Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 12 Chapter 63: Fierce battle (1/5)

"Just kidding!"

"Even ... even the government department has come to cheer?"

"And ... and foreign forces?"

"How big is Chu Tian's influence. Is he really just awarded the Nobel Prize?"


Everyone felt the ground was broken. The cheerleaders are just refueling. Even the government dispatched armed helicopters to come to the stadium to assist, it is incredible!

Playing tennis to this point is probably unprecedented! No, tennis alone is unlikely to attract such great attention. That is to say, behind Chu Tian, ​​there is a huge force that can be related to governments of various countries ...

Then contact this game for Chu Tian to make an exception, two teams from a school, and women to attend the game, and so on. Some of the more sensitive people have detected some incredible information. Chu Tian, ​​a terrifying person, ca n’t offend even if he does n’t make good friends in the future ...

Above the arena.

Chu Tian looked triumphantly at the track department and made several commanding movements from time to time. Cheerleaders from all directions responded enthusiastically.

The sound of refueling shook the earth and filled the audience.

Although Jiji also wanted to continue the show, but the ice emperor's cheerleader, compared with Chu Tian's cheerleader, the number of people was crushed, the passion was crushed, and even the equipment was crushed. ——Even if the fingers of the trace part are polished to form blisters, it is still the same. It was the misfortune of Kibu to meet Chu Tian while pretending.

"Cut! What's the use of great momentum, this uncle will use tennis to teach you!"

Shaking his head disdainfully, Jibu looked up at Chu Tian, ​​and he was coquettish. Of course, this was only a superficial phenomenon. In fact, Jibu ’s heart was very embarrassing. It won't hurt ...

"Hope you can do it."

Chu Tian smiled.

Reach out and snap your fingers again.


The sound of cheering in all directions disappeared instantly.

All the cheerleaders were quiet for a moment and the playing field was calmed so much that the atmosphere was a little weird, and the people who had spoken were holding their breath. In the quiet place, fine needles can be heard.

Everyone looked quietly at Jibu and Chutian, waiting for the start of the game. Lihai University, Youth School, etc., everyone was silent ...

[The game starts, the track department serves, and a game will be the winner! 】

The two returned to the back of the field.

Jibu held his breath and stared at Chu Tian opposite. The significance of this game is too great, not only the battle of the ice emperor's glory, but also the battle of Koji's self-esteem.

It is necessary to defeat Chu Tian!

Five consecutive defeats, the majesty of the Ice Emperor will be lost!



When squashing the ball, the track part dismissed all the distractions in an instant, and the sound of the ball's landing gradually became even, although the roar of the track part shouted, tossed the ball, and shot!

Boom! ! !

Tennis shot at the corner of the opposite court at an unimaginable speed of terror!

While spinning violently, while drilling in the corner, the body of the trace also moved at the same time, occupying the most favorable position, observing the movement of Chu Tian ’s body, the trajectory of the ball, so that it can be in the fastest time Within, make the most accurate response!

And, more importantly, observe all the flaws and weaknesses of Chu Tian.

There are three types of pitballs. So far, it is still a mystery in the eyes of everyone. The trace department has made all preparations to crack it!

Jibu now, more seriously than ever!


When the tennis ball had not landed on the opposite side, Chu Tian was caught up. At the moment when the ball just jumped, Chu Tian's face was laid back gently, and the speed of the ball surged three times in an instant. A yellow light flashed through, approaching the dead end of the track!

"What! So fast! How is it possible!"

Jibu was startled!

Originally it was only a tentative attack, but Chu Tian's return hit even exceeded the limit of the trace department. Whether it is speed, direction, or timing, it is too fast, too fast!

It ’s too late to respond!

"No, you must catch it. If you lose the first ball, it's too ridiculous! Uncle Ben, how could you make such a mistake!"

The body of the track also ran at the fastest speed.

Staring closely at the flying ball, the track made a swing while running. The speed of the ball is too fast, and there is no time to respond. The track can only omit and overlap the extra actions, and catch up in the shortest time!

The moment the tennis ball was about to rub against his body, the trace finally swung.


The powerful force shocked the wrist of the track!

What a force, this is!

Even training with Huadi, the track department has not felt such a degree of strength, too strong!

The tracker gritted his teeth and picked up slightly. The ball was too strong. In a hurry, he could only improve the line a little, as long as he could hit it back.

Tennis crossed a sharp arc and crossed towards the court opposite Chu Tian. Suddenly, Ji Bu's eyes flashed, and he found that Chu Tian was already online!

"Wait for this time !!"

Chu Tian laughed, as if expecting this result long ago, raised his hand high and waved!


Boom! ! !


The tennis ball hit the ground with a loud bang, madly irregular movement and continued to hit the ground, under strong force, the tennis ball was squeezed and deformed, but did not bounce.

Just like the stones sliding on the ground, after Chu Tian's slamming fell to the ground, he did not bounce at all, but moved forward all the way, constantly forward. The bang was loud, the tennis ball swept all the way, and after fierce rubbing, it left a clear trace on the ground, and the momentum was huge.

Boom! ! !

Crashed on the steps, then jumped high, over the block of the playing field, and flew out of the field ...

[Chu Tian score, 15: 0! 】

The whole stadium was silent.

Explosive power, reaction power, computing power, every ability of Chu Tian is terrifying. The initiative of the whole game was grasped by Chu Tian at the beginning ...


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