Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 19: : Open

"Xuan Yu Longbow? Is he a member of the Xuan Yu family?" Xiao Lang asked with some surprise.

Ning Fu'er nodded: "Yes, this person is a direct child of the Xuanyu family. Look at the leader of the mad army, it is probably he who called here."

Xiao Lang narrowed his eyes again, so it seemed that they were indeed deliberately targeted!

First, they asked people to deliberately make things difficult for them. As soon as they acted, they would immediately dispatch the guard army, and then take them down for disturbing the public order in the city. Once they fall into their hands, what should they do?

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang sneered in his heart, this Xuanyu Longbow is really a good maneuver! I just don't know, is this Lang Yunfeng instructed behind?

"what happened?"

As soon as the city guard appeared, Xuanyu Longbow frowned and asked coldly.

The leader of the mad army did not speak. Although he was the leader of the guard army, the Xuanyu Longbow was a direct child of the Xuanyu family, and his status was more noble than him. Therefore, he still had to give the right face.

Before Xiao Lang could answer, Yang Tiancheng, who was standing in the pile of rubble, ran to Xuanyu Longbow, crying and crying: "Young bow, you have to be my master!"

"Yang Tiancheng, what happened? How did you become like this?"

Xuan Yu Longbow's expression remained unchanged, and he glanced at Yang Tiancheng who was embarrassed and still leaked, and asked in a deep voice.

Yang Tiancheng pointed at Xiao Lang, gritted his teeth and said: "It was all caused by this choppy. I just passed by them. This choppy gave me a slap on the backhand. You see, my teeth were all slapped by the choppy. ."

As he said, Yang Tiancheng grinned and exposed his broken teeth.

Xuanyu Longbow was disgusted in his heart, but on the surface he was very angry, jealous and hateful: "What! Under the broad daylight, there is such a thing! The mad army commander, the madman openly attacked the city in broad daylight, absolutely must not Qing Rao!"

"Young Master Longbow, don't worry, the Guardian will definitely give Young Master Tiancheng fair." The leader of the Mad Army said.

After that, the leader of the mad army looked at Xiao Lang on the opposite side, and shouted: "Boy, you violated the rules of Xuanyu City, and you are not honestly arrested, and you will return to the City Lord's Mansion for investigation!"

"Under investigation?" Xiao Lang sneered and said directly: "Sorry, I'm not interested."

These people were acting at first sight, so how could he go back to the City Lord's Mansion with them for investigation?

I'm afraid that once you go to the City Lord's Mansion, you won't even think about coming out again.

"Bold! How dare you disobey orders!"

The leader of the mad army shouted angrily: "Come here, surround them with me, don't let them go!"

"Yes, commander!"

A group of city guards shouted loudly, driving the alien beasts, and soon completely surrounded Xiao Lang and his party. A strong fighting spirit broke out from everyone, causing the surrounding crowd to step back hundreds of meters again.

"Haha, Xiao Lang, I see how arrogant you are this time!"

Seeing Xiao Lang surrounded by a group of city guards, Yang Tiancheng suddenly laughed and gloated.

However, Xiao Lang ignored him. In his opinion, Yang Tiancheng was a clown who had been used as a gun.

Xiao Lang looked at the Xuanyu longbow on the back of the alien beast, and said, "Lang Yunfeng should have instructed you to do all this, right?"

Xuanyu Longbow sneered and said, "You don't need to know this. If you have anything to say, I will leave it to the City Lord's Mansion to say it!"

Xiao Lang shook his head, and said, "If you want me to go to the City Lord's Mansion, I'm afraid it's not enough for you."

"It's crazy enough, but unfortunately, you are destined to be unable to escape today!"

After Xuanyu Longbow finished speaking, he nodded to the leader of the crazy army.

The leader of the mad army directly waved his hand and said: "Give me all!"


However, before the guards could take action, Ning Fuer suddenly shouted and walked out.

Xuan Yu Longbow looked over and smiled: "Sister-in-law Fuer, do you have anything to say?"

"Shut up! I'm not your sister-in-law!"

Ning Fu'er shouted, and then she took out an oval black token, held it high, and said to the leader of the mad army and a group of guards: "I am a disciple of the Profound Armor of the Tianfu Palace. These people are all My friend, what do you mean?"

"Tianfu Palace? Xuanjia disciple?"

Hearing that, those guards did not dare to move, and even the leader of the mad army was stunned. He did not expect that Ning Fuer was actually a disciple of Tianfu Palace, which made him a little difficult. After all, Tianfu Palace It's not an ordinary existence, he is a small guard army commander, how can he dare to attack the disciples of Tianfu Palace?

Thinking of this, the leader of the mad army couldn't help but look at Xuanyu Longbow to see how he decided.

Xuan Yu Longbow didn't expect that Ning Fu'er would take out the identity of the Tianfu Temple disciple to suppress others, and she hesitated for a while.

But at this moment, a divine power transmission suddenly reached his ears: "Don't worry about Ning Fuer, take Xiao Lang down first, and I will take care of anything."

"Huh?" Hearing this voice, Xuanyu Longbow's eyes lit up, and that divine power transmission was passed to him by Lang Yunfeng.

With the support of Lang Yunfeng, Xuanyu Longbow became more courageous. He said to Ning Fu'er: "Sister Fu'er, you are a disciple of Tianfu Palace. We will naturally not attack you, but Xiao Lang However, he violated the rules of Xuanyu City, no matter what, he must follow us today."

Having said that, Xuan Yu Longbow said directly to the leader of the mad army: "The leader of the mad army will immediately take down Xiao Lang. I will take care of anything. Be careful not to hurt Fu'er sister-in-law."


The leader of the mad army nodded and promised. Although he was a little afraid of Ning Fu'er's identity, since Xuanyu Longbow said so, he could only do so.

"Do it!"

Afterwards, the leader of the mad army directly issued the order, and upon hearing the words, the guards showed their weapons and killed Xiao Lang.

"If you want to catch my brother, let's pass our level first!"

Seeing a group of guards coming over, the knife immediately glared a pair of bull's eyes and shouted angrily at the group of guards, and then he shot directly and intercepted one of the guards with the strength of the eighth-order Void True God.

Xiao Demon God Wuhen Poisonous Dragon and the others did not hesitate, and they shot out with anger.

The Supreme God of Shura, the Supreme God of Heavenly Demon, the Supreme God of Love Song, Liu Huo, Xing Tian, ​​Zhang Ge and others are the same. The other party's deliberate creation of difficulties has long made them angry. Now that they are about to fight, they will naturally not be afraid.

"Boom boom boom!"

For a while, fierce battle broke out on the scene. The strength of this elite guard army was very strong, but the strength of the supreme gods of Asura was not bad, and they completely resisted the group of guard army.

This scene caused the eyes of Xuanyu Longbow to shrink slightly. He didn't expect that the fighting power of the group of people led by Xiao Lang was so powerful that even the most elite guards of Xuanyu City could not do anything about them.

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