Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 12 Chapter 49: Victory (2/6)

"The ball is completely hidden in the space!"

Tezuka Guoguang's arm shivered uncontrollably, shaking.

Not afraid, nor fear, Tezuka has never been a flinch. This is powerful, incredible shock and incredible! With emotion!

Can actually play such a ball!

It actually hollowed the space and devoured the entire tennis!

Such a ball really exists!

The ball is hidden into the space, and there is no way to interfere with it! How can you fight back with such a goal? How to deal with it? Even the trajectory of the ball cannot be seen!

How to call back!

Isn't this an invincible goal?

How to crack! ?

In this desperate situation, Tezuka is still running his brain quickly, looking for a way to solve Chu Tian's moves. Even if I was shocked, even without a trace of hope, Tezuka was still looking for a way.

As long as it is a game, there are ways to crack it, Tezuka believes it! National champion, Tezuka has never given up! In the realm of selflessness, Tezuka ’s concentration was unprecedented.

"--Yes, it's really Tezuka. Such a goal didn't actually defeat you. Although this trick is a little bit hacky, the method of cracking does exist.

Chu Tian smiled, picked up the ball again and slapped on the ground.

Once, twice, three times.

Chu Tian threw the ball high and swung it again!

Wow! !

Space compression!

The compressed space is wrapped around the tennis ball, and the entire tennis ball is continuously compressed and compressed by the space, and finally swallowed. Even when they did not cross the middle to block, they were all hidden in the space.

The number of **** has not been observed!

This is the real "emptiness"! Completely hidden in the space!

"Boom !!"

The sound of the explosion was at the farthest corner from Tezuka.

The tennis ball landed and then separated from the compressed space to reveal its shape. Because the ball is completely hidden in space, even Tezuka field can not interfere with it!

Tezuka held the racket, motionless. The referee also looked at it for a while, then announced: "Chu Tian scored, 30: 0! 】

Throw the ball in your hand again.



The tennis ball disappeared earlier this time. At the moment when Chu Tian ’s racket just touched, the tennis ball was already swallowed up by space, and then, no one knew where the Chu Tian ball would fly, just stay so. Watching the stadium dumbfounded.

Until the corner rang again, the crowd responded.

[Chu Tian score, 40: 0! 】


The last ball falls!

"In this game, Chu Tian won! The score, 6: 0!"

The referee announced loudly that this game was finally over with Chu Tian's powerful stunt. Tezuka, completely crushed! Even at the last moment, Tezuka can only stand still and can do nothing.

"Very powerful ... tricks ... huh ... next time, I hope to crack it ... huh ..." Tezuka shook hands with Chu Tian breathlessly. Although he lost, Tezuka was not unnatural.

Losing to such Chutian, Tezuka was convinced to take it orally!

Chu Tian's strength is no exaggeration to say that he is not a dimension at all. After fighting, Tezuka understood this deeply! Therefore, don't feel lost!

"Well, I hope you can crack it next time. Otherwise, it's too boring, isn't it?" Chu Tian smiled. Tezuka is still a lot worse now. Compared to Minjiro, the difference is too far and too far, so if you are a little more serious, you won't have to play.

"... Chu Tian, ​​what you just said ... huh ... another thing, what?" Tezuka thought of what Chu Tian just said.

"Oh, this one, it's actually nothing. I just think the name cotton ball is too ugly, I renamed it to" Do not jump "..."

"Ah." Tezuka was stunned. He didn't expect that what Chu Tian said was actually just a change of name.

"Looking at you, it seems that you don't have a cold for this trick? Actually, [No Leap] is a more powerful trick than [Empty], although the appearance is mediocre. The next matchup, I hope to use this trick . "

After saying hello, Chu Tian left the stadium and walked to the audience in the distance. Tezuka, however, looked awkward and noticed what Chu Tian had just said.

More powerful than Void!

It seems that it's just a little stubborn, and it's more powerful than the space hidden involved in space compression!

How strong is it!

So, what does the third form look like?

Where is Chu Tian ’s limit?

Tezuka was thinking about Chu Tian's tennis moves just now, how to crack and how to beat them, and there was a joyful expectation in his heart! The joy of playing tennis can't stop the heart!

Step by step, towards the area of ​​youth ...

"Captain! You, are you okay!"

"team leader!"

"Tezuka, it doesn't matter if you lose. Chu Tian is already inhuman. Don't feel too frustrated!"

"Yes, Tezuka, Chu Tian is also our youth school. If he won the championship, we youth school also won the national championship in disguise!"


Everyone's comfort made Tezuka warm.

With a smile, Tezuka actually had a pleasant and comfortable body. The fight with Chu Tian seems to have brought him closer to an unknown field. Frustrated? Tezuka never.

"Let's go back to continue training. Kanto competition or national competition, we, there is a chance!"

"Yes! Captain!"

Everyone in Qingxue once again restored the fighting spirit of the past!


"Haha! How is it? Your **** brother is stupid!"

Chu Tian returned to his own area, and his face was sullen. The women cut out and gave him a look of contempt.

A god, playing tennis with mortals, what's the joy of winning ...

"Rely! Isn't it that you didn't let you abuse Tezuka! Is it necessary? To have a harmonious society, harmony, always thinking about the protagonist, this is not easy to drop ... Let's go back and celebrate first!"


En, the first style was renamed ~~

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