Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 12 Chapter 34: Metropolitan Competition, Yamabuki Middle School (1/2)

Two days later, the big competition finally started.

Tennis teams from nearly 100 schools, through the selection process, will eventually qualify for the top eight. After the Kanto Competition, it was the National Competition.

Youth Academy Tennis Department, Youth Academy Second Tennis Department, as well as Yamabuki Middle School, Yinhua Middle School, Fudofeng Middle School, etc., are all favorites to win this tournament.

As everyone expected, Chu Tian's beautiful tennis team, unstoppable all the way, reached the top 32 with a horrible score of 10 minutes on average! Top 16! Top 8! …

An incredible record!

Doubles all give up!

Singles 6: 0 completely crushed!

When it comes to Chu Tian ’s women ’s tennis club, everyone no longer regards this team as a woman. Where is the gentleness of a woman, so cruel! I do n’t know how many young people with ideals, under Chu Tian ’s beautiful army, completely lost their confidence and hope. This is no longer a game, this is a unilateral devastation!

——They do n’t understand at all, and after reading the original book, the kind of cheerful mood of the characters in the tyranny. The members of Chu Tian ’s harem, but rushed to compete in the competition!


A competition venue in the big competition.

People are crowded and lively.

In addition to the finals, the most important competition in the Metropolis competition will start today. From Yamabuki Middle School, play against Chu Tian's beauty team.


"This game is played by the Second Tennis Department of Youth Academy, against the Tennis Department of Yamabuki Middle School! In the first doubles, members of both parties are invited to play!"

The referee's voice echoed in the square.

The referee of Yamabuki Middle School, accompanied by an old man, is holding his chin in both hands, contemplating.

He is a very good coach, leading Yamabuki High School to win many championships. Even Echizen Nanjiro ’s youth club of that year lost in his hands!

The best strategy of the team has been exerted, and the strategy of accompanying the old has always been unique!

However, when he met Chu Tian's tennis team, his partner was silent. Without him, the strength of this team has exceeded the expected range of the old man. By strategy, it has been impossible to win! The old man has watched several games of Chutian, it is not the level of junior high school students, to some extent, I am afraid that it has reached the level of professional tennis!

Not a grade at all!

The winning rate of Yamabuki High School is very, very slim!

After a long silence, the companion nodded and said: "The only hope is that it is Akujin. Three singles, as long as you win one, our Yamabuki Middle School won. Yes, this is also The only hope ... "

The old man looked at the bad boy in the distance, Akujin.

In order to save time, Chu Tian gave up doubles directly, that is to say, a singles won a game, Yamabuki Middle School and won! Whether Akuzu can win will directly determine the outcome of this game ...

"Akutsu, are you sure?" The old man asked with a smile.

"Old man, are you talking to me? Be gentle! Also, I'm here to do my own thing, don't you want to order me!"

Yajiujin's fierce eyes stared at his companion, and then he looked at Chu Tian in the distance.

With his hands clenched tightly, Akujin's eyes looked forward to cutting Chu Tian into eight pieces and chopping them into meat sauce! Between the two, there seems to be some unsolvable hatred!

The old man is also confused. I do n’t know what hatred there is between Akujin and Chutian. But the look of fiercely wanting to kill the other party can't be wrong.

"Oh, young man, good fighting spirit."

With an old smile.

Yajiu Jin did not speak, and continued to look at Chu Tian in the distance, Chu Tian was surrounded by several beauties, and he was about to die. However, the more happy Chu Tian is, the more angry Agyujin is.

I wish I could go up immediately and give Chu Tian a punch!

But after all, Yakujin didn't step forward, and was a little scared in his anger. He seemed to have eaten Chu Tian's losses ...


the other side.

Chu Tian's stadium.

As a coach and minister, Chu Tian can give a lot of advice to the players. A beautiful woman was surrounded by Chu Tian. Chu Tian pointed from time to time, kneading and kneading to help the beauty eliminate fatigue.

"——Tiange! Let's play this time in doubles! Can't it, can't it! You can't just look at yourself and let me play. Tiange ~~~~"

Tang Xuejian looked very ladylike in a fashionable dress.

The pretty face and slim figure are like the beautiful scenery of Jiangnan Water Town, which makes people feel relaxed and happy. Whether it is temperament or appearance, it is a top-class lady category.

Of course, Yumi ’s flamboyant character ...

Chu Tiangan coughed twice and said, "Well, Xue Xue, are you sure that you won't suddenly make a big move and blow up the entire court? We came to" Prince of Tennis "for a vacation, not on the front page of the news. "

"Tien, rest assured, I have already practiced with Sister Xi Yao. This competition must be won perfectly!"

"Well ... well, for Xi Yao's sake, let you play." Chu Tian turned around and said to a woman exactly like Xue Jian. The woman and Xuejian generally fell to the country, but in terms of behavior, they undoubtedly got closer to the word "lady".

"Xiyao, please see Xuejian, don't let her go into trouble again ... Last time in the XXX world, the protagonist was directly destroyed, causing the plot to collapse, and finally no longer have to play-" Chu Tian smiled.

"Humph!" Xuejian snorted, his face flushed.

Xi Yao smiled softly and took Xue Jian's hand, saying, "Tiange rest assured, I will take care of Xue Jian."

"That's good. See you, remember--"

"Know ~~"

The two women nodded toward Chu Tian, ​​picked up their tennis rackets and walked towards the court.

Xuejian and Xiyao are not just all over the country.

It ’s all about Qingguo Qingcheng, it looks exactly the same!

Even the twins are not as similar as the two of them! Look, fat and thin, tall and short, everything is exactly the same.

The two had just walked onto the tennis court, and the surrounding spectators were silent for a moment. Everyone opened their eyes wide and looked at the two sisters.

Is there really such a similar person in the world?

Including the two opposite Shanbuki Middle School, they were instantly dull. Nima, twins, what is this, is this a visual interference strategy? Damn it, so shameful!

The two Yamabuki opponents couldn't help but secretly say that this Chutian is despicable, and actually used this kind of tactics of three indiscretions. Xuejian and Xiyao stood here in the coming year. During the game, it's too cheating!

"Sister Xi Yao!" Xuejian looked at Xi Yao.

"Well." Xi Yao smiled.

Suddenly a bizarre wave rose in the two women. The tennis racket was raised, and a wonderful connection was formed between the two. The old man sitting on the referee's seat couldn't help but widen his eyes.

This is ... homology!



Tang Xuejian: One of the three heroines of Immortal Sword, the fruit of the Divine Tree is lively and cheerful.

Xi Yao: Create the goddess of Xuejian



Sorry, today is two more changes.

Forehead, keratitis, not good. It's not a serious illness, but it's related to the eyes, affecting the code, and the dormitory is quite noisy. The brain is chaotic and annoying.

Let's resume the normal update tomorrow, 2 today.

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