even everything in the world gradually faded out of everyone's vision. In this world, it seems that only this sword remains.

A sword eclipsed by everything!




The trees were cut together, the rocks were cut together, and even the mountain where the entire Fanyun Village was located was cut with a sharp rift. The huge mountain range was divided into two, and the smooth cut surface made the upper part quickly follow the slope. Slide down.

The mountains were cut like tofu.


There was a loud noise.

The huge mountain fell down, leaving only the other half, which was flat and smooth, and the top was as smooth as a mirror.

At this moment, Li Ergou suddenly lowered his head and looked at his legs.

I just didn't find it. After Chu Tian's sword was stabbed, Li Ergou realized that his legs had been cut off by Chu Tian! A thin blood stain on the leg exuded a faint red.

The traces looked very thin, but Li Ergou felt it, his flesh and bones were all cut by this sword. Even after Jian Qi cut his legs, he cut off many things behind Li Panan ...

He actually knew it now.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ...

Li Ergou screamed loudly.

The pain suddenly rushed up at this time, making his nerves unbearable. With his huge figure, he became the easiest target for Chu Tian to hit. Tried a sword at will, and cut off the leg of Li Ergou.

Li Ergou was just about to step away from it.

That's right, I'm huge. If I run away, it should be okay.


Even, when he just had this idea--


Chu Tian did not know when he appeared in front of Li Ergou and stood in the air above the place above Li Ergou ’s head. Deep in Chu Tian's thumb and index finger, he pointed to Li Panan's heart.

With a sound imitating a pistol firing, he smiled and said, "Boom!"

A huge hole appeared in Li Panan's chest, and Li Panan's heart was completely destroyed. Li Ergou didn't understand how Chu Tian did it until he died.

Afterwards, Jianguang, which could not be captured by the naked eye, was overwhelming. Li Ergou was in the package of Jianguang.

Fly to smoke ...

"This, this, this sword is !!!!!! Ancestral Sword !!!"

Lei Yan roared suddenly in the distance.

Chu Tian didn't use much power, Lei Yan felt it. It ’s just a faint aura that is comparable to people who have just practiced. It has caused such great power that it is hard to imagine!

Well, the problem lies with this sword!

Lei Yan has seen the power of the Burning Sword. Those who can surpass the Sword of Burning Silence, I am afraid that there is only the legendary first soldier of the world, the ancestor sword!

At this time, Lei Yan suddenly realized: Chu Tian, ​​but defeated Chi You!

In the ancient world, Chu Tian, ​​with his bare hands, defeated Chiyou, who held the ancestor sword! At that time, the ancient humans were bloodthirsty and belligerent. Kobe is much stronger now! Chiyou is even more of a demon in the devil, and it is said that one person can block a thousand soldiers! Chu Tian defeated Chiyou holding the ancestor sword!

"Fang Lansheng, hurry! Before he used the ancestor sword, kill him !!"

"Once let him move again, we will have no chance !!! Hurry !!!"

Lei Yan shouted, and he did not relax.

Lei Yan's ambition has never been extinguished. Even at this moment, I still wanted to kill Chu Tian and replace it.

The desire for power. Crazy!

"Ha! Yuheng, I still have Yuheng !!!"

Lei Yan tossed Yu Heng up and down, one after another the tricks came out one after another.

When Yuheng's method of use was controlled by Ouyang Shaogong, Lei Yan saw that Ouyang Shaogong had used it. Those memories of being controlled have been kept in mind one by one. Coupled with some of the information collected by Lei Yan himself, Yu Heng's control is already perfect.

The ancient artifact Yuheng is far more powerful than ordinary magic weapons.

The entire aura of a hundred miles was rioted under the influence of Yu Heng. The violent aura formed a strong whirlwind, with Leiyan as the center, spinning rapidly.

Such a huge amount of Reiki, in just a moment, all flow towards Yu Heng!

Yuheng's ability: attracting spirits, attracting spirits!

Then, using Yuheng as a medium, he quickly entered Lei Yan's body!

In an instant, Lei Yan's blood vessels burst and bones creaked. After the huge power was forcibly infused, it almost exploded, but at the same time, Lei Yan's power also gained explosive growth.

Doing everything, Lei Yan ’s strength is concentrated in the right fist, and he blasts towards Chu Tian——

"Boom !!!"

The air exploded.

The ground cracked.

Under the tremendous power, the entire mountain range was shaking. Leiyan Qiqiao bleeds, but his eyes are full of excitement! Such a powerful force, as long as he can kill Chu Tian, ​​then he is the new king! !


Fang Lansheng, also at the same moment, reached the other side of Chu Tian, ​​pulled out his sword and attacked! The Yuheng Dan medicine taken by Fang Lansheng is a type of growth rate, and it can also be close to Chu Tian at the same time as Lei Yan.

The two cooperated to make the strongest attack.

Chu Tian smiled.

The long sword shook.


Lei Yan and Fang Lansheng clearly watched Chu Tian's every move, but the track of Chu Tian's sword disappeared in an instant, and no one could catch it!

The sword suddenly disappeared!

When the two reacted, they discovered that Chu Tian's sword had been inserted in Fang Lansheng's forehead. Fang Lansheng's eyes widened. I'm afraid he felt stabbed after feeling the pain. Or, even the pain is forgotten, and there is no response at all.

A ray of light exploded, and the whole person of Fang Lansheng was twisted into powder under the violent sword gas. The person who was still full of vigour and enthusiasm just disappeared in a blink of an eye. Even the blood evaporated in the violent sword spirit ...

Lei Yan froze.

A little fear in my heart, I even regret it!

When he recovered, Lei Yan suddenly discovered that his fist had been gripped by Chu Tian. Chu Tian took his fist with all his strength with ease.

Can't enter, can't get back. Chu Tian's seemingly calm hand contains endless power, and Lei Yan broke out with all his strength, and could not move at all.

"Fuck, bastard--" Lei Yan struggled desperately.

"It's useless to call." Chu Tian curled his lips and clenched his fingers tightly. With a snap, Lei Yan's iron fist broke! Chu Tian then reached out and gently pushed, Lei Yan's body suddenly retreated like a missile.

And Yu Heng didn't know when it was in Chu Tian's hands.

"Also, Yuheng, but it wasn't what you just used."

Chu Tian smiled, and Yu Heng slowly floated in front of him. Lei Yan only discovered at this time that Chu Tian's strength was countless times higher than he thought. Lei Yan found that from the beginning to the present, Chu Tian couldn't see through every movement ...

Their sapphire altar actually wanted to fight against Chu Tian, ​​really, the biggest mistake ...

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