Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 18: : Guardian


A loud applause came from the streets in the middle city of Xuanyu City.

Although Yang Tiancheng deliberately made things difficult for Xiao Lang, his strength was only in the early stage of the eighth-order Void True God, and it was similar to the early days of Tianzun in the Chaos World. Such strength was not enough in front of Xiao Lang.

Therefore, under the slap of Xiao Lang, Yang Tiancheng was directly slapped and flew tens of meters in the air, before falling down after colliding with a wall.


When the two charming women who followed Yang Tiancheng saw this scene, they were so scared that they screamed and ran away.

This scene aroused the onlookers of many pedestrians. They didn't expect that someone would dare to marry privately in Xuanyu City. This is not taking the rules of Xuanyu City into consideration!

Afterwards, everyone looked at Xiao Lang curiously, wanting to see how sacred he was, but unfortunately they were destined to be disappointed. Xiao Lang only came to Xuanyu Star not long after he was not famous at all, and no one knew him on the scene.

But this is what makes everyone feel more interesting. In the past, some people have used martial arts in Xuanyu City, but those people are at least the powers of the latter stage of the world, and ordinary monks don't dare to provoke the majesty of Xuanyu family.

Xiao Lang's strength was only in the early stage of the world realm, but he did such a thing to hit the Xuan Yu family's face. What gave him the confidence to do so?

Yang Tiancheng, who was fanned out, beat a carp and jumped up from the ground. He spat a few mouthfuls of blood on the ground, only to find that his teeth were crushed by most of Xiao Lang's slap just now, and he was immediately angry. fly into a rage.

"Xiao Lang, you mess, you dare to hit me!"

Yang Tiancheng breathed fire in his eyes, and roared in anger. He originally thought that Xiao Lang and the others would be jealous of the Yang Family's strength and would not dare to take action against him, but he did not expect that Xiao Lang did not put Yang Family in his eyes, even Xuan Yu The city's rules were ignored, and he gave him a big mouth.

However, Yang Tiancheng's roar caused a burst of laughter. No way, his appearance was too strange. Although he looked furious on the surface, most of his teeth were slapped off, and his speech was leaking, which made him look Very funny.

"Who dares to laugh at me!!"

Yang Tiancheng was about to explode. He was dignified and young. When did he suffer such humiliation? Once this matter spreads out, how will he be mixed in Xuanyu City in the future?

Thinking of this, Yang Tiancheng became more and more resentful towards Xiao Lang. All this was given to him by Xiao Lang, and he wished to smash Xiao Lang's body on the spot!

"Xiao Lang, I will definitely let you die! I will definitely!"

Yang Tiancheng's eyes were blood red, and he completely lost his reason. This made Xiao Lang frown, and his face became gloomy.

For people who want to kill themselves, he always kills as many times as he wants, because he knows very well that if such people don't kill, sooner or later it will be a disaster, and he has a deep understanding of this.

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang had already sentenced Yang Tiancheng to death in his heart, but when he was about to take action, a shout suddenly came from outside.

"Who would dare to use force in Xuanyu City!"

As soon as this voice appeared, the onlookers around them changed their expressions and quickly stepped back to let out a passage.

Soon, there was an army riding a strange beast, wearing feather armor and holding a long spear, killing in awe-inspiringly.

"It's the guard army of Xuanyu City, that guy is going to be unlucky."

When everyone saw that army, they suddenly murmured in their hearts.

The city of Xuanyu is controlled by the Xuanyu family, so it is natural to maintain the security inside. The main force to maintain the city of Xuanyu is the guard army of the city of Xuanyu. It is rumored that this guard army has a total of 3,000 troops, all of which are completely uniform. Formed by the Void True Gods above the fifth rank, the strength is very powerful, even the cultivators in the early world stage dare not shake its edge.

This is also the reason why there are very few private fights in Xuanyu City. With such a strong defense army guarding, who dares to use force in the city?

Even those great abilities above the mid-world realm would not easily use force because they had to worry about the face of the Xuanyu family, a giant snake.

Although the army that came this time has only 20 or 30 people, everyone exudes a strong murderous aura. At first glance, it is the kind of existence that has been battlefield. The most terrifying thing is the commander of this army. He was two meters tall, and he was shocked by his size.

"It's actually the leader of the mad army!"

Someone exclaimed and recognized the leader's identity, and then many people around were surprised.

The commander of the mad army, that was one of the four commanders of the guard army of Xuanyu City, unexpectedly he would come in person.

"Not only the leader of the mad army, but also the longbow son of the Xuan Yu family."

There was another exclamation at the scene, and everyone heard the words and looked at the long-faced young man next to the mad army commander, shocked again.

"Unexpectedly, even Young Master Longbow would be here. It seems that Xiao Lang and the others are in disaster this time!"

Everyone sighed in their hearts, the Xuanyu Longbow is a direct child of the Xuanyu family, and even he is here, there is no room for maneuver in this matter?

When the city guards appeared, Xiao Lang also frowned. The guards were small in number, only 20 or 30 people, but the strength of these 20 or 30 guards were all Tier 8 and The ninth-order Void True God.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that the leader of the Guardian Army called the Mad Army turned out to be a powerhouse in the early world stage with similar strength, which made him vigilant.

After coming to the new world, he was still a strong man facing the world for the first time, and he had to be careful.

Xiao Moshen Wuhen and Liuhuo Xingtian were also vigilant at this moment. The strength of this city guard surpassed their expectations, and there was even a world-level powerhouse, which made them feel a pressure.

Ning Fuer quickly walked to Xiao Lang's side and reminded in a low voice: "Xiao Lang, this is the most elite guardian in Profound Feather City. The combat power is very terrifying. The leader is called the Mad Army. Like you, he is also in the early stage of the world. , We'd better not confront him, or we will be in trouble today."

Xiao Lang nodded, but he didn't take Ning Fu'er's words to heart. This city guard is powerful, but if it provokes him, he doesn't mind teaching them a lesson, so he will leave Xuanyu Star in the big deal. There is no place to stay here.

Later, Xiao Lang looked at the Xuanyu longbow next to the mad army commander, squinted his eyes and said, "That person seems to be with Lang Yunfeng in the morning?"

Ning Fu'er nodded and said with an ugly face: "Yes, that person is called Xuanyu Longbow. He is outside Xuanyu City in the morning. He is by Lang Yunfeng's side. And he has a good relationship with Lang Yunfeng. I It is estimated that Yang Tiancheng came to find fault this time because he instigated it from behind."

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