Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 12 Chapter 79: Xun'er's horror suppression

"Look at the last ball of my Lady Tang!"


There was a loud bang.

In everyone's shocked eyes, Xuejian's ball was not directed at Qi Yuan's legs, but faced his head. After a sudden pain in the brain, Qi Yuanchi finally felt nothing.

With a loud bang, Qi Yuanyuan also fell to the ground again.

[... Because Chihara also lost the ability to compete, Miss Yuki won this game! Let ’s play the second singles match, with Miss Kaoru playing against Sanada Kenichiro ...] ...

Xue Jianjiao proudly waved the racket in his hand and walked down the court without looking at the original on the field.

One of the reasons is to ask for bitterness.

And Xue sees his majesty and arrogance as one of the reasons.

People of different heights and different ideas will always change. Although Xue Jian is still the same as the original, innocent, lively, and cute, but after spending so long with Chu Tian, ​​he is slowly assimilated by Chu Tian, ​​and the endless years will inevitably produce a trace of ordinary people ... Look down.

Just hurt a mortal, is there a problem? Over the years, Chu Tian did n’t know how many worlds had been destroyed, and with this big color wolf, Xuejian instantly felt that he was noble ...

"Heaven! How is my game?"

Xue Jian smiled like a flower, threw himself into Chu Tian's arms, and asked softly. For Xuejian, the whole game is just about participating in the plot. Of course, there must be Chu Tian in this kind of participation.

"Of course it's good, but this is the original--"

Chu Tian hugged Xue Jian's beautiful body and said slowly.

"What happened to the original?"

"I think you should start with a little heavier and kill him directly!" Chu Tianxing said cheerfully, dancing and surging, "It's a real **** dare to dare to destroy flowers! And my Xuejian is so beautiful, he actually Dare to succeed? See you see if this works, I will change the original luck, so that the second half of this girl's life will continue to be unlucky, even when walking, it will be covered by bird **** ... "

"... Brother, you're even better than me."

"Not yet for my dear Xiao Xue ..."


Talking with Xue, Xun'er beside Chu Tian nodded with Chu Tian, ​​Lian Bu moved slightly and walked onto the court.

This time, Xun's opponent was Li Haida's deputy minister, Sanada Kenichiro.

However, Xun'er and Xuejian are different. Xue Jian has a lively personality and does not need much effort to practice; Xun'er's cultivation behavior is also the most top among all members of Chu Tian's harem. Plus Xun'er's temper is a bit indifferent, do not like procrastination, it is estimated that this game will be resolved soon ...

[At the start of the game, Sanada Kenichiro serves, and a goal will be the winner! 】

The stadium was quiet again.

This match, three wins in five innings, Chu Tian's beauty team has won. Sanada Kenichiro's game is irrelevant. However, everyone still wants to see the result of this game.

Sanada Kenichiro is known as the "Emperor".

Sanada Kenichiro's tennis strength has been recognized in Japan's junior high school and is a strong player.

Sanada Kenichiro is undoubtedly very strong. Although everyone is not optimistic about this game, after all, the difference in strength between the two teams has been determined after 3 games and 6: 0 three times. However, everyone still looks like to see how far Sanada Kenichiro can achieve it.

Sanada Kenichiro is doomed to fail, but can he get one or two points from Xun'er's hand! ?

"I didn't expect that I would have such a day."

The fragmentary words of the audience, Ichiro Sanada naturally heard. Clenching the racket, Sanada Kenichiro had an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

Did you really lose?

The person opposite was very strong, Sanada Kenichiro was clear. However, it is impossible for him to give up this game. In order to stand up to the three-match hegemony, Sanada Kenichiro has done a lot of exercises, which is a terrible training plan. This time, he is not allowed to lose. Be sure to pull back a game!

"Although we lost to you this time, but at the National Contest, we are standing at the University and will be waiting for you in the final."

Sanada Kenichiro looked at Chu Tian in the distance and said to himself. Afterwards, he threw up the tennis ball vigorously, and when the tennis ball fell, Sanada Kenichiro swung violently!

Move like-Thunder!

Boom! !

The speed of tennis is like thunder, running towards Xun'er's court! Sanada Kenichiro still has a lot of confidence, otherwise, he will not say such confident words.

Girls, no matter how fast or explosive they are, they can't catch the ball, Sanada Kenichiro said. Even if such a ball is received by chance, the terrifying power will hit the racket.

It should be.

However, I don't know why, there is still a trace of concern in Sanada's mind. Therefore, he has been carefully watching Xun'er opposite.

"Not bad."

The opposite Xun'er said such a word in his mouth.

Xi Mo is like gold, as if the predecessors evaluated the younger ones. Xun'er's jade arm gently waved, and then at a moment that Sanada Xichiro couldn't catch with his naked eyes——

Boom! ! !

The tennis ball exploded behind Sanada Kenichiro.

[Miss Xun'er score, 15: 0! 】


It was his movements like thunder that surprised Sanada!

The other party actually learned in an instant, and hit back at multiple times! Even the founder of Thunder, Sanada Kenichiro couldn't take this trick!

"How, how ... can you learn it at a glance, is this a joke? No, absolutely impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"Moving like-Thunder !!!"

Sanada Kenichiro used his stunt again and shot with greater force. He wanted to prove that this was not true. However, the opposite Kaoru still caught up in a flash.

The jade arm was raised gently, the movement was elegant and noble.

Ruthless reality, once again defeated Sanada Kenichiro!


[30: 0! 】

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