Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 12 Chapter 53: God's Relic 2 (3)

Chu Tian's fingertips, an invisible wave spread out.

A huge, irresistible force erupted from Chu Tian's fingertips. Through Knorr's chest, spread to the limbs. Under the huge crushing power, Knorr's entire body was crippled in an instant!

An irresistible force erupted in an instant, and at the same time, the man's body was blasted back dozens of meters. No injuries were visible in the whole body, but Keno was alive and dead!

Can't live for a minute!

"Why, have you taken it? You are really stupid, and you can think of such things. It's really sad to play tennis to your point."

"Tennis is not everything in life."

Chu Tian explained with a smile.

It is also rare that he gave him some advice before he died. For the former Chu Tian, ​​it is estimated that he directly slapped his ancestors for eighteen generations. But after killing Hong Jun, Chu Tian felt that he seemed to be a little less violent than before.

I am really a good person, Chu Tian said ...

But the other party may not appreciate it. Knoe panted heavily, his eyes rounded, and he was terrified of Chu Tian's power. But in the end-

This kind of fear just disappeared, and then was replaced by deeper greed, greed and unwillingness!

"I'm not reconciled, not ... not reconciled ... God, the relics and relics of God's coming day. It's ... it's none other than me ... I am the world's first ..."

"Nanjiro him, by ... what. Me, I am the first person to unlock the miracle ... I ... I am ..."

"Tennis ... can be magical ... I, will be more than everything ..."

"I want to be God ..."

Head tilted.

Knorr finally died.

Before he died, he still did not give up his obsession and greed. This is not the first time Chu Tian has seen a person like Knorr, nor will he be the last one. There are not many such stupid guys.


In fact, Chu Tian wanted to tell him that tennis couldn't be psyched at all.

The height of this world is too low, and its strength is limited. He left a pair of worn tennis rackets just to motivate everyone to play tennis, but he did not expect him to have such a ridiculous idea.

"Hey, let's go!"

Chu Tian pulled the orange apricot and went on.

The thought moved a little, and all the hired killers and those who participated in the matter were wiped out. Knorr's body also disappeared, and no one knew he ever appeared here. Maybe tomorrow's newspaper will appear, the news that the world's top ranking player has disappeared without reason.

Everything in the playground suddenly returned to normal. The fallen roller coaster fell to the ground like cotton.

All the people moved in an instant. Chu Tian and Tang Xing were in the crowd, and no one noticed them. Everyone was immersed in the joy of the rest of the life ...

"By Chutian, what did he mean last?"

"Well. When I was forced to fight in World War II, I left a broken racket. In fact, it is a pair of broken rackets. It is possible to comprehend the penalty technique. Now some people want to understand the power of God through it. Everyone will laugh to death ... "


"What's going on? Why did it stop suddenly?"

On the roller coaster, Echizen Minjiro was shocked.

No one knows better than him the difficulty of preventing this roller coaster from falling. Even if he goes all out and holds a racket, he can't stop the trick!

But now this roller coaster stopped like this. The process of falling suddenly calmed down, and no one was injured.

Who did it! ?

Echizen Minjiro is puzzled!

Echizen Minajiro, Echizen Nanako, and Echizen Ryoma, the three, like everyone else, felt incredible.

But Echizen Ryoma suddenly thought of something and looked up:

"Dad, what was the trick you just made? That trick of compressing space?"

Echizen Minjiro smiled and said, "Boy, do you want to learn? You are still far away now!"


Echizen was not cold.

However, hearing that it is still far away, Echizen Ryoma couldn't help but feel more unwilling. He remembered that Chu Tian could use such tricks! Chu Tian, ​​much stronger than him!

"Hahaha, don't worry about Ryoma, come step by step. But this thing is really strange, even I can't stop the fall, who stopped it? Gee, I can't figure out, who in this world is more south than me Jiro is more powerful. Haha !!! "

Echizen Minjiro suddenly froze!


Better than him!

If this is the case, one person can stop this disaster with personal strength, I am afraid that only one person has that possibility! Many years ago, the man who beat him up completely!

Echizen Minjiro glanced forward, clearly seeing that there was no one in the front two seats. When did those two people leave? ?

I thought about the backs of the two sitting in the front, and one of them made Nanjiro more familiar. Although it is impossible to confirm, it is indeed very similar to the man who defeated him!

"Chu Tian, ​​Chu Tian ... Chu Tian also came to Japan! And it's near here!"

Echizen Minjiro said cheerfully.

He has endured humiliation for many years! I have been looking for Chu Tian, ​​hoping to fight again, to wash away the shame that year. Unexpectedly, this time I found a trace!

"Chu Tian? We also have one in our school." Long Ma said.

"No! Chu Tian I said is a person of my generation. He is a master, a real master. I am Nanjiro, and I swear all my life that I must defeat my opponent ..."

Echizen Yujiro's fighting spirit is high.

"A person, can I really stop the falling roller coaster?" Ryoma still had some doubts.

"If it is him, it should be possible. Of course, in addition, if there can be a legendary **** relic in hand, it should also work, but that thing will not be allowed to move. Only Chu Tian, ​​only It's him…"

Echizen Minajiro jumped off the roller coaster and ran quickly in the amusement park.

The most tragic failure in life, he always wanted to scrub, how can he miss it!

It doesn't matter if the little horse in the car doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if Minjiro wins or loses. Just thought that the man who defeated his father was actually called Chu Tian? Is it a coincidence?

After thinking about it, Echizen Ryoma jumped out of the car and ran with his father.

Echizen Nanako thought about it, but still did not go down, the two fathers and sons actually wanted to find a person in such a large playground, it is too difficult. However, the name of the man who killed Nanjiro in seconds, Echizen Naoko knew it for the first time, and it was so firmly in mind ...




Um, today is 3 more, so what, there are many courses on Monday, plus a bit of Calvin.

Time for next update.

There will definitely be more updates tomorrow ~~

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