Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 12 Chapter 33: Sakura's Selfless Realm

After a few days, the match table of the big competition finally came out.

The Youth Tennis Club and Chu Tian ’s Beauty Tennis Club will only meet in the finals if nothing goes wrong. When they saw this list, everyone in the Youth Department of Tennis could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Even Tezuka has finally relieved a lot of pressure.

Fortunately. In this way, both teams can enter the Kanto contest regardless of winning or losing. This year's youth school, no matter what, will be the most brilliant one!

at the same time.

As the big competitions approached, the tennis departments of various schools began intense and intense training. Everyone in the tennis department of the Qingxue team dragged their tired bodies and walked home almost every day. Chu Tian's pressure on everyone is too great ...

And, other schools that have heard of the combat power of Chu Tian ’s Beauty Tennis Club are also intensively training. Some interested people took pictures of Chu Tian's team game and were taken by major schools to observe. The Chutian Tennis Department's outrageously strong fighting power has made the big competition quiet before the start of the competition. All schools, without exception ...


The Second Tennis Department of Youth Academy.

In the empty tennis court, Chu Tian is holding a racket and teaching Ryugasaki Sakuno how to serve.

Touch. Touch your small hand, rub your face. The little girl naively thought that Chu Tian did it unintentionally. Let Chu Tian hold her hands and correct her movements again and again ...

Chu Tian is dead!

Ryugasaki Sakuno is also the biggest beauty in the Prince of Tennis world. Chu Tianke had to develop a lot in the era of Lori to make her grow up more perfect ...

"Sakura, lower your arms a little bit, yes, come, and feel the atmosphere again ..."

"[Selfless Realm] requires huge experience before it can be opened. After all, this is the subconscious use and accumulation of experience. But if you know all the principles, it is not impossible to learn in a short time. Besides, I will help you develop After 100% of the brain area, it ’s not difficult to understand these ... "

"Come on again, remember to control the power in your body and change it to release, so that you will not be too weak early, yeah, yes, just like this, do you find it fun ..."


If an outsider sees all this, I am afraid that he will faint on the spot!

Ryugasaki Sakuno, under the guidance of Chu Tian, ​​actually entered the realm of [No Me]!

A faint light radiated from Ryugasaki Seno's body. There is even a kind of intelligence that seems to see through everything, making people feel that everything can't escape control!

One by one tennis balls, under the attack of Ryugasaki Sakuno, slowly flew up, and then accurately hit one target after another. All in all, as if through countless calculations.

——Not only the egoless realm, but also the second door to the egoless realm after deepening, [the ultimate in brilliance]!

Ryugasaki Sakura is in the brain at the moment, and everything he sees is simulated in depth and countless times. The ball finally hit is exactly the same as the result calculated in my mind!

The ultimate in everything!

The ultimate in talent!

Extremely seamless!

The triple gate without the realm, many top tennis players, can't learn in their lifetime! But Ryugasaki Sakuno, but it took a few days to fully grasp!

"--Tiange, let Sakura take a break. Without the consumption of the self-realm, it is too big for girls."

Nightshade smiled sweetly and handed over a cup of warm milk tea.

The entire tennis court, there are three people.

Ying Nai's shy personality, if Chu Tian embraces and hugs under the large crowd, it is estimated that he is ashamed to see people. And no matter how the realm of selflessness is also the high-end stuff of the Prince of Tennis World, you have to keep it secret.

"Well, that's right. Sakura Noi, I'll send you back. Remember, rest early after going back." Chu Tian smiled at Ryuzaki Sakura no Dao.

"Thanks, thank you seniors!" Ryugasaki Sakuno was blushing and whispered.

"You're welcome, it's okay to help the school girl. Also, the little secret between us must be kept secret!"

"Senior, I, I will! This is, this is the secret between us!" Sakura Ryugasaki said blushing.

Chu Tian smiled, stretched his hand gently, and the atmosphere of the law was swayed, and he sent the Ryuzaki Sakura directly to the bedroom of the Ryuzaki family, Ryuzaki Sakura ...

Ryuzaki Sakura did not show a surprised expression from beginning to end. Instead, there is a kind of girl-only, joy and joy!

Chu Tian relied on this "secret between two people" strategy, the countless girls who were on the move were at ease!

"Well! Good tea! I said Xiaokui, your craft is really getting better!"

Chu Tian smiled and took a sip.

No one was around, Chu Tian grabbed the nightshade, hugged it in his arms, and tasted the fragrant lips of the nightshade carefully. After spending the warm milk tea, the tongues of the two were wrapped around. Soon, the nightshade fell into Chu Tian's arms ...

"God ... brother ... you used it before, was it the law?"

After a long time, Long Kui fell in Chu Tian's arms, Xiang Khan said drippingly. Chu Tian's big hand, I don't know when, got into the nightshade of the nightshade, playing with two big water, tender and juicy white rabbits.

"Well, yes, it is the law. Everything in the world is the embodiment of the law. One table and one table influence each other. Everything in" The Prince of Tennis ", including ball skills, is nothing more than an embodiment of the law."

"The imprint of the laws involving the selfless realm, staying in the depths of Ying Nai's soul to help her understand. Gee, suddenly thought of it not long ago, is it powerful?"

Chu Tian looked at Longkui, proudly.

"Brother Tian is the most powerful! Giggle, if someone else knows, I'm afraid he will be alive and dead. Sakura has mastered it for a total of three days.-By the way, brother, there is one more thing, how do you plan to arrange this doubles What? Many sisters want to participate, Ge Wei and Kikyo, Xi Yao and Xue Jian, Ling'er and Anu ... "

Chu Tian sweats!

Nima, this is really a problem. After reading the manga, all the girls wanted to come and fight, and abuse the characters in the original book. But I am still going to pretend to be forced, this time it will be grabbed the limelight again ...

"Well, Xiaokui, do you think this works? We still have a big sleep together. Your sisters will go together. In the end, whoever insists for a long time will let anyone go, hey, how?"



I couldn't bear it anymore. After two chapters, I couldn't eat my eyes. (Ah, my eyes are always very dry ...)

Go to the hospital tomorrow to see if there are high-end atmospheric eye drops ~

It ’s just 2 chapters today, it ’s still so slow, sorry,

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