Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 12 Chapter 57: Crisis suddenly facing the Ice Emperor Academy (Supplement 4)

Compared with the current tense state of Ice Emperor, Chu Tian's side can be described as Youzaiya.

With Yu Yao in her left arm and Xue Jian in her right arm, Chu Tian was kissing me and the beautiful women who were returning from the victory, whispering. In addition to being proud, he also passed provocative glances toward the distant traces from time to time: let you drag! Now you know how great it is!

I used to say big things before, it's just a big talk!

Shave your grandfather gorgeously!

You can't win anymore ...

Such complex eyes convey different meanings. Only Chu Tian, ​​a N-year-old experienced god, can do his best.

Kobe, I was really mad ...

"Jiaobu, don't panic. Akiogawa's strength is very strong, and he should not lose this time. As long as you and Huadi are there, we can still win this game."

The young coach of Bingdi Academy spoke at this time, his face calm and calm. At this time, it finally played the role of the backbone.

It is said that this coach was originally a billionaire, because he was too busy to be a coach. The Bingdi Academy was originally a noble academy, all children of the rich family. The coach and the track department were almost carved out of a mold. It is said that some people suspect that the track department is his illegitimate child ...

After all, the track department finally calmed down after listening to the coach. Nodded and said, "Yes, the coach. I am impatient. As long as Cilang wins and wins, it will be in our hands! Chu Tian, ​​hum, I will beat it myself!"

Ling Tian looked at Chu Tian in the distance, and the trace department was full of war.

Ice Emperor, have not lost!


【Game start! Miss Baguio serves, and the match will be decided! 】

The eyes of the entire auditorium gathered on Baguio.

Today, rather than watching the game, it is better to look at the Chu Tian team's beauty lineup. The audience may not even think that Chu Tian will have such a super powerful team, but also countless beautiful teams. The previous beauties, at first, looked only beautiful, softly like flowers, and no one would think that they had the power to complete the abuse of the ice emperor doubles. Baguio in front of him, even if it looks so cute, but no one will despise it ...

Baguio wore a green dress with a shirt, although it was a modern dress, but a deliberate and vivid charm was still revealed, making people look fascinated.

In the jade-like smooth hands, Shake gently shakes the racket. Baguio smiled and smiled, without any pressure, and from time to time he gave Chu Tian a smirk, and did not put the game in his eyes at all.

Opposite Cilang, his brow sweating and nervous.

If he loses. Ice Emperor lost three games in a row.

Looking at Baguio carefully, even if the other party is careless, even if the other party is a female, Cilang still has no slack in it, and keeps the door and goes all out.




After the tennis ball bounced on the ground several times, Baguio tossed it gently.

The jade hand moved slightly, and the racket waved so quickly!


The speed of tennis is not very fast, but the angle is very tricky. At the beginning, the tennis ball shot directly at Ci Lang's left foot with a strong spin. The yellow light is blazing in the air, the speed is amazing!

The tennis ball jumped fast, and at the same time, it also had a wonderful vibration. It was impossible to tell which side it was going to hit.

Left foot? No, it may be the right foot!

With a slight miscalculation, the goal is gone! Baguio also experienced the endless years of gods with Chu Tian. Even if no divine power is applied, his own experience is still terrible. Smiling and chatting with Chu Tian Chuanyin under the field, Baguio was not in a hurry ...

"What a great shot! The serve is so powerful, it is really strong! However, although it is difficult to receive, but this ball is not completely unavailable, if, try hard-" Cilang said to himself, his body slightly A meal.

Then, even with both feet jumping back!

Since he didn't know which foot to hit, Cilang simply jumped back with both feet. While jumping back, reach out and move forward, aiming at the ball's landing point in an extremely indecent pose!

It stands to reason that this posture simply cannot play back!

However, Cilang can do it.

The super flexibility and super coordination make Ci Lang's tennis very difficult. All angles of the ball can be received perfectly. Cilang's tennis is all-round!


The racket swung violently!

Cilang suddenly stunned at this time!

This force!

A girl has such great power. A seemingly simple ball actually made Ci Lang's arm a little numb. If you keep this strength all the time in a game, Cilang suspects that after the game, I'm afraid I'll take it off!

But thinking about the burden on his shoulders, the outcome of the game, and so on, Cilang gritted his teeth and worked hard!

Swing out with a jerk!


The ball hurried towards Baguio's court!

"Huh? Did you call back?"

Baguio glanced at Cilang unexpectedly.

She came to play tennis, in fact, just to make up for the excitement, not very concerned, and quickly settled. However, I did not expect that Cilang's ability was a bit surprising. This ball should have been scored.

However, Baguio just felt a little strange, nothing more. Having experienced so many Baguio, his vision will not change because of a mortal. Only Chu Tian and the good sisters could attract her attention.

Piao Xiao pouted, Baguio stepped gently.

The pace seems to be fast and slow, and in the surprise of everyone, he has come to the tennis office.

Gently, slowly, waved out in one beat.


Directly hit Ci Lang's left foot!

Spin, spin intensely!

When Ci Lang was just about to catch the ball, the tennis ball bounced and hit his face! Baguio, actually hitting the ball back, played the effect of the outer spin!

Tennis landed.

Baguio scores.

[15: 0! 】


There should be another chapter at 9:30.

Nima, your hands are a bit cold, the study room has air conditioning,

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