Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 12 Chapter 50: Dating with Tangerine (3)

After the decisive battle in the big game, Chu Tian's beauty tennis team became famous again.

And Chu Tian himself has really gained a reputation and has become the focus of all colleges and universities, and even the target of extreme fear!

Previously, the major colleges that only care about Chu Tian have now included Chu Tian in the ranks of top opponents. The ability to beat Tezuka with a crushing gap of 6: 0 is definitely not to be underestimated!

Lihai University, Ice Emperor, Sitianbao, etc., major universities have begun to collect all kinds of information about Chutian, to deal with the future duel ...

And, Chu Tian's "no leap" and "emptiness" two stunts have also been counted hard by countless colleges and universities, seeking a solution ...

After the capital competition, it is the Kanto competition.

The Kanto contest is where the real masters gather. Many powerful teams, such as Ice Emperor and even Lihai University, will appear in the Kanto Competition, a really intense game.

Some days before the Kanto competition began, members of the tennis department of the Qingxue entered the devil-style training and tried to make themselves stronger.

As for Chu Tian, ​​he has resumed his usual style, wandering around with beautiful women and wandering to major leisure places in Tokyo ...


"Chu Tian, ​​don't you really want to train?"

Wearing a blue-and-white top and a knee-length short skirt, this is the style of the school uniform of the fixed peak. Ju Xing dressed a little fresh, sitting in Chu Tian's luxury car, asked with some anxiety.

When Chu Tian was invited to play together, Ju Xing's heart was still very happy. But the game is about to start soon, Chu Tian still has no consciousness, and Ju Xing can't help but worry about him. His elder brother has led the people who do not move the peak to train hard these days, where is there no scruples like Chu Tian!

Chu Tian shook his head, indifferently:

"Well, rest assured, the Kanto contest is a scum in my eyes! Tell you, even if the Ekimura Seiki City of Lihai University is in front of me, I will finish the 6-0 abuse! Training? I don't need it.

Apricot smiled awkwardly.

That's right, this is Chu Tian, ​​self-confidence, extremely self-confidence, even in the eyes of outsiders, a little arrogant!

Stretching a lazy waist and raising his hands over his head, Tang Xing's graceful figure suddenly showed up, and he could see Chutian's heart and horse. After making a Hatch, Tang Xing said: "Okay! Since you don't care anymore, it doesn't matter if you lose! Well, let's go to the playground next, the one over there!"

Tang Xing reached out and pointed to the front.

A luxurious playground should seem expensive. When encountering Chu Tian, ​​a rich man, Xing will not let go of the opportunity, just take a good meal!

"Well, listen to you, this is it!"

Chu Tian made a hula and walked away to the playground in the distance.

Today's date, Chu Tian has made the blood!

In order to prevent Ju Jiping, the great uncle, from opposing — after all, the matter of Chu Tian ’s Great Harem is no longer a secret. If Ju Xing is in contact with himself, it is estimated that Ju Jiping will oppose it out of ten.

So, Chu Tian specially tampered with Ju Jiping's thinking, let Ju Jiping agree with Ju Xing's association with himself, and then Chu Tian went to Ju Xing's home with fairness and integrity. After discussing the problem of Chitose's eyes, I finally took the apricot ...

Don't look at a small date, Chu Tian has many doorways! Chu Tian even sent his parents to do all kinds of ideological work!

The luxury cars are so powerful that they are unstoppable all the way. Chu Tianzhao like all kinds of red lights is right. The traffic police also know a lot about Chu Tian ’s admonished car. Where dare to block it, just let it go! In this way, it didn't take long for Chu Tian and Ju Xing to come to the playground ...

"Come on, Apricot."

Chu Tian reached out and showed a gentleman's smile.

Although Chu Tian's mind is very dirty, just to touch the hands of beautiful women, but I have to say that Chu Tian's smile can already kill 99% of the beautiful women.

"Okay ... Okay."

His face was slightly reddish, and the usual cheerful Xing Xing, so strangely reached out, let Chu Tian hold. Then the two walked briskly, holding hands ...

Today is just Sunday, there are still many people in the playground.

Most of the people who come here to play here are young people. After all, the elderly will not come to such places to struggle, and the middle-aged people have passed this age. Among the young people, the majority are couples.

Most are men and women, in pairs. The chirping voice, the hilarious voice, echoed in the playground. Looking at the friendly men and women around him, orange apricot's face was slightly red.

This, she and Chu Tian, ​​are considered male and female friends?

Tang Xing thought to himself ...

"Juxing, look, how about that roller coaster?" Chu Tian suddenly raised his hand and pointed to a dangerous thing madly moving in front.

Ju Xing's face suddenly turned white, and he quickly shook his head and said, "No, no, no, Chu Tian, ​​that, let's change another one, huh, change one."

Joke, most of the girls' homes are not guts, and besides, this crazy roller coaster in madness!

"--Xing, don't you know this. The roller coaster thing, although it would be very thrilling at the time, but after the experience, that feeling is really great!"


"It's okay, Apricot, I'm by your side, what are you afraid of?" Chu Tian now reflects the man's strong wind! When the roller coaster, taking advantage of the fear in Xing's heart, hug and hug, it is a good opportunity to draw closer to the relationship and eat tofu! -Of course, Chu Tian's purpose is more focused on the latter.

Xing looked at the roller coaster and then Chu Tian.

It is rare to date Chu Tian once, and Xing does not want to destroy this atmosphere. After thinking about it, I finally gritted my teeth and agreed. Big deal, be ridiculed!

"Then, let's go, Chu Tian, ​​if I call out, don't laugh at me." Apricot summoned courage.

"How could it be, Xing is yelling, but also the yelling of beautiful women, which is better than singing."

"Cough, you just talk nonsense ..."


The two laughed all the way and walked forward ...


Not long after Chu Tian and the two walked, the door of the amusement park walked into Sanren again. An old man, a little girl, and a little junior high school student ...

The old man's body is quite strong and full of vitality. While waving his arms, he said, "Boy, do n’t be so nervous before the Kanto game! Come on, dad teach you the top secret of playing tennis today-roller coaster!"


Echizen Ryoma nodded his hat down and said to himself.

However, to be honest, Ryoma was really a little sad when she was abused by girls in previous games. Perhaps he noticed his son's frustration, and Echizen Minjiro proposed this game.

Echizen Nanako smiled beautifully. The relationship between these two fathers and sons has been very strange. Patted Ryoma's head, and said: "Let's go, cousin, hurry up, because there will be more people, but you won't be able to grab a seat."

"Yes, yes. There may be people like Ryoma, who were nervous to relieve pressure before the game, hahahahahahaha—"

In the laughter of Echizen Nanjiro, the three of them went all the way, and also walked along the route of Chu Tian and the two ...

Today is really a coincidence day.


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