Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 12 Chapter 78: The cut original

Qi Yuanyuan was also angry, and aimed at Yumi's face!

The original irregular serve, few people can see where he will fall, but others don't know, how can masters like Tatsuki Seimura, Tachibana Sanada, etc., not see it! The original ball was cut out, and they knew the purpose of the cut!

Unexpectedly, Qi Yuan actually took their warnings as a wind of ears!

"Cut the original!"


"Quickly stop, cut the original!"

Several people from Lihai growled anxiously below, pale!

However, it is too late!

Boom! !

After the tennis ball hits the ground, it turns and bounces wildly, and then rushes towards Xuejian's face at a very fast speed. The audience in the whole stadium suddenly raised their throats!

Then a beautiful face, not to mention playing tennis, even if it is stained with a little dust, it will make people unbearable!

However, Chihara actually used tennis to hit the girl's face!

Still beautiful!

Suddenly, thousands of eyes killed people, all looking towards the big people of Lihai. Even Xingcun Jingshi, known as the Son of God, suddenly shivered and almost shivered.

Li Haida has become a public enemy!

Cut the original, what the **** are you thinking about! Dizzy, even girls are willing to start! Li Haida complained in his heart.

No one thought that the current cutaway has been completely enchanted. Once entering this crazy demonized state, the whole cutaway's personality will undergo huge changes ...


A sullen and nice voice came from the court.

Surprisingly, the situation on the court has not developed as feared by everyone. When everyone thought that Xue Jian was about to be hit by tennis, even many people couldn't bear to close their eyes. Xue Jian actually scolded an **** instead.

Then the body shifted slightly to the left, and the tennis ball wiped his face.

However, it's not just that.

Xuejian's footsteps are like a light dance. At a strange moment, he has come to the back of tennis again. The jade arm was raised gently and flicked gently.


Even, I can't see the course of the tennis, I already scored!

[Miss Xuejian score, score, 15: 0! 】

The referee's voice came from the horn.

Everyone in the whole square was stunned. Unexpectedly, this seemingly delicate girl actually avoided the attack at the critical moment, and counterattacked, and scored directly! What a terrible speed of response!

"Good job!"

"Miss Xuejian, get rid of that rude!"

"Lihai is despicable and shameless! It's a bastard!"

"Li Haida, you will lose!"


"—Impossible! Impossible! Did you actually hide? No, impossible!" Chi Yuanchi shouted incredulously, the blood in his eyes growing deeper and deeper in anger.

It was actually scored by the opponent!

I didn't react to it! ?

In his anger, Qi Yuan ’s mental state became more and more unstable, and the whole person ’s combat power was also rapidly increased. Taking up the tennis ball on the ground, Qi Yuanyuan also tossed up again——

"So this time, I will hit your knee!"

The opposite Xuejian held the racket, feeling a little sullen in his heart.

Although he has always been cheerful, Xuejian is a bit hot now. She is an exquisite Miss Tang family, beautiful and flowery, little jasper, cough, okay, although occasionally savage, but it is also a girl anyway! It's really abominable that someone actually used tennis to injure someone maliciously!

Even when I saw the Prince of Tennis comics, I knew Chihara ’s character, but Yumi did n’t expect him to play a girl, he still succeeded!

Xue sees his temper!

A light aura gradually overflowed in the hands of Yumi. An unknown power permeated the Yukimi ’s tennis racket, beyond the understanding of everyone in the world. Before the game, I told Chu Tian that I would not use the power beyond the limits of humanity, but that was just to make the game more interesting and not too boring. This is not Chu Tian's restriction on them.

This provocation.

Xue Jian was really angry.

Victorious is not what Wu Jian wants. but now--

"Cut the original, you! Die! Set!"

Xue sees outrageously.

Boom! !

The opposite ball fell on Yumi's feet, about to bounce towards Yumi's knee, and Yumi reacted almost instantly. Above the racket, the condensed aura glowed brightly.

At the moment when the original ball jumped, Yumi's racket was already welcomed.

"Tell you, whoever fights may still be, you curly monster!"

With a loud bang, the tennis ball flew out like a meteor!

At the same time, Xuejian also lost a body-setting technique just in case. The opposite of the original cut just wanted to move, and suddenly found that the body does not listen to the command! No matter how much power he used, he couldn't move!

The tennis ball flew out like a meteor as fast as it was, and when Chiwon Chi hadn't responded, he already blasted at Chiwon's feet. With a loud bang.

Boom! ! ! !

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ...

Chihara Chi felt instantly that his bones were all broken!

Xue Jian contains tennis attacked by Taoism, how can a mortal can resist. Chihara Chi is also under this ball, the entire left leg has completely lost consciousness!

However, it is not over yet!

After hitting the knee, the tennis ball returned to Yumi's court again. Yumi raised the racket again and swung it!

Once again pointed at Kiehara Akiya's knee!

"No, no! No! Don't do it!"

Chihara Chi also wanted to escape, but unfortunately couldn't escape! Where does Yumi see the body-fixing technique? It has always been the original reason for using tennis to hurt other people. For the first time, I felt the feeling of being beaten by others with tennis!




Repeated attacks have concentrated on Chiahara Chiya's legs. The whole original leg is numb! Although Xue Jian on the opposite side seemed to be weak, but he was not soft.

He and Chu Tian experienced some unknown years, but Xue Jian looked longer than anyone. This kind of person, even if he doesn't teach him now, there will be others who will teach in the future, or he will use tennis to hurt more people.

"You hit me! Didn't you say hit me!"

"Why didn't your kid talk, dumb?"

"Dare to play prestige in front of my exquisite Miss Tang family, you are tired of being tired! Huh!"

"Take me another ball!"


Xuejian played tennis arrogantly while arrogantly authentic. In this way, every time the tennis ball hits Chiharu Aya's knee, it will bounce back to Yuki's side, then hit the ball again, hit the Chiahara Aya's knee again, and then return again ...

In the obscure consciousness of Kiehara Akiya, he finally knew what the Minister ’s warning meant.

Not worried that he hurt the girl.

Rather, opponents, can't afford it!


There is a chapter around 12:30

Start paying debts tomorrow ~

It ’s really embarrassing to update the **** in the past few days.

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