Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 12 Chapter 71: Competition between Qingxue and Lihai University (Supplement 4)

Two days later.

The semi-finals of the Kanto contest.

Crowds of spectators are rushing to the venue, and many reporters who are attracted by this are also preparing to interview the game. Chu Tian's team, however, has attracted a lot of attention, so it's a good interview.

However, as soon as I walked into the playing field, I heard the referee's voice coming from afar ...

[6: 0, Chu Tian wins! The Second Tennis Department of Youth Academy, qualified for the finals! 】 The game is over?

too fast!

When everyone hurried to go, among the competition venues, the people of Hexagon Middle School were exhausted, exhausted and as if suffering a terrible blow, lying on the ground.

"How, why! How could it be so strong!"

"It's deceiving, why is this, they, their strength can't be so strong!"

"Not reconciled, so reconciled."

"Everyone ... Everyone who is not familiar with the rules of tennis, actually beat me ..."


Scattered words came from the mouth of the players in Hexagon Middle School. Although it is impossible to confirm what happened in the end, it is certain. Hexagon Middle School lost to Chu Tian ’s beauty team, and suffered a terrible defeat!

Looking back, I saw that the legendary handsome Nobel Prize winner, Chu Tian, ​​was taking three beautiful women out of the gate. Several people looked calm and talked and laughed, not like they had just played the game.

Several reporters wanted to come forward for an interview, but after seeing Chu Tian's impatient eyes, they backed away. The only thing I know now is that a total of four people participated in this competition.

In other words, after giving up two games, they still win.


"Well, Pengxiang, your tennis has improved a lot, especially the last one to dribble the ball. The timing is very good!"

"Orange apricot is also very strong, and it's extremely hard to master. It's almost mastery."

"Sakura, if there is a realm of selflessness, use it a little less, too much energy, your constitution is slightly worse, pay attention to the combination of work and rest ..."


As Chu Tian walked, he told the three beauties the key points of the game. The three girls listened with interest and nodded from time to time. For them, fighting side by side with Chu Tian is a great joy!

Teams like Hexagon High School are very strong, but they are not too strong, so it is better for Sakuno to practice. Of course, there is still a reason why Chu Tian wanted to see the comparison between Qing Xue and Li Hai University, so he didn't bring a large cheerleader, so a few people went into battle lightly.

All in all, the strength of several women is already quite strong. The only thing lacking right now is the experience of confrontation in the competition. After this comparison, the last short board was completed. The strength of the three girls is enough to be proud of the entire Japanese junior high school ...

As I walked to the east, in a field not far away, the youth school is estimated to be fighting Lihai University. Chu Tian ’s thoughts moved a little, and he knew almost how well the game was going ...

"Come on, Ying Nai, Xing, Peng Xiang. It's not far."


"Sakura, you said, Qing Xue and Li Haida, who will win?"

"Senior, I think it is still possible for Lihai to win big, but youth school is also very strong."

"Yes, Sakura is really smart. Now, Qing Xue has lost two games ..."

Since the relationship was determined a few days ago, Chu Tian has been with the three girls for the past two days. Especially Tang Xing and Peng Xiang, Chu Tian just found two of them XXOO, really enjoyed the blessings.

Tangerine and Pengxiang have undergone earth-shaking changes in these two days.

The skin became more luminous, smooth and moist, and the blow was broken, and the woman's breath became more obvious. Xuefeng, which was not very prominent originally, gradually became full and full of temptations. As if overnight, from the green apple, it has matured.

Chu Tian's double cultivation is really extraordinary!

Although Ryuzaki Sakura is a little dull and a little simple, this change cannot be seen. Seeing Xing and Pengxiang, it became more and more beautiful, and Ryugasaki Sakurano vaguely guessed something.

However, it should not be ... Ryugasaki Sakura still holds a hesitation.

Minors can't do this kind of thing. Ryugasaki Sakura is a good girl who believes in this. I have always been curious about Chu Tian ’s relationship with them. Although a little skeptical, Ryugasaki Sakura felt embarrassed to ask his good sister, which seemed too sudden. So, these two days Ryugasaki Sakura has been very tangled ...

"Hello, Sakura." Girlfriend Pengxiang also whispered to Ryugasaki Sakura's ear.

"Ah! Pengxiang!" Ryugasaki Sakura no longer recovered from her daze.

"What do you think, Sakurayoshi, it's all here! Look, the young people are fighting Lihai! Hey? That person seems to be from our class, it seems to be called Echizen Ryoma ..."

A sign on the side of the court records the result of the match.

The first doubles, Lihai victory.

In the second double, Li Hai won.

The third singles, Qing Xuesheng. Fukuoka won 6: 2 and won against Chihara Aya.

The second single, Echizen Ryoma VS Sanada Kenichiro, is currently in progress.

This game of Ryoma is a crucial one. If you win, the youth school still has hope. But if Ryoma loses to Sanada Kenichiro, then this game is a big win for Li Hai.

Ryoma is now going all out to fight against Sanada. If nothing happens, it should be like the original. [No Self Realm] Under Echizen Ryoma's ball course is unpredictable and changes a lot.

Even the "Wind Forest Volcano" by Kenichi Sanada has been cracked by Echizen!

According to this development, Ryoma should have won, just like the original. However, at this time, Sanada Kenichiro on the field suddenly made a decision. The speed accelerated, and a ball as fast as thunder landed on the field of Echizen Ryoma!

"Moving like-Thunder!"

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