Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 105: Fate

Xiao Lang lowered his head and fell silent for a long time. After a while, he looked up at Yun Zishan and said, "What's the point of saying this? We took a different path when we were in the Soul Continent. Now we are going further and further. . But... Although it is an enemy, Zishan, to be honest, I still admire you very much. By the did you come back to life? I remember that you were completely destroyed in Xiliang Mountain?


Yun Zishan burst into laughter, smiled so beautifully, that tears fell from her smile, she looked at Xiao Lang very sincerely and said, "Thank you, thank you, Xiao Lang! Zishan is very happy to get your affirmation. This is the happiest sentence I've heard over the years. Yeah...In the Continent of Souls, we have embarked on an opposing path, but I don’t regret it. For the sake of my family and for my pursuit, I had to abandon you. This is fate, our fate, the man I love the most, but I will do everything possible to destroy him, this is the greatest sorrow of my life in Yun Zishan. Of course, I am also grateful to God, let me meet You, let Zishan live such a wonderful life in this life."

Xiao Lang shook his head and sighed bitterly, "This is indeed our fate, our fate, we can't escape the fate."

Yun Zishan's tears fell, and he took a sip of the tea, and then smiled reluctantly: "You may not know that I did not completely die back then. I left a trace of remnant soul. After you left Tianzhou, I too I followed, and I almost lost my soul many times in the middle of the road. It was not with the tenacity of willpower that Zishan would never see you again. It is also my will that was valued by the palace lord to help me resurrect and become a violet. "

"The remnant soul flew from Tianzhou to God's Domain?"

Xiao Lang was stunned, and he secretly admired him, as expected, he was very personal. Sure enough, this woman was as wise as a demon. In such a situation, there was still a trace of remnant soul...

"All right!"

Xiao Lang waved his hand with emotion: "Don't talk about anything else, let Ruo Shui and the others go. At this point, it's boring to play these things again, don't let me look down on you."

The reason why Xiao Lang came to relive the past was naturally for the two sisters. Palace Master Hundred Flowers is such a character, it is naturally impossible to do this kind of thing, so the rest of the matter is easy to explain.

Yun Zishan shook his head and said: "Don't worry, I have sent the two sisters back to the Purple Emperor Palace. You can let go for a battle. If you die, I will help you collect your body! I will bury you in the Soul Land , Help you sweep your grave and incense every year. If you win, please take me... back to the Soul Continent."

"it is good!"

Xiao Lang stood up and waved his hand to his side and said, "I'm leaving, don't send it."

"and many more!"

Yun Zishan stood up suddenly, fixed his eyes on Xiao Lang, and said hotly, "Xiao Lang, can you kiss me at last?"

Xiao Lang turned around in shock, glanced at Yun Zishan, and walked outside without saying anything, leaving a back straight like a sword. Stopped at the door, leaving a sentence: "Forget it? I'm afraid there is poison in your lips."

When Xiaoyao King saw Xiao Lang walk out of the side hall, his expression was not fluctuating and he was satisfied. He was originally worried that Xiao Lang would be confused by that law protector, but now it seems unnecessary.

"Let's go!"

Xiao Lang smiled indifferently, and the two of them stepped up and walked inside. The mandala led the way, and soon they were taken to a magnificent palace.

There are two people in the palace! Sitting on the main seat was a majestic woman, and a gloomy old man stood next to her.


When Long Ao saw Xiao Lang and King Xiaoyao come in, his eyes sharpened, his body was murderous, and his dark face was slightly distorted, looking very hideous.

"Go down the mandala, sit down!"

Fairy Baihua waved her hand, her expression was calm and she couldn't tell her likes and dislikes, Xiao Lang and King Xiaoyao just stood like this without sitting. Four pairs of eyes looked at each other. After a long time, Fairy Baihua laughed and said, "You are here to kill me, right?"

Xiao Lang did not speak yet, but Xiaoyao Wang laughed and said in advance: "Baihua, you suppressed me for 100,000 years. I have endured this for a long time! I want to ask, are you the master of this world? Why are you? Interfere with other people's affairs? Why? Why? Why?"

Xiao Lang was silent, he also agreed with Xiaoyao King's question, everyone is the Supreme God, did not provoke you to provoke you, Baihua Fairy has crossed the boundary!

Bai Hua Yingying smiled, stretched out a finger and shook and sighed: "Xiaoyao King, Xiao Lang! You don't understand my good intentions, since the birth of the chaotic space, hundreds of millions of living beings have stood side by side, the world has entered the prosperity, the world has entered Reincarnation. You have the most powerful strength in the world, control the life and death of countless people, and have the power to live and die. You control the three domains, the countless domains, and the power to destroy everything. Think about it... if I don't stop you Conflict, if you don’t mediate your contradictions, you fight each other and lead your own minions in a melee, will this world still exist? The war of the gods will destroy not only you, but the entire world! This world needs an order and a Stability. As the most powerful person in the Chaos World, I am naturally responsible for maintaining this stable situation."


Xiaoyao Wang Yangtian laughed. He stretched out a finger to Baihua Fairy’s nose and yelled: "Shit! What you said is bullshit! You are a fake hypocrite, you can't even compare to a real villain. Since this The world needs to maintain order, why do you do it? Why not Lao Tzu? Why not Xiao Lang? You honestly nest in your Hundred Flowers Domain, we play with ours, the world will be chaotic? It will be destroyed? Lao Tzu If the chaos space is unified, will Lao Tzu kill people? Lao Tzu will let the lives be charred? Or you commit suicide? I take the chaotic blood oath, after I unify the chaotic world, if I kill indiscriminately, how can I not die? He clearly wants to be the ruler of this world, but he has to set up a plaque to pretend to be a saint. Pooh!"

Baihua's face suddenly became cold, her eyes gleaming with coldness, and she felt annoyed and turned into anger by others. Before she could speak, a voice rang again: "Good scolding! What she said is really bullshit."

Xiao Lang took the first two steps with a calm expression, and said, "Heaven’s reincarnation, everything is reincarnation! Even if the world is destroyed, all areas are destroyed, and all creatures are destroyed, what about? Since this world can breed a civilization and bred All of us can naturally breed the next civilization. Destruction means rebirth. Who can be sure that after our destruction, the next civilization will not be stronger than this civilization? More prosperous? Fairy Baihua, you are not the master of this world, neither is anyone Anyone in this world has the right to survive, and no one can seize it. Of course... if you want to seize it forcibly, if you want to dominate everything, you must bear the consequences of going against the sky."

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