Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 12 Chapter 32: Memories of Echizen Minjiro (Supplement 1)

"... Chu Tian went on like this at that time, the ball speed, the angle, and the unpredictable trajectory ... Ryoma didn't have time to react at all! Uh, but it's the same if I change it ..."

"There is the last ball, Chutian ’s three-style pitball second-style. Compared with the first-style, this style is so that you ca n’t receive it. At that time, I really wanted to see that the space was compressed ... No, I am Seriously! I really saw the space compressed, otherwise, how could a big ball pass through a small hole! "

"In the big game, we will definitely meet Chu Tian's team. I don't know if we can win ..."


At the corner of the tennis court, Dashi is talking to several people about what happened last night.

Even though there weren't many words, Dashi became nagging. In addition to the excessive physical exertion yesterday, the Echizen Ryoma, who was still sleeping, and the selection of young scholars, including Tezuka, were listening carefully to Dashi's explanation.

In the original book, Dashi saw Ryoma and Tezuka competing and did not say it.

However, it is different now. The game was so shocking that Ryoma didn't get a point, but didn't receive a goal! In front of Chu Tian, ​​like a primary school student who can't play tennis, he was completely crushed! so horrible! ! If you don't say it, Dashi's chest seems to hold her breath.

The more important reason is that they are all contests.

In both competitions, the two sides will play against each other. Chu Tian will not give up because of Tezuka's injury and feel that the game is boring. This time, I am afraid I will go all out! Originally, I always wanted to pull Chu Tian into the tennis club. I thought about Chu Tian's strength, but I never expected that Chu Tian would be so strong!

If in both competitions, the two teams encounter prematurely and they fail, then they will lose the qualification to participate in the Kanto Competition!

Have to be careful! !

After a long silence.

Tezuka was the first to respond, pushed his glasses, and said solemnly: "My injury has been healed. Chu Tian is the number one single. I will deal with it. You can do your own training. Go all out, No regrets!"

"Yes! Captain !!!"

Gan Zhenzhi took a glass of "specially made vegetable juice" and began the inhuman training of the Youth Department of Tennis ...


And now.

Ryoma's home.

The dragon horse that just woke up was still immersed in the game yesterday. The body is still sore, which is a sequelae caused by huge consumption in a short time.

But the status of Ryoma is better than ever! Must be full of fighting spirit! !

Missed a goal.

Failed to hit a ball back! !

Except for Echizen Minjiro, no one has ever put such a big pressure on Ryoma. For the first time in his life, Echizen Ryoma had a strong desire to win and defeat the enemy! After waking up, Echizen Ryoma took the initiative to pick up the racket and walked out the door quickly.

"Dad, come with me for a game!"

"Yo! Your kid, today I asked to play tennis. Haha, did you finally realize that I am strong? ... Hey, kid, look good!"

Echizen Minjiro was puzzled. Who is it that inspired Ryoma to this point?

This strong desire to win is just like the fanatic emotion after he was defeated by Chu Tian. Desperately, abandon all attachments!

This strong desire to win will only come out after an unimaginable and disastrous defeat!

Qingxue, it seems that there are great young people! Echizen Minajiro picked up the racket and walked to the field outside ... a fierce duel between father and son, and again ...

Boom! ! !

"Huh ... Huh ... Dad, you ... Didn't you say that you were defeated once? How about that opponent? ... Huh ... Huh ..."

Ten minutes later, Ryoma asked, lying on the ground, panting heavily.

Yesterday's fiasco suddenly reminded Ryoma of some things that Echizen Minjiro had revealed before. This dad, it seems too pale before ...

Echizen Minjiro opened his eyes and said, "Well? You actually care about this. The opponent, hey, I don't know if I can meet again. After that game, he went to Europe to accompany his wife. I have heard his news in the tennis world. Everyone said that I am a talented tennis player. In fact, compared with him, nothing is ... "

Echizen Minajiro's voice gradually fell into memory.

That year, Los Angeles.

That was the most tragic failure in his life! So far, every ball, every score, every sentence, he remembers!

After a long silence, Minjiro continued:

"--He never plays tennis, never trains, and even for tennis, there is no such persistent pursuit, I can feel it. He is nothing to wander around, it looks like he is having fun. Tennis seems to be playing on a whim . Is there really such a genius in the world? I am afraid no one will believe it. But this is the case. There is a genius in this world. Even without any training, it can become an excellent tennis player ... "

"... I ... didn't even receive a ball."

The voice of Echizen Minajiro fell, and Ryoma suddenly shocked!

Actually like him!

Did not receive a goal!

Ryoma could not understand more clearly the strength of Echizen Minajiro. Such Echizen Nanjiro actually lost to the mysterious Eastern master! In the end, what a strong person!

"Haha! But, Ryoma, don't underestimate your dad. All these years, I have been looking for him, and I want to compare with him again. Use me ... new skills!"

Echizen Minjiro seemed to be too embarrassed, and after saying such a thing, he quickly added another sentence!

Although, well, this skill was not created by him, but how can I say that I understand it. If there is this, Echizen Minjiro thinks that he will definitely win.

——That, the relic of the day of [Shen Lin].

Among the world's tennis, the most taboo and noble topics ...

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