Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 104: Your breath

Chaos Xinghai, Xingtian Palace!

The square outside Xingtian Palace was very lively. The Seven Stars of Chaos Xinghai were all there, Xuanyuan Xueji was also there, there were also Xinxin, Liuhuo, and of course Xiaoyao King.

Everyone stood silently, waiting for Xiao Lang's arrival, Xiaoyao King had already stated clearly that the two of them were going to the Baihua Palace later. What are you doing to Baihua Palace? This can be known without guessing.


The space fluctuates, and a figure suddenly appears, wearing an ordinary samurai robe, a hair like snow, a face like a knife, and cold eyes. After Xiao Lang's strength reached the top, his temperament changed slightly. Or maybe it hasn't changed at all, it's just that everyone's mentality has changed, and they look at him differently.

"Uncle Xuanyuan, Master Xingjun, Master Liuhuo, Master Lianxin, Master Zhang Ge, hello adults!"

There was a gentle smile on Xiao Lang's face, a line of courtesy, Xuanyuan Xueji and Xing Tian were not embarrassed, but the others were terrified, and even said they didn't dare.

What are you kidding about, what strength is Xiao Lang now? This is a fierce man who can kill the Supreme God. He is not an adult who dare not respond, right?

However, the voice of Xiao Lang also made everyone excited, which shows that Xiao Lang is nostalgic for the past. Turning his head to think that Xiao Lang and King Xiaoyao were about to go to Baihua Palace, everyone's eyes dimmed. Although he went with Xiaoyao King, one thought that they could be Baihua Fairy's opponent.

Xiao Lang didn't like to talk nonsense. He walked over to Xuanyuan Tianzun and came to a bear hug, and then came to Xing Tian again, and then bowed slightly to bow with Liu Huo Lianxin Zhang Ge, and then waved his hand and said, "Master Xiaoyao, let's go! "

Xiaoyao Wang was cool, and he glanced at everyone at random, and his body and Xiao Lang disappeared outside Xingtian Palace. A group of people were left looking at each other in an extremely complicated way. They were not qualified to watch the battle like this, and for the benefit of the families, they could not watch the battle either.

Xing Tian sighed: "There will be talents from generation to generation, and new generations will replace old ones. Since Xiao Lang, you can reach the top at such an age, then you should continue to create miracles. I, Xing Tian...wait for your return!"

Xuanyuan Xueji clenched his fists, but smiled on his face: "I watched this kid grow up. He has been creating miracles. This time there will be miracles. He is destined to be the king of the world!"

Liu Huo and Zhang Ge looked at each other and smiled bitterly. Liu Huo shook his head and said, "That's wrong, Xiao Lang is already the king, no matter whether this battle is victory or defeat, whether it is life or death, he is destined to stay in history and live forever."


"call out!"

All the supreme gods in the three realms have moved to the Chaos Star Sea. They are naturally qualified to watch the battle, and they have to watch such a big event. This battle will affect the pattern of the major forces in the Chaos Space.

A group of people swiftly flew towards the Hundred Blossom Domain, all of them stood outside the domain, watching Xiaoyao King and Xiao Lang flying towards the domain.

"call out!"

Countless Heavenly Sovereigns in the Hundred Flower Domain had already stood above the domain and waited, staring murderously at Xiao Lang and King Xiaoyao, blocking the way into the Hundred Flower Domain.


Xiaoyao King found a powerful helper, naturally unscrupulous, and immediately burst into drink. A group of Heavenly Venerables refused to give up. The poppy commander at the front looked at Xiao Lang with a gloomy expression and said coldly, "Xiao Lang, I was so good to you in vain. I didn't expect you to be a white-eyed wolf."

Xiao Lang and King Xiaoyao stood outside the area of ​​Hundred Flowers. King Xiaoyao wanted to swear through the air, but Xiao Lang waved his hand and said, "What is a white-eyed wolf? I came to Hundred Flower Area to seek refuge, and immeasurable wants to kill me. I’m going out to die? Ok... I don’t blame you. The matter between me and Boundless is our personal grievance. If he can kill me, why can’t I kill him? Fairy Baihua I respect her, how did she treat me? When people are chasing and killing people, why doesn’t she let Long Ao and Wuliang stop? I’m a bit weird. For my good people, I treat her ten times better. For people who are not good to me, I care about her. Heavenly King Laozi! Make way, Poppy Commander, your strength cannot stop us, and you are not qualified!"

The poppy leader's speech was stagnant, and she wanted to refute but didn't know how to refute it. She could only quietly shut up, but stood still in front of her, presumably preparing to block the path of the two with death.

"court death!"

When Xiaoyao's eyes were cold, his body was shining and he was about to shoot, but as soon as he reached a faint voice, he soon heard: "Go away, let them in."

It was the voice of the mandala guarding the law, and all the heavens retreated to the side immediately with a sigh of relief, and Xiao Lang and Xiaoyao Wang flew toward the Baihua Palace with such unscrupulous.

"Huh? Sure enough!"

Approaching the Baihua Palace, Xiao Lang's consciousness immediately locked the courtyard where the two of Yan Ruoshui lived, but did not find the two of them. He scanned the city and found nothing, and his expression became cold.

"call out!"

The two flew straight to the Baihua Palace, and the two guards at the gate of the palace were standing one by one, the light veil was removed from their faces, revealing two pretty faces.

"Yun Zishan!"

The corner of Xiao Lang's mouth was awe-inspiring, he looked at the familiar face and sneered.

"Two adults, the palace master invites you in."

The mandala was cold, like a snow lotus, Xiaoyao Wang laughed and was about to walk inside. Xiao Lang stopped, looked at Violet, and said, "His Royal Highness, I said to help me make a pot of tea. I wonder if it's ready?"

Yun Zishan smiled, she smiled beautifully and breathtakingly, she nodded gently and said: "It's cooked, do you want to drink now?"

"Let's have a drink, it won't take much time, so you can relive the past!"

Xiao Lang nodded and said, then looked at King Xiaoyao and said, "Master Xiaoyao, you go in first. Violet is my deceased person. I will come with her for a cup of tea."

Xiaoyao Wang looked weird, and this could go to war at any time. What kind of bird tea would Xiao Lang drink? Do you want to have **** with your old lover?

He just wanted to say something, but Xiao Lang had already walked with Violet towards the side hall next to him. Xiaoyao King didn't dare to go in, so he stood there and said to Xiao Lang, "Go and come back, I'm waiting for you here. "

Xiao Lang nodded, and followed Yun Zishan into a partial hall. The two did not go inside either, but sat down in a pavilion in the courtyard. The two did not have a trace of politeness, just like two old men who had been together for many years. Like a friend.

Yun Zishan smiled at Xiao Lang and beckoned the two maids to come up with a pot of hot tea. Yun Zishan poured it on Xiao Lang himself, Xiao Lang did not politely pick it up and smelled it, took a sip, closed his eyes and tasted it, revealing his face full of intoxication, and said with emotion: "The original taste, good tea ! This is the rain tip of Xiliang Mountain? Didn't you expect you to have a treasure?"

Yun Zishan smiled, took a sip of the tea, showing a hint of intoxication, and whispered softly: "This is the Zishan personally picked, and every piece of tea is picked by Zishan himself. I will bring it. After I came back, I was only willing to make one pot a month. Every time I had to drink for three days and three nights, hehe... I'm not afraid of your jokes, every time I drink tea, I feel drunk, because... this tea has a feeling Your breath."

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