Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 12 Chapter 62: Chutian vs. Trace Department, pre-match battle! (5/5)

The match between Chu Tianhe and Jibu had just started. On the playing field, there was a lot of fun and excitement. As ministers of both sides, the strength of the two is at the national level, and it is definitely the most exciting matchup since the start of the game. The people in the audience have discussed and discussed the results of this competition ...

At the same time, at the entrance of the stadium, a batch of new spectators also came one after another ...

"Look! That's from the Youth Academy of Tennis! The one with glasses is Tezuka Kokubo! Although it is not a team, it is a school after all. It seems that they came to cheer on this game."

Suddenly someone shouted towards the entrance.

Everyone looked around and saw Tezuka, Dashi, Fuji, Echizen, Begonia, etc., all the people from the Tennis Department of Youth Academy came to watch the game. Wearing blue-and-white youth school selection clothing, walking slowly into the stadium, everyone looked at the game seriously.

"No! It shouldn't come to cheer him. They came to watch the match between Chutian and Jibu. You see, that, wearing green clothes, that is Yamabuki Middle School. The first one should be lucky Qianshi. Only came, just to watch the match between Chutian and Jibu. "Another person analyzed.

After the people from Yamabuki Middle School walked in, they hadn't sat down, and a group of people wearing red-brown ① costumes were ushered in behind them. They are very high and the atmosphere is hearty. This is a strong team in the Kanto region, Hexagon Middle School!

"Hexagon Middle School has also come. Last year, it also entered the national competition, super team, they also came!"

"Also, that's XXX Middle School!"

"XXX Middle School is here too!"

"Look! Look! Even the king of Lihai is here! Oh my God, that is the Big Three of Lihai !! They are all here!"

Everyone's eyes were attracted by Lihai, who finally appeared.

The minister of Tachibana, the son of God, Komuramura.

Li Haida's deputy minister, emperor, Sanada Kenichiro.

And later Liu, Ren Wang, Qi Yuan, and so on. Everyone is famous, and all of them are all elites of the elite, and their strengths are not unusual. Winning the national championship for two consecutive years, the strength is obvious to all!

Actually, even Lihai came!

Everyone was shocked.

After Li Haida ’s team came in, there were a lot of tennis coaches, and even some scouts specializing in digging up great potential, also came to the playing field, preparing to watch the game.

The match between Chutian and Jibu is undoubtedly the battle of the peak. Chu Tian now has enough reputation to be equal to those of Tezuka and Mibu ...

"This person is Chu Tian?"

The king's position was great, and Komura's Jingshi looked at the field and smiled.

As a minister of Tachikawa University, with the title of Son of God, Komura's majesty is unique in Tachihai University. Maybe everyone thought about winning a game from Sanada, or letting Sanada Yuichiro get into a hard fight. However, fortunately, Jingshi Jingshi is a height that no one dares to look up to.

Xingcun ’s tennis is terrifying ...

"Well, he is Chu Tian. Unexpectedly, the Nobel Prize winner is also a tennis expert. It is really hard to believe that a person can be so versatile if it is not seen with his own eyes. Xingcun your surgery will not succeed so soon ... "

Sanada Yuichiro said with relief. He and Xingcun are playmates from small to large, and Xingcun's illness can be cured, and Sanada is heartily happy.

"Yeah, I have to thank him well this time. If you can do anything you can do in the future, you must repay it well. But ..." Xingcun's tone changed, and he was full of confidence. Even if you are kind to us, you ca n’t stop Lihai University ’s three-match hegemony! If you meet in the national competition, you must go all out! "

"Yes, Minister!"

"Relax the minister!"

"Lihai junior tycoon, no one can stop it!"



Chu Tian on the court looked at each other with Ji Bu.

As ministers, both are the strongest on both sides, and this battle will definitely go all out. Moreover, after the ice emperor's fiasco, this time has ushered in an unprecedented period of low confidence. It is only this battle that can restore the morale and glory of the ice emperor. The trace department will go all out and even desperately!

