Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 12 Chapter 45: Prologue of the Ministerial War (4/7)

The feeling of genius falling from the altar may only be felt by yourself.

Even though Fuji never put victory or defeat in mind, but at this time, facing the audience's finger pointing, Fuji's heart still produced a bitter taste.

I didn't care about the outcome before, because there was capital.

But now, what is the attitude of the 0: 6 fiasco? Fuji is not a **** after all, he is just a mortal.

Frustration surged in all directions!

Genius is unique and lost like never before!

Looking at the opposite indifferent Xun'er, Fujio barely squeezed out a smile, and did not expose his low mood to talk with his opponent. It was already the limit of Fujio.

"You're so powerful, my backstroke was instantly cracked by you, and it's worthy of being Chu Tian's girlfriend. Unfortunately, you haven't tried the brown bears, but you don't mind your strength ..."

Xun'er nodded indifferently, a look of joy and anger.

"Yes, neither."

Xun'er said lightly: "You are not allowed to catch the brown bear, because the smashing action is too inelegant for girls. Brother Tian watched there, and my game was still beautiful. "

After talking, Xun'er smiled sweetly, and seemed to be very satisfied with his elegant showdown. Yingying turned around, and Xuner ran briskly to Chu Tian in the distance ...

"Beautiful ... When she was in the game, she paid attention to the image ... She didn't put the game in her heart at all, and won me ... This kind of me is also worthy of being called a genius ... hehe ..."

In two weeks, the racket in the assistant fell to the ground!

The opponent is at ease from beginning to end, he actually lost like this, just lost like this ...

In two weeks, the help walked slowly, and walked without a soul.

Slowly walked back to the competition area of ​​Qingxue, just one goal was played back in the mind of both, and he was desperately looking for a way to crack it, sweating, dry mouth, dry, and careless Going on, just want to prove that I am not so weak ...


"Coach, he is the only one!"

"Fujio was defeated ..."

"Is it going to be okay? I won't think about it!"


Everyone in Qingxue looked nervously in the distance, and lost helplessly. Everyone had never seen it before, and everyone was extremely worried.

Coach Ryugasaki sighed and said: "This hurdle can only be overcome by yourself. The reputation of genius may not care, but such a fiasco is difficult to accept for the one who has always been talented Yes. You do n’t have to worry, it ’s just time. ”

Coach Ryugasaki looked at Chu Tian in the distance and paused, saying, "Maybe, this time I would like to thank Chu Tian. This time, the failure, perhaps, was the opportunity for his transformation."

Coach Ryugasaki's face was blank.

It seems to recall a lot of past events.

However, to say the genius, perhaps, the opposite Chu Tian is the biggest genius she has seen in her life. Even the former Echizen Minjiro was far behind ...

[The last match! From the second tennis department of the Youth Academy, Chu Tian confronts Tezuka of the tennis department of the Youth Academy, please prepare for them! ] Soon, the referee ’s voice came again, and the last game began!

Compared to the previous competition, this time, it is the real highlight!

Tezuka Guoguang has almost never shot, and his strength is said to be at the pinnacle of the entire Japanese high school. He was invited by the youth selection competition, but unfortunately he was rejected by his hand because of his arm!

Chu Tian, ​​needless to say, has always been killing opponents at 6: 0 seconds, while leading the powerful women ’s tennis club, the strength is unpredictable!

The duel between the two is undoubtedly the most intense!

Zhisha Zhi and Inoue, as well as other reporters who heard the news, have prepared cameras to record the game. This time the game is undoubtedly major news.

There were tennis students from some schools nearby, as well as coaches from other schools, who came to watch the match between the two.

The lively crowd just now also fell silent.

Hold your breath and look forward to this last competition.

This, the war of ministers!

"Senior! Come on !!"

As always, Ryugasaki Sakura handed over the towel and said to Chu Tian. Blushing, with a bit of admiration in shyness, he looked at Chu Tian with embarrassment.

"Chu Tian, ​​come on !!"

Zhi Shazhi prepared the camera and made a victory sign over Chu Tian, ​​congratulations.

"Brother Tian, ​​we will cheer for you! 6: 0, don't forget!"

Behind a large group of members of the harem, Chu Tiandao one after another.

Chu Tian responded to everyone one by one, and finally put on a handsome robe and walked to the front court. Tezuka was wearing a pair of glasses, holding a racket, and looked at Chu Tian seriously.

In those calm eyes, there was a fierce fighting.

Tezuka is also eager for this battle!

Just stretched out his hand, he was ready to shake hands with Chu Tian, ​​but Chu Tian threw up his robe, and hula la threw it into the sky at once, like a king.

With a snap, a thunderous loud noise was actually hit by Chu Tian's finger. Chu Tian looked at the audience and said lightly, "Chu Tian will win."

Endless confidence.

Endless majesty.

All the cheerleaders, seeing Chu Tian's handsome behavior, immediately boiled! This is their faith, His Royal Highness Chu Tian! !

Shout! Crazy cry!

The whole square is surrounded by the voice of Chu Tian's beautiful cheerleaders!

"Your Highness, you will win! Your Highness, you will win! Your Highness, you will win! ..."

"Your Highness Chu Tian is so handsome! Your Highness Chu Tian is so handsome! Your Highness Chu Tian is so handsome!"

"Senior, come on! Senior, come on! Senior, come on!"


Chu Tian enjoyed it for a long time, and then he reached out again, took the clothes that fell off, and draped it over him handsomely and smartly. This breathless action has won countless beauties of beauty.

Then pointing at the opposite Tezuka and jokingly said:

"Tezuka, you will lose."

The admirers of the cheerleaders also shouted enthusiastically in an instant.

For them, Chutian is everything! Chu Tian's words are always right!

"Tezuka, you will lose!"

"Tezuka, you will lose!"

"Tezuka, you will lose!"


Tezuka's face shrugged down in an instant.

I have been with Chu Tian for half a year, but Tezuka has not known that Chu Tian will do such a narcissistic thing. Usually in school, I don't particularly like the limelight!

The cry continued for nearly ten minutes, which ended with Chu Tian's signal.

"The show is over? Chu Tian, ​​you actually like this one too." Tezuka still sternly shook his face while shaking hands with Chu Tian, ​​remembering the man called Jibu.

"It's nothing. Just pretend. You won't understand my feelings." Chu Tian said with a smile. Chu Tian's so-called mood naturally refers to the mood of the traverser.

"If I remember correctly, this is our first fight."

"That's right. I'm totally not interested in you like that before."

The two briefly talked a few words, and then opened the distance and came to the back of their respective venues, ready to play.

The first ball was served by Tezuka.

The entire venue was silent again ...

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