Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 12 Chapter 46: Tezuka score (5/7)

The ball threw high.

Tezuka's face is more serious than ever.

Qingxue has lost four games in a row, and all have been defeated. As a minister, to restore morale is what Tezuka must do. As soon as the game started, Tezuka planned to go all out.

As a minister, this is his duty!

The ball fell slowly, and Tezuka's racket quickly swept across and slammed it up! There is no trace of unnecessary movements, neat and clean, which exerts the power of the whole body!


Tennis quickly flew towards Chu Tian's manufacturer!

From Chu Tian's left hand side, he moved forward quickly, turned into a yellow light, and smashed to the ground, then quickly jumped and rushed towards the distance!

"Not bad."

Chu Tian praised rare.

It is interesting to compete with Tezuka in this heyday. I didn't find Tezuka before, but it was because that kind of Tezuka couldn't be like Chu Tian's eyes.

Bend your legs slightly.

Chu Tian bounced in an instant, the speed is amazing, the explosive power is almost beyond the people's cognition! Chu Tian quickly came to the front of the ball at an incredible angle, raised the racket and waved!

Boom! ! ! ! !

Under a strong collision, the net caught flying fast, along the curved line, a sharp arc, and went straight to the opposite line!

This is Snake Ball!

And, the snake ball is more violent, faster and more unpredictable than Begonia's snake ball!


Tezuka refused in a single step, caught up in just a moment, caught Chu Tian's ball, and hit back quickly! The yellow light shines, approaching the bottom line!

"Give it to you!"

Chu Tian hit the ball again!

The ball was very low, and it just hit the middle block. After the sound of "Bang", it just crossed and fell towards the field of Tezuka!

For other people, in this situation of touching the tennis ball, I have given up, but Tezuka has caught up with the extreme with his extraordinary explosive power and skills!


Tennis was picked up by Tezuka, jumped, and hit Chutian!

"Wait for this time!"

Chu Tian surfed the Internet, jumped high, raised the racket and waved hard!



The bursting loud noise swayed on the field!

Chu Tian's goal is even stronger than the volatility of the immovable peak countless times! The powerful force is already inhuman. All the youth players can't help but stand up!

Boom! ! ! !

Tezuka is in a desperate situation and has caught up!

Bright rays of light shone on Tezuka's body. Tezuka entered a wonderful state in an instant, all the power concentrated on the left hand, amazingly strong!

This is the second layer of the selfless realm—

[The ultimate in everything! 】

The ability to counter each other's tricks, but also double-strength counterattack, no deep use of the realm! Tezuka fought hard and beat Chu Tian's powerful smash back!

"Okay! Worthy of Tezuka!"

Chu Tian also reacted in an instant, swinging and hitting back!

Tezuka also held the idea of ​​preserving physical strength, faded the selfless realm in an instant, and quickly came to the ball's landing point, swinging again!




Mutual exchange!

The two on the court faced each other fiercely.

Only the first goal started, it has been so intense. No one thought that it would be so intense in the beginning! Even, each ball contains a very high level, such a battle is simply too rare!

Only Ji Jiping, who doesn't move the peak, can compete with Chu Tian in that game!

"Just now, what is the trick of Minister Tezuka?"

"God, more than seventy **** have been played!"

"Damn, what exactly is Chu Tian's physique, his face is not red and his heart is not jumping, just like it was at the beginning!"

"Minister, come on!"


Everyone shouted fiercely.

Tezuka and Chu Tian on the field are also racing quickly. However, as time passed, Tezuka also felt something was wrong.

Nearly a hundred **** have passed.

Chu Tian is still blushing and panting, and no sweat is dripping. Such a physique, his wife is abnormal! Although Tezuka was not tired at all, at least he started to sweat and began to gasp slightly!

What's more, Tezuka cares.

When Chu Tian and Ju Jiping played, it was not like this. Now Chu Tian, ​​did not go all out, it seems, just playing with him! !

Regardless of Chu Tian's mentality, if this continues to develop, I am afraid that he will first exhaust his physical strength! Chu Tian's physical strength is simply not bottomed out, and he will be defeated by then!

Can't delay it anymore! Tezuka's racket tilted slightly behind his head, and the atmosphere suddenly changed.

Attentively watching the flying ball, Tezuka's racket slightly lowered, and then hit quickly!

Hang the short ball!


However, to everyone's surprise, when Tezuka's ball landed on Chu Tian's court, he actually went straight back, without ... bouncing ...

[Tezuka score, 15: 0! 】

The film square is silent!

Everyone stared blankly at Tezuka, including the youth of the Qing Dynasty. This kind of tennis that won't bounce is simply terrifying! This is their minister, Tezuka!

"That trick is too strong!"

"It turns out that Captain Tezuka's short ball is like this!"

"I usually watched many exercises of the minister, but I didn't expect that the minister's strength is so strong!"


As the first youth player to get points from Chu Tian, ​​everyone saw hope.

Tezuka, maybe win!

Coach Ryugasaki on the side also showed a reassuring look, saying:

"Look carefully, Tezuka's strength is very strong, and even exceeds the level of junior high school students. Minister of Youth Studies, Tezuka Guoguang's strength is more than that."

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