Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 106: farewell

"as a result of?"

Before Baihua Fairy made a sound, Long Ao beside him suddenly laughed. He pointed to Xiao Lang's nose and sneered, "Just rely on you? Baihua Fairy has been proving for thousands of years. You think you will be invincible when you break through to the Supreme God. Do you two think that together you can be the opponent of the fairy? Haha, a joke!"

"To shut up!"

Xiao Lang yelled coldly, his eyes shot arrogantly at the dragon like electricity, his mighty aura rushed towards his face like a mountain, and his face coldly shouted: "What are you? You are a dog now. We talk to your master. What qualifications do you have to speak up? Not convinced? How about we are just one of us, can you come single?"

"you you you…"

Long Ao almost spewed a mouthful of old blood, and the fierceness in his eyes was about to swallow Xiao Langsheng, but he couldn't find a word to refute, he could only continue to accumulate the momentum of reincarnation, and waited for Fairy Baihua to start the war.

Fairy Baihua calmed down instead, locked in Xiao Lang and Wang Xiaoyao and asked, "Isn't you ready to get along well? No more talk?"

"You can talk!"

A trace of suspicion flashed in Xiaoyao Wang's eyes. Fairy Baihua actually said so much nonsense today? Last time, he started the fight directly. He turned his eyes and smiled: "You give me the Chaos Realm and stay in the realm. I can vowed never to step into your realm."

Fairy Baihua nodded, and turned his eyes to Xiao Lang: "What about you? What are your conditions?"

Xiao Lang was startled, what does this Baihua Fairy mean? Such a powerful strength is so forbearing?

He pondered for a while, and said: "I have no grievances with the fairy. As long as you hand Long Ao to me and meet the requirements of the Xiaoyao King, I can also swear that I will never step into the Hundred Flowers Domain."

Long Ao felt that something was wrong, and looked at Fairy Baihua eagerly, "Fairy, this..."

Fairy Baihua ignored Long Ao, bowed his head for a while, and suddenly raised his head and said: "Okay! I promise you, I just ask you not to disturb my purity in the future."


Xiaoyao King, Xiao Lang, and Long Ao were all dumbfounded. Their eyes were shocked and disbelieving. Long Ao's face was completely distorted. He looked at Baihua Fairy and said urgently: "Palace Master, Palace Master, you can't do this. , You can't do this!"

"There is fraud!"

Xiao Lang and King Xiaoyao were on guard. The Chaos Realm was the lifeblood of Fairy Baihua and the guarantee of her strength. How could she just give it all? Even if Xiao Lang ran into her like this and didn't care about it, he actually gave him Long Ao?

"Xiaoyao King, you swear!"

Fairy Baihua still ignored Long Ao, and a beautiful mirror appeared in his hand. He said with some fatigue, "I am tired, and I don't want to fight anymore. Just as Xiao Lang said, everything is reincarnation. Let everything go with the flow. Yours. I won't care about things anymore. You make a **** oath of chaos, if you don't step into my domain, I will give you the mirror.

Xiaoyao King's eyes were suddenly bright like stars, and Baihua Fairy might have a lot of power in reincarnation, but the most terrifying thing about her was this mirror, which was beaten backless by this mirror last time.

"Are you sure?" Xiaoyao Wang swallowed.

Baihua glanced at it and said impatiently: "If you don't make an oath, I will change my mind if you don't make it."

"it is good!"

Xiaoyao King gave a deep cry, raised a hand, and blood came out of his hand. He burst into a shout: "This is where I, Xiaoyao King, made the Chaos Blood Oath. As long as Baihua Fairy gives me the Chaos Mirror, I will never step into the Baihua Realm. Take one step ahead, otherwise it will kill me!"


The blood on the palm of Xiaoyao King's palm slowly disappeared into the air, an inexplicable energy suddenly entered his mind, and the Chaos Blood Oath was established.

"call out!"

Baihua casually threw the Chaos Realm to Xiaoyao King, and sighed a little depressed: "You all go, the Baihua domain will be sealed in the future, no outsiders can enter."


Long Ao panicked completely, and swept around in horror, confirming that Fairy Baihua was not joking, and fled directly after gritting his teeth and moving.

Xiao Lang smiled, no matter whether there was any conspiracy or not, at least King Xiaoyao got the Chaos Realm and Long Ao escaped. Baihua's strength has been greatly reduced, and no one can threaten him and his people in the future.

