For Guan Lin, what he tastes is more the taste of ingredients influenced by Seiichiro's knife skills.

In fact, it is mainly because there is no reference. If you take a piece of salmon sliced ​​by ordinary people, then there is a clear comparison. Even if the same ingredients are used, the texture and taste of the fish are completely different.

At the same time, Guan Lin found that there seemed to be a huge salmon in front of him, but the salmon's environment was not the blue sea, but a sea of ​​bright red blood.

The huge salmon also seemed to exude a terrifying killing atmosphere.

This kind of reflection is actually one of the characteristics of this world's cuisine, just like the luminous cuisine that will appear in the world of the little master.

In the food halberd world, the characteristic is that you can see some phantoms. Of course, not all dishes will have this kind of situation. Only after reaching a certain level, this kind of phantom feedback will appear.

What Guan Lin sees now is influenced by Seiichiro's Shura's heart, so there will be a sea of ​​blood and a huge salmon exuding a terrifying aura in front of him, like a monster.

Asura itself means killing and domineering, and Seiichiro's culinary heart is completely reflected in the cooking.

This kind of cuisine is actually very dangerous, because this kind of overbearing cuisine can easily defeat others, and even leave an indelible psychological shadow on the opponent.

Of course, although such a heart of cooking is scary and dangerous, it doesn't have much effect on Guan Lin.

In the blink of an eye, all the illusions in front of Guan Lin disappeared.

"As expected of someone called Shura, Mr. Seiichiro's cooking is really overbearing!"

Guan Lin sighed with emotion, and at the same time understood the gap between himself and the other party.

Guan Lin can't be sure what level Seiichiro is, because he lacks a reference, but he can be sure that the other party is still at the super level, which is a feeling.

Although he couldn't be sure exactly, he had the feeling that because the other party's heart of cooking hadn't been perfected yet, a perfect heart of cooking was a must if he wanted to reach the level of Linchu.

Although the other party's cooking heart is domineering, it gives Guan Lin a feeling that it is not close, so the other party must still be at the super level and has not reached Lin's kitchen.

"In terms of domineering, your cooking is extremely domineering. I've never heard of such a culinary heart."

Seiichiro on the side naturally also tasted Guan Lin's dishes. Guan Lin is also a chef with cooking skills, but his cooking skills have not yet reached the super level.

But the heart of the chef does already have a prototype, just like Tadokoro Megumi in the original book, she is ahead of others in this point, but her heart of the heart is more fragile.

Guan Lin's is still in its infancy, and when he can really be called a chef's heart, he will enter the super level in this respect.

But Seiichiro was shocked at this moment, because Guan Lin's heart of cooking was even more domineering than his.

You know, his Asura Kitchen Heart is already the best in terms of overbearing, but what about Guan Lin's? Guan Lin's kitchen heart gives him the feeling that he is supreme, overbearing, and can be called the supreme.

That's right, Guan Lin's cooking heart is actually the supremacy, which is also related to Guan Lin's mentality. Although Guan Lin doesn't like fighting with others very much, his mentality has always been to pursue the highest position.

He is also eager to stand at the highest peak of cooking, not limited to the ceiling of the world of food halberds, but to stand at the highest peak of cooking.

Even this kind of pursuit completely ignores everything else, chasing the highest peak with a detached mentality.

Gradually, under the guidance of this kind of mentality, Guan Lin, a chef named Supreme, also appeared.

In the beginning, Guan Lin was actually a little distressed about the heart of the kitchen. Although he did not completely disbelieve in the so-called spiritual theory like Nakiri Alice, even if he believed in it, there is no way to pursue such illusory things.

It is also because after Nakiri International, he came into contact with many chefs who understood the heart of cooking, so after consulting with these people, he gradually grasped a little feeling, and then naturally, this chef named Supreme appeared.

It's just that the chef's heart is too weak now, it's just a prototype, but even so, he can be regarded as stepping into the field of super chef with one foot.

After all, in terms of kitchen heart, as long as anyone who has comprehended it knows that the most difficult point of kitchen heart is getting started.

As long as you get started, becoming a super chef is not difficult.

If you want to compare it with an accurate numerical value, then the difficulty of comprehending the heart of the kitchen is one hundred, and the difficulty of reaching the super level after comprehending the heart of the kitchen is only one.

So basically as long as you get started, the road to the super class will be smooth sailing. As long as other aspects keep up, the heart of the kitchen can also enter the super class with its natural development.

Unless the talent is too poor, so that other aspects cannot meet the door of the super class, of course, this situation generally does not happen.

After all, the most difficult point is the heart of the kitchen. If the heart of the kitchen is up to the standard, there will be basically no problems in other aspects.

So in the original book, if it wasn't because Yukihira Sōma entered Tōtsuki, then in fact, among Polar Star Dorm, the person with the highest potential should be Tadokoro Megumi.

Because she already has the rudimentary form of the heart of cooking, she only needs to develop naturally to reach such a height, it is nothing more than a matter of how long it takes to use it.

"To be honest, I am actually quite surprised that such a heart of cooking appears."

Guan Lin's words are not fake, after all, his goal is to pursue the pinnacle of cooking, as for the others, he doesn't really care.

But in the end, such a supreme cooking heart appeared, which should generally be possessed by ambitious people.

But he can be regarded as meeting the standard, after all, pursuing the highest peak, although many people have such a dream, but Guan Lin really believes that he has this opportunity to reach the highest peak, not the so-called illusory dream.

The confidence of all this is naturally derived from his own system. At this point, Guan Lin should also thank this system. It is precisely because of the existence of the system that Guan Lin has such confidence that the Supreme Chef's heart has truly taken shape. .

Others just regard it as a fantasy. In fact, they also subconsciously know that it is basically impossible for them to encounter this point, so they have not formed such a heart.

"No matter what, with such a culinary heart, I am looking forward to your future achievements, but for now, let's try other dishes first."

Seiichiro said with a smile.

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