Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 12 Chapter 70: The revolution has not yet succeeded (Supplement 3)

"Um, Pengxiang, that's right, that's it, arms straight, straight, and then slowly move ..."

"The waist is bent, just relax, relax ..."


In the tennis court, Chu Tian is teaching Peng Xiang how to play tennis.

Peng Xiang ’s tennis level is the worst among the three girls, plus the Peng Xiang little girl volunteered to ask Chu Tian for guidance, of course Chu Tian will not let this opportunity go.

Tightly leaning against Pengxiang's back, Chu Tian felt the water and tender skin of Lolita Girl. A scent of fragrance fluttered into Chu Tian's nostrils, and Chu Tian was all covered.

Ca n’t help but slowly touch Pengxiang ’s little hands, pinch and knead, Chu Tian also did not forget to use various lies to set off his great action: “Pengxiang, your hands are not flexible enough and need a lot of massage So that you can play a more rounded tennis. "

"--But, senior, does playing tennis have anything to do with the softness of your hands?" Peng Xiang asked unclearly. Asked while maintaining a posture.

Chu Tian is correcting her posture to play tennis. Chu Tian needs to teach not only the power of tennis, but also to strive for beautiful movements, pleasant, and playing tennis as a dance. Otherwise, simply teaching tennis, how can it reflect Chu Tian's level!

Pengxiang always followed the meaning of Chu Tian, ​​how to correct Chu Tian, ​​what Pengxiang did, but did not feel that there was anything wrong with it.

Chu Tian immediately replied: "Of course there is! This is complicated to say and involves a lot of principles. If you think your hands are not soft enough, the movement will not be smooth, even if there is an error of 0.11 seconds, sometimes Will become ... "

With a lot of nonsense, Chu Tian's big hands gradually rubbed against Peng Xiang's waist.

Chu Tian is not eating tofu, this is to correct the twist of the waist when playing tennis!

Chu Tian is hard at heart!

Moreover, the movement of the waist alone is not enough!

As a strict tennis coach, Chu Tian not only requires students to do this, footwork is also very important, so he slowly reached out and came to Peng Xiang ’s lower body, on the fair-water and tender thighs. And touched it gently. Then pretend to correct Pengxiang's footwork ...

Under the cyan short skirt, Pengxiang's legs are round and smooth, slim and slim. The skin is as white as milk, delicate, soft and soft. This is the water and tender skin of the girl, full of youthful vitality. Under the thin green skirt, what kind of spring light is covered up, Chu Tian is more looking forward to ...

"Ah! Learn, senior! You, you are bad!"

Pengxiang suddenly whispered, and his face turned red, and he dared not turn his head to look at Chu Tian.

Chu Tian's hand slowly opened Peng Xiang's skirt! It is pitiful to see that Chu Tian was never intentional, but just looked at the girl ’s jade legs and subconsciously made such a move. Chu Tian was absolutely unintentional!

But Pengxiang didn't blame anything, just said "you're bad"!

As a veteran of love, Chu Tian also foresees something.

With a fire, hot fire, and hot breath in his mouth, Chu Tian slowly approached Peng Xiang, and he said ambiguously: "Then, senior me ... I'll be worse, how?"

Chu Tian's big hand slowly, inch by inch in the skirt. The soft girl's holy place is within reach. Seeing that Pengxiang had no objection at all, a pair of eyes flashed with joy. Chu Tian knew that the little girl had been completely conquered by her own personality charm!

What are you waiting for! The laws of Chu Tian's body fluctuated and overwhelmed, the time of the entire "Prince of Tennis" world stopped instantly. Picking up Pengxiang, the big mouth is attached with Pengxiang's small mouth, and his hands also occupy the two places of the girl. Chu Tian's body disappeared in a flash, and came to the Chu Emperor Realm in his body ...

In a different world, there is a sweet voice. Another beautiful young woman.

After being with N in Chu Huang Realm, He Pengxiang came back again.

The time of the Prince of Tennis World is working again.


"Xing, your figure is really good."

While guiding the orange and apricot, Chu Tian tentatively rubbed slowly on the apricot's maiden peak. After resolving Peng Xiang, Chu Tian once again stared at the big beauty Xing.

Ju Xing's blush looks like an apple, but Chu Tian can't refuse. Slowly twisting his body, Xing is also like Pengxiang, saying: "Chu Tian, ​​here, there are people here ..."

The implication is that it would be fine if not here.

Xing was originally a cheerful and lively girl, like Chu Tian, ​​naturally will not deny it. Chu Tian smiled, two big hands quietly probed into the orange apricot's clothes, completely occupied a pair of big white rabbits ...


The sound of a broken shirt sounded.

Chu Tian's body flashed, and he left with orange apricot. Papa. Papa, you have to find a good place!

After two revolutionary victories, Chu Tian was full of self-confidence and was proud of himself, winning the posture of all the beauties of Net King World!

Shaking off his handsome hairstyle, Chu Tian turned his attention to Sakura once again.

Sakura is cute, like a porcelain doll. In terms of beauty, Sakura is a little higher than Tang Xing and Peng Xiang. There is a slight deficiency, but Xuefeng is not as big as the two women.

Coming to Japan and growing up, Sakura will definitely grow into a great beauty in the country.

"Sakura, I'll teach you a new trick!" Chu Tian moved toward Sakura with a sense of enthusiasm.

"Thank you, seniors!"

"Um, Sakura, relax, relax, yes, that's it—"

"Study, senior! Don't, don't do this!"

"Sakura, don't you like the seniors?"

"But, my mother said, you can't be like a boy before you are an adult ..."

"Ah, touch it ... can I?"

Ryugasaki Yoshino's face turned red, and finally, he shook his head and pressed gently on the big hand that Chu Tian was about to penetrate into his clothes, and said seriously: "Study, senior. No, no ... but, but, if If it ’s a senior, it ’s okay, you can put it through your clothes ... "


Chu Tian instantly discovered that he thought too well!

Ying Nai's tutoring is very strict. She has lived in a very conservative environment since she was a child. It takes a lot of effort to win Ying Nai. Even if it is a little action through the clothes, I am afraid that Sakuno has made a lot of determination to agree.

But do you have to wait until you reach adulthood? Chu Tian was tangled. Looking at a favorite beauty ca n’t be slap. Although it is not painful, after all, there are thousands of Chu Tian ’s harems, but for Chu Tian who has countless girls, this is a big setback ...

"Forget it, today I pushed the two beauties in one fell swoop, and I'm contented. Ying Nai, this little girl, take your time." Chu Tian glanced at Xing and Pengxiang who whispered in the distance.

However, tofu doesn't eat in vain, Chu Tian teaches Sakura to play tennis, while doing all kinds of kneading. The fruits of the victory of the revolution need to be picked slowly.

As for overthrowing the cause?

Comrade Chu Tian will never be relaxed. He looked at Peng Xiang and Tang Xing in the distance, a kinky, unruly plan, formed in Chu Tian ’s mind ...


Suddenly found that this volume has not been written. Push it down, write a little, saying that this degree really makes me entangled. For a long time, Mu has written, ,, and there are two chapters at 6:00 in the morning.

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