This game will be extremely intense!

Jibu raised his head, his face full of confidence, raised his hand high, and adjusted the atmosphere of the entire Ice Emperor to the highest level. A snap of fingers snapped out, and then the ice emperor's cheerleader roared wildly!

"Bingdi! Bingdi! Bingdi! Bingdi! ..."

"A win! A win! A win! A win! ..."

"Bingdi! Bingdi! Bingdi! Bingdi! ..."

"A win! A win! A win! A win! ..."


The entire venue was trembling.

Jiubu's tennis talent is extremely high, which also led to his extremely narcissistic character. Before each game, it is necessary to show the last one. Kobe's consistent style is to knock down everyone with a proud attitude.

Moreover, this time, this is also the moment to restore the morale and confidence of the ice emperor! As the Minister of the Ministry of Traces, I understand this deeply.

With one wave of both hands, the track department acts like a conductor of the orchestra conducting the music group, and then makes a new order again. The roar around the field changed again.

"Kebu! Must win! Kebu! Must win! Kebu! Must win! ..."

"Kobe, I love you! Kobe, I love you! Kobe, I love you! ..."


In the rumble, those who were not familiar with the trace department patted their foreheads one after another.

Nima, it's too much! Too pretending to be! This is for the game, not for the show! What is he doing! Even those who are familiar with Kibu, including Tezuka and Komura, are helplessly smiling.

Talent, family background, appearance, etc. are perfect in all aspects, and it ’s no wonder that the Ministry of Traces is like this. Everyone just expected the track department to finish the show soon, and then watch the game.

After a few minutes in the show, Jibu reached out again, grabbed the clothes on his body, and was about to lift up. Suddenly, Chu Tian, ​​opposite, also made an action.

An action similar to the trace department.

"--Pretend to be in front of me, don't look at your own ability. Forget it, let you see, what is called real pretending!"

Chu Tian smiled and hit with a snap finger!

The air was oscillating, and a loud sound was emitted at the wonderful frequency, echoing in a range of several kilometers. Even the trace department had to admit that Chu Tian's finger movements seemed to be more handsome than him ...

"Must win."

The sound fell.

Around the playing field, there were louder, crazier, and more suffocating sounds than the backing team of the track department.

"His Royal Highness Chu Tian I love you! My Highness Chu Tian loves you! My Highness Chu Tian loves you! ..."

"Chu Tian, ​​will win! The trace department, will defeat! Chu Tian, ​​will win! Trace department, will defeat!"

"Your Highness Chu Tian is so handsome! Your Highness Chu Tian is so handsome! Your Highness Chu Tian is so handsome!"


The cheerleaders in all directions are all women, Yingyingyanyan, very touching. Under the overwhelming voice, the voice of the ice emperor's cheerleading team was instantly concealed. Morale, completely crushed!

The trace department snapped another finger, but the ice cheerleader was simply crushed! There is no sense of existence at all. Chu Tian, ​​who was just preparing to continue, was interrupted by Chu Tian!

Huge banners waved in the air, and even a firework bloomed.

In the sky above the Lu Tian field, several helicopters suddenly passed by, and the huge banner of "Chu Tian will win" actually hung on it. In the sound of whistling, it is remarkable.

There is also a loud horn sound, which has been passed down from the helicopter in the air, and is spread all over the stadium ...

"On behalf of the Democratic Party of Japan, the House of Representatives of the United States Senate, the Congress of Names of the People's Republic of China, and the Minister of the United Nations XXX ... Congratulations to Mr. Chu Tian for his victory and success!"

The audience in the whole stadium was shocked collectively!

I ca n’t tell the color. My sister, there is a problem with the computer. Baidu knows that it ca n’t be entered.


Well, there are updates below, but it's a bit late, let's have a supper first ~

I will set up a regular release.

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