Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 12 Chapter 69: The semifinals are coming (2/5)

The next game, Chu Tian basically went smoothly, killing everything in seconds.

When meeting Tezuka and Kibu, who are more capable, Chu Tian is willing to suppress his strength as much as possible and have fun with them. However, when encountering teams whose standards are too low to see, and who do not even have the qualifications to fight, Chu Tian would be too lazy to talk nonsense and start with no mercy.

One spike after another, that's how it started. After the first game of the Kanto contest, there were several games. Chu Tian's beauty team spiked all the way, relaxed and straight to the semifinals of the semifinals.

Accompanied by Chu Tian's splendid record, the major news media are competing to report. This reporter is said to be very powerful, and the talent is almost unmatched. All the reporters are desperately promoting: "The champion of this national competition is the most promising winner."

"The strongest person in junior high school and the Nobel Prize winner, a real genius has been born!"

"What is Chu Tian's worth?"

"Samurai of the future, hope of the tennis world!"


Various news emerges endlessly, Chu Tian's reputation has been resounded in Japan's junior high school circles!

The game was progressing quickly, and in a round of duels, the strong teams stood out. In this way, two days later, it is the real semifinals.

This semi-final, compared with the original, has a lot of fluctuations.

——The Tennis Department of the Affiliated High School of Lihai University VS the Youth Tennis Department

——Second Tennis Department of Youth Academy VS Hexagon Middle School.

Eventually, the winning parties will participate in the Kanto finals.

The Ice Emperor Academy, like the original, lost the enemy to the fixed peak, but because the Kanto region hosted the national competition, it won a place. With the addition of the top 8 teams, including the fixed peak, a total of 9 teams in the Kanto region entered the national competition.

What is more interesting to Chu Tian is the competition between Youth Academy and Lihai University.

Lihaida ’s Xingcun Jingshi, whose condition has been healed, Lihaida ’s peak combat strength and fighting spirit of all members are higher than the original.

But for Qing Xue, although he lost the opportunity to play against such strong teams as Ice Emperor and Hexagon, Dashi was not injured, and the golden combination still exists; Tezuka also participated in the competition, and the peak power is even more powerful. The strength is also stronger than the original.

No one is optimistic about Qingxue, but Chu Tian knows that the possibility of victory of Qingxue is very high. In the original work, the youth school defeated Lihai University. The key to victory this time is the arrangement of the fights between the two sides, the status and morale of the members, and of course, luck ...

This is what Chu Tian was most interested in before the national competition.


Before the game, boring leisure time.

Chu Tian and Long Qi Ying Nai, Peng Xiang, Tang Xing three people, just drive out for a ride, relax and relax.

The three women wore all-colored women's school uniforms, under the knee-length short skirts, their white legs were energetic and moving, which made Chu Tian feel itchy. There are too many beauties in the cheerleading team, and it is very urgent to push down the task. But having said that, it was only Chu Tian who could come to date with three pure and beautiful big beauties ...

Peng Xiang and Tang Xing are cheerful and lively, Ryuzaki Sakura is pure in heart, and the girls get along well, like a family ...

"Seniors! Seniors! Us, where do we go today? Is it a zoo? Playground? Or seniors your company? Sister Xing, where are you going to go?"

Peng Xiang tweeted, not at all polite.

Lively and cheerful personality, although sometimes careless, but the feeling of Pengxiang is still very hearty and clear, the sun is vigorous.

"Pengxiang, you have to study hard too. Last month's exam, you almost didn't pass it. Play less. Otherwise, your teacher will get angry and you will be banned from participating in club activities." Chu Heaven said helplessly.

"Hee hee, even if I can't get through, the seniors will help me, right!" Peng Xiang smiled without fear. Pengxiang knew Chu Chu's huge privileges.

"You girl ..."

Chu Tian smiled helplessly, Peng Xiang, the girl, was not seen at all.

Turned his head and looked to the tall building complex on the side.

Tokyo, Japan, is a famous metropolis in the world, bustling and bustling, with tall buildings lined up one after another. Chu Tian also bought a lot of real estate in Tokyo. Among them, Chu Tian was the best of the few buildings.

Now I have a casual glance, and several buildings are all Chutian's. At the time, Chutian's huge purchases made Tokyo's housing prices rise a lot ...

Touching his chin, Chu Tian said to himself:

"Um ... you said, how about going to play tennis? I remember that there are several indoor tennis courts in the property here, just to take you to visit."

"Well, listen to seniors." Ying Nai's face slightly blushed, whispered.

"It's so decided!" Orange Xing smiled.

"Okay, let's go!"

Chu Tian's luxury car made a hurry and walked away ...

Sakura ’s tennis has been getting better and better recently. The third level of the selfless realm can be used skillfully under the guidance of Chu Tian. Chu Tian also displayed hundreds of special skills, allowing Sakura to use the realm of selflessness in the battle. Ryuzaki Sakura is today's strength, has surpassed all junior high school students!

As for Takasaki Sakura's good friend, Peng Xiang, although he has a lively and cheerful personality, he can't bear his temper. However, under the fanatical worship of Chu Tian, ​​he practiced diligently, barely able to enter the realm of selflessness.

As for Tang Xing, I used to play tennis a lot. Although Chu Tian was late in teaching, he has a solid foundation. Recently, he has also opened two doors that are full of talent and talent.

The three seemingly weak girls, tennis skills, have long been ridiculously high!

Of course, in the process of teaching beautiful women to play tennis, all kinds of physical contact are of course indispensable. How can Chu Tian, ​​with three great beautiful women, have no idea? Thinking of the lone man and the widow, the fire of dry wood, Chu Tian ’s younger brother stood upright ...


There are 3 more, very late, wait for more children's shoes, I suggest to watch it tomorrow morning,

Make up for class tonight, pitted. It was also pitted on Sunday, mapping ,,,

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