"Palace Master, don't I need to take an oath?" Xiao Lang asked suspiciously when he saw Fairy Baihua walking towards the backyard.

Fairy Baihua may be really tired, without turning his head back, waved his hand and said, "Xiao Lang, you are a real man. I believe that if you kill Long Ao, you will never invade my Baihua domain in the future. Of course you Here comes... I'm not afraid of you, let's go, let's go! I'm tired, I will sleep for a hundred years."

"Hahaha! Xiao Lang is leaving!"

Xiaoyao King confirmed that the Chaos Mirror was genuine, and his face was full of ecstasy, and he didn't want to go with Baihua Ink. He was anxious to go back to refine the Chaos Mirror first, as long as he was refined, he would be number one in the world.


Xiao Lang nodded heavily, ecstatic in his heart!

This time he was going to work hard, and he didn't care about life and death. Didn't expect it to be so smooth? The corners of his mouth were full of evil spirits, without the blessing of Fairy Baihua, Long Ao would undoubtedly die.

"call out!"

The two immediately moved out and disappeared in Baihua Palace.


The inside of the Hundred Flower Region was calm, leaving the dozens of supreme gods outside with a look of confusion, and then they discovered that Long Ao moved out in horror, moving towards the east without a moment, and a group of people were even more shocked.


Soon, Xiao Lang and King Xiaoyao moved out. Seeing the Chaos Mirror in King Xiaoyao's hand, the group of Supreme Gods was completely dumbfounded.

Where is this?

They found out that Fairy Baihua was still alive. Did King Xiaoyao and Xiao Lang go in for a while, and then took the Baihua down after just a few words? Or was it... Xiaoyao King or Xiao Lang's spear conquered Hundred Flowers?

"Hahaha, Xiao Lang! The old dog Long Ao went to the East, he must have gone to the Dark Devil Star Territory!"

Xiaoyao Wang danced wildly with red hair, and there was a faint domineering dominance on his body. He triumphantly played with Chaos Mirror and Xiao Lang and said, "How to say? Did you kill him alone? Or wait for me to refine Chaos Mirror to accompany you. go with?"

Xiao Lang smiled faintly: "No need, I'm just a mere Longao! My lord, you should go back to Xiaoyao Mountain first, and when I kill Long Ao, I will go to Xiaoyao Mountain to thank you for your care over the years."

Xiaoyao King was in a good mood, patted Xiao Lang on the shoulder, and laughed shamelessly: "Haha, you are polite. Back then, I thought that your kid was not a mortal, and I liked your character with my heart. Don't call me an adult in the future. It's called Big Brother!"

Xiao Lang didn't know that King Xiaoyao had wanted to kill him many times, and thanked him sincerely and said, "Big Brother!"


Xiaoyao Wang laughed and moved away. Fairy Baihua stopped fighting. He got the Chaos Mirror. Who else is his opponent in this world? Who can be his opponent?

Xiao Lang's eyes became cold, ignoring the many supreme gods nearby, and constantly moving towards the East. He made the chaotic blood oath if he did not kill Long Ao, he would have to die, so Long Ao must die!

"all gone?"

In the Baihua Palace, Fairy Baihua stood in a pavilion surrounded by flowers, looked at the fish in the lake next to him, and asked softly with a smile on his mouth.

Mandala nodded and said, "All the Supreme Gods are gone, Xiaoyao King should return to Xiaoyao Mountain, Xiao Lang is going to chase Longao!"

The smile on the corner of Baihua Fairy's mouth became more intense, and she turned her head to look at Yun Zishan and said, "Violet, go make a pot of tea, the kind of tea you and Xiao Lang...drink!"

Violet bowed and retired, walked out of the pavilion, but glanced at the eastern sky, and sighed somewhat lonely, "Xiao Lang, go all the way!"



[Author's digression]: ps1: Today should be the finale!

ps2: Answer the doubts raised by some people!

The Fragmented Scroll of Heaven, this pit has been filled, that is the map of the graveyard of the Heavenly Demon Great Emperor, you can look through it carefully. The big secret that the Emperor Tianmo said has also been filled in, that is, Tianzhou has been sealed, and it is a prison.

There is basically no dead hole in the old demon's book, so if you didn't fill in the hole, read it carefully, then go to the corner and squat...

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