Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 12 Chapter 58: Unity of Heaven and Man (1/5)

【Baguio Picture】

"Just that was the external rotation serve? It's amazing, it's really amazing! Although it's a girl, but actually hit the ball and hit this kind of ball, it's too great.-No no, it's not a happy time now. Ice Emperor's victory I hope if I lose, do n’t want to sleep peacefully in the future ... "

Cilang quickly adjusted his mind and looked at Baguio opposite.

Cilang was very excited to meet such a master. However, before being excited, it is still good to defeat the enemy's battle. This is a battle related to the victory of the ice emperor. Even though he was always optimistic, he had to be cautious at this time.

Holding his breath, staring at the opposite Baguio ...

Pay attention to the movement of the tennis ball, pay attention to the action trend of the opponent's body, maximize your senses, and capture every sensitive information ...


Another quick goal!

Very tricky!

Speed, faster than the first ball. The height of the ball is very low, straight down the bottom line. And the ball is also shaking, serving irregularly. Cilang really does not understand how a girl can play such a ball!

Reaching quickly and waving, Cilang used all his strength to receive the ball, aimed at Baguio's dead end, and was just preparing to fight back. Suddenly, the racket was shaken violently!

Baguio's ball was accompanied by a strong spin, and the intensity actually made Cilang a little uncontrollable. Ci Lang swung in a hurry, and the ball hurried back!

However, with a strongly rotating ball, the trajectory is not at all controlled by Cilang. I crossed a curved curve in the air, did not follow the path imagined in Ci Lang's heart, after passing a curve, the ball left the game field far away ...

【Out of bounds! 30: 0! 】

Cilang was shocked.

Was scored directly!

At this time, I have to be cautious.

In Bingdi Academy, Cilang is never frustrated, and he is born to be an optimistic master. But this time, it is very likely to be defeated by a girl, and even the Ice Emperor's victory will be ruined ...

"This kind of pressure is almost the same as that in the track game. It is really a powerful opponent."

Cilang thought.

Once again stare at the opposite Baguio.

"The next ball must be received."

"It's just too bad to be scored directly from the serve!"

"Ice Emperor will win."

Mumbling, Cilang stared at the serve tightly.

The opposite Baguio was always in a hurry, walking lightly, picking up the tennis ball, tossing it high, and in a graceful posture, a yellow light flew towards Cilang's court again.

Cilang is more serious than ever.

Very seriously.

Cilang when he is serious, even the Ministry of Tracks will have to deal with it. But the fact is that Cilang is a bit similar to Fuji, and will hardly take it seriously, nor can he find anything that makes him serious. My favorite thing to do is sleep. But I thought that if I lost to Baguio, which would lead to Ice Emperor's failure, I might be pulled into training in the future, and I would cut my sleep time so much ...

Cilang got serious! More serious than ever!

"Drink! Call back !!!"

Cilang clasped his hands in both hands to catch Baguio's goal and hit back!


A loud bang!

For the first time, Cilang scored in front of Baguio. In other words, the Ice Emperor Academy scored for the first time since the start of the game. The sudden outburst of Cilang made Baguio stunned and did not react.

[30:15! 】

In the camp of the Ice Emperor Academy, there was a sudden lively roar!

"Ice Emperor, will win!"

"Ice Emperor, will win!"

"Ci Lang, come on! You must win!"

"Ice Emperor depends on you!"


Even the track department was excited at this time, as if to see the dawn of victory. Next, as long as Cilang won, he had great confidence in the next two games! This time the champion must belong to Ice Emperor!

All the Bingdi Academy looked at this game nervously ...

"Very good, make persistent efforts and win the serve!"

Cilang encouraged himself.

The situation is good, and the disadvantage is back, it is time to win the game with one blow. Although Cilang did not expect to win easily, but in the current situation, it is still possible to win, do your best!

However, Ci Lang glanced at Baguio, who was opposite, and found that it must still be the unattractive look.

Don't you care?

Or other reasons?

Ci Lang carefully set the posture, ready to win the ball again. Waiting quietly, all of Cilang and Ice Emperor were full of anticipation and extremely excited.

The Baguio opposite finally finally abandoned the ball again.

The ball slowly rises and rises.

However, it's a little different, but Cilang can't tell the difference. The rising height of this ball and Baguio's posture seem to have changed slightly. A state of nature that seems to be one with the world.

As if the trajectory of the ball should have been so.

Baguio's entire person also seemed to blend into the world, making people indistinguishable from each other. A hazy feeling surrounds Baguio.

Is Baguio integrated into the world, or is it surrounded by Baguio?

Even the little tennis ball seems to blend into the whole court and the whole world.

Among the many audiences around, some well-informed people suddenly recognized!

"Well, is this" the unity of heaven and man "?"

"Heaven and man are one, what is that?"

"This is an old Chinese doctrine that emphasizes the harmony and unity between man and the world. To a certain extent, it is closely related to martial arts, cooking, architecture, etc., and it is a very broad subject. Learning. Unexpectedly, it can be used in tennis! "

"What is this? Why does it feel so harmonious!"

"Is this a trick?"


Everyone was in a hustle and bustle, Baguio's goal had been hit suddenly!

The trajectory is clear, but impenetrable. It is inseparable with the whole stadium and the atmosphere of the whole game. The opposite Cilang watched the tennis ball come over, but suddenly, he couldn't catch it, and couldn't determine its position. Because this tennis ball seems to be the entire court ...


After scoring a fierce light, tennis scored on the ground!

[40:15! 】

Cilang stood staring blankly, too late to respond.


[In this scene, Miss Baguio wins! The score, 1: 0! 】


[Score, 2: 0! 】

The entire venue was quiet, and there seemed to be only that elf-like green figure between the world and the world, and it seemed unreal and unpredictable. In short, a mysterious and mysterious state.

After Baguio used this wonderful state, he scored again and again. Even if Cilang fights back and struggles, he can't resist. All the members of the Ice Emperor Academy fell to the bottom of the hope of winning again!

This state is simply like possessing a god!

Only Chu Tian and members of his harem understood Baguio's state at this time.

Smiling and shook his head, Chu Tian said:

"Baguio is really smart this time. Before the game, it was said that you can't use the power that exceeds human limits, otherwise it will be too boring. However, this state of unity between heaven and man can be reached by anyone, but the little girl is Take advantage of the loophole. As long as you realize it, even people in the Prince of Tennis World can achieve it. "

"It's just that Baguio has practiced for so many years, and the comprehension of the unity of heaven and man is extremely exquisite. Even if someone can achieve it, it is far from the realm. This game is a victory. Even if Nanjiro comes over, he can only be beaten ..."

"The unity of heaven and man, integration into the world is only preliminary. With the prestige of the world, that is really horrible ... This girl is really naughty!"

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