Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 12 Chapter 52: God's Relic One (2)

"Chu Tian, ​​what should I do? Why, why?"

Ju Xing was also suddenly off the track. The roller coaster was scared!

This thrilling game, and still in a crowded park, security has always been very serious. There is an earthquake in Japan all the year round, and the indicators of various buildings and equipment are naturally not allowed to be sloppy!

In addition, it is said that this is an amusement park built by the government with large funds!

How could such a project go wrong? Although Tang Xing was a little worried about a series of problems such as falling, but in the final analysis, it was only a girl's fear.

There is really something wrong now. Tangerine, and many people present, even suspect that this is a dream.

Never had such an accident, unless it was, artificial ...

"Really ... good skill! Ha ha!"

A light laughter interrupted Juxing's thinking.

Ju Xing looked up from Chu Tian's arms and was about to say something. Suddenly, he found that there was no fear or worry in Chu Tian's face. It was true. There was nothing at all. Chu Tian, ​​who has always been confident and omnipotent, has not shown a little panic even now. It seems that the crash of this roller coaster is not a problem at all ...

Only a touch of anger appeared on Chu Tian's face ...

He hugged orange apricot and squeezed orange apricot's face. Chu Tian didn't seem to realize the danger in front of him: "Apricot, don't be afraid, it's just a small problem. Nothing will happen with me, today, I should let you see ... I just did n’t expect that somebody has such courage. "

"Chu Tian ..."

Xing's eyes looked at Chu Tian somewhat unclearly.

Is this accident really man-made? But how did Chu Tian know?

The roller coaster kept falling, and people on the ground were scattered and running wildly. The people on the roller coaster are also struggling to pull the seat belts, but this momentary moment, there is no time at all.

It is simply impossible to escape.

It is simply a dead end.

Only Tang Xing, at this time suddenly looked at Chu Tian with a hint of hope. Just when the roller coaster is only two meters high from the ground. Ju Xing clearly heard Chu Tian's mouth and slowly said a word.

Very light, very light, but, Tang Xing did indeed hear:


Only one word.

However, it contains a supreme majesty, as if to wrap the entire world of the Prince of Tennis!

Then, Tang Xing saw the most incredible scene in his life ...

——The roller coaster was in the air, and suddenly it was still.

——The crowd running in the park also stopped in a flash.

——Can't feel the wind blowing, can't feel the warmth of sunlight. Even, the ubiquitous noise that was just full of positive sky just now disappeared.

This world, silence, tranquility, seems to be frozen in this moment.


Chu Tianfei quickly jumped off the roller coaster.

Reaching out, Juxing also flew into Chu Tian's arms. Ju Xing's brain is still chaotic, not clarifying the facts ...

The crisis was lifted, only because Chu Tian said a word.

One word anchored the whole world. Is this a dream? Or myth? But everything in front of him is so real, even Chu Tian's arms are so warm, these are all true.

"Chu Tian, ​​you, what is your identity? This, this is too exaggerated!" Ju Xing looked around and asked incredulously.

"Who am I? Of course I am Chu Tian! Xing, don't think too much, I am Chu Tian, ​​you are orange apricot, that's enough. What should I do, how is it, isn't it?" Chu Tian is full of smile Looking at the orange apricot, said.

"But, you are so powerful, why, why do you still study? This, this can already be said to be the power of God. Why do you still study in the Youth Academy, logically, it should be unnecessary. Also Yes, not all gods should be, um, just like the **** Tianzhao ... "Juxing didn't understand the tunnel, and there were countless doubts in his mind.

Chu Tian smiled and said, "What do you think God is like? God also needs entertainment."

Tang Xing nodded thoughtfully.

After thinking for a while, it seemed that he had thought of something, and Tang Xing looked up again.

Chu Tian can play tennis, and is very powerful! Orange Xing couldn't help but think of the transmission. After watching Chu Tian for a long time, Xing carefully asked, "Then, Chu Tian. During World War II, the **** who saved the world--"

"It's me."

"Ah!" Ju Xing's face was excited. "Then Chutian, you, you actually destroyed Fascist with a ball, this, this ..."

"Uh, orange apricot, don't be excited, calm down."

"Also, Chu Tian, ​​I heard that you left a racket that was displayed in the European Museum. It is a holy thing with the title of God's relic ..."

"In fact, the exhibits in this European museum are fake."

"What about this? I heard you are ..."


In short, Chu Tian spent a lot of time to solve the various problems of orange and apricot.

Compared to Ying Nai who knew her identity at that time, Ju Xing was obviously more excited. Questions of one belly were taken out one by one, and ask this question, I wish I could give Chu Tian an exclusive interview!

If it had n’t happened to me suddenly, Chu Tian might have something to do, and Juxing might still keep chatting!

After finally answering all the questions of Ju Xing, Chu Tian began to do the right thing. Looking around, all the things in the playground are clearly shown, all showing.

Under the roller coaster, a few pre-prepared explosives were buried. Chu Tian's eyes probably swept through, and he could see through everything. In the past and future, causal changes, etc., everything, can not escape Chu Tian's eyes ...

All the information about this incident is naturally clear.

Chu Tian walked slowly, a faint smile of jokingly appeared in his mouth:

"That's the case. I wonder. If I were attacked, it must be because of my identity; but since I know my identity, who has the courage to attack me? It turns out that, no wonder, no wonder ...

Chu Tian held out his hand.

Space is distorted!

A huge amount of power directly penetrated the world of the Prince of Tennis. Do not know how far apart, a man suddenly appeared in front of Chu Tian! Dare to shoot himself, Chu Tian will not let go!

The coming person looked at Chu Tian in shock, still unbelievable!

Golden. Colored hair, curly, with sunglasses.

This is a Western European man.

However, it seems that he was suppressed by Chu Tian's power, and he couldn't even speak. He could only stare at Chu Tian, ​​showing a look of fear.

"Chu Tian, ​​you're no wonder what? Is he going to kill you?" Ju Xing looked at the man.

"No, I mean, no wonder, it turned out to be just a mistake, it's not me who is going to kill ..."

"..." Tang Xing suddenly said nothing.

"Kill me, he doesn't have this qualification yet. Ranked first in the world for professional tennis players, Keno, 31 years old, just plays tennis. Echizen Yujiro is his goal. Ridiculous, really ridiculous motive ... but, although not Aiming at me, but bothering me, I can't spare him ... "

Chu Tian stepped forward, reached out, and pointed at the man's chest with one finger.

Light and light, no hurry.




En, I always seem to be a little tired of playing tennis. Add some pretending to be casual. It was originally prepared to come out later. This is the foreshadowing of pretending to be pretending.

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