Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 65: : Evil

"That's great."

Xiao Lang laughed. Originally, he was still a little worried. He might not be able to talk about the enemies of the Blood Fiend on his own, but now that the Lord of the Wind is willing to come forward, it is not a big problem.

After agreeing on the matter, Xiao Lang and Ning Fu'er also stood up, clasped their fists and said, "Thank you for the proposal of the city lord today. The matter is urgent, we will leave first."

"Okay, I am here waiting for the two to return in triumph." City Master of Extreme Wind laughed.

With that said, Xiao Lang and Ning Fu'er walked out of the lobby, and City Master Juefeng ordered the two subordinates to walk out of the City Master's Mansion with Xiao Lang.

Xiao Lang went all the way south, and soon left Absolute Wind City and rushed towards the blood evil sect.

According to the map, the blood evil sect is about half a month away from Absolute Wind City, and between the blood evil sect and Absolute Wind City, there are no other cities and forces, only some small villages and small towns with relatively few people. .

Therefore, Xiao Lang and Ning Fu'er did not intend to stop and rest, and they rushed straight to the Blood Fiend Sect.

"Xiao Lang, do you have any specific plans to deal with the evil blood?"

In midair, Ning Fuer suddenly looked at Xiao Lang and asked curiously.

When asked about this question, Xiao Lang also smiled and said, "Now there is a plan."

"Oh, what plan?"

Upon hearing this, Ning Fu'er showed a hint of curiosity, and Qi Yi said: "Listen to it?"

Xiao Lang smiled, then he looked at Nymph, and smiled: "If you want this plan to be implemented successfully, you have to ask for your help."

"Do you want me to help?"

Ning Fu'er was taken aback for a moment, a little ignorant, not knowing what Xiao Lang meant.

Xiao Lang explained: "When we inquired about the Blood Shazi from the Lord of the Wind, the Lord of the Wind mentioned one thing. Although the blood Shazi was scheming and extremely difficult to be fooled, he had one Weakness is lascivious. As long as we make good use of his weakness, we can hope to draw the blood evil spirit out. When that happens, we can implement the plan."

Ning Fu'er was a little ignorant, but she was not stupid after all, and in a short while, she understood the meaning of Xiao Lang's words.

She stared at Xiao Lang, glaring at Xiao Lang, and said, "Okay, you guy, you actually want me to act as a prey and seduce the blood evil!"

Hearing that, Xiao Lang smiled bitterly: "This is also something that can't be helped. Otherwise, it is estimated that Xue Shazi will be very difficult to get hooked."

Although Ning Fu'er was a little angry, she also felt that Xiao Lang's words were reasonable. After all, if the blood evil spirits were so easy to deal with, it would not have been so long before being wiped out by Tianfu Palace.

After thinking about it, Ning Fu'er bit her silver teeth and said angrily: "Then tell me, how can I seduce the blood evil man?"

Seeing Ning Fu'er looking like she was going to die, Xiao Lang couldn't help but smile, and then said: "The plan is very simple. Then you will pretend to be a heroine and pretend to kill the blood evil man. Yes, go to the door of the blood evil sect and hook out the blood evil son."

Hearing this, Ning Fu'er pursed her mouth and glared at Xiao Lang. This guy is really convincing.


At this moment, Xiao Lang suddenly stopped.

Upon seeing this, Ning Fuer showed a hint of doubt and asked: "What's wrong?"

"There seems to be a situation ahead." Xiao Lang looked a little dignified and said in a low voice.

Hearing that, Ning Fu'er's complexion also became solemn, and it was probably not a trivial matter to make Xiao Lang treat it so solemnly.

"Go, let's go ahead and have a look."

Xiao Lang said, then he directly displayed the big shift, and quickly swept forward.

Nymph didn't delay, and quickly followed.

Soon, Xiao Lang and Ning Fu'er came to the front and saw what was happening.

I saw an isolated small town on the ground in front of me. The area of ​​the town is not very large, but there are tens of thousands of houses, similar to some small cities.

At this time, in the streets of that small town, there were rows of figures in blood-red robes walking there.

The blood-robed figures all had sharp weapons in their hands, and they were burning and looting in the town at this time, and their target was all the children in the town under six years old.

Some angry town residents rose up to resist, but they would soon be besieged by the blood-robed men. Due to the large difference in strength between the two sides, those town residents who dared to resist would soon be killed by the blood-robed men.

When such a cruel scene appeared in front of him, Xiao Lang's expression instantly became extremely gloomy. Although the great power of the world realm is relatively indifferent to ordinary life, Xiao Lang is different from other world realms. What he cultivates is sentimental and very profound. Paying attention to human feelings, so when he watched those innocent people being mercilessly slaughtered, he suddenly burst into anger in his heart.

"It's from the Blood Fiend Sect!"

Ning Fu'er also saw this scene, and there was also a trace of anger on Qiao's face. The cruel methods of the blood-robed people also caused her discomfort.

Xiao Lang nodded, and then he stepped directly out and flew towards the small town.

"Hey, wait for me!"

Upon seeing this, Nymph quickly followed.

The two soon came to the sky above the small town, and Xiao Lang immediately shouted, "Stop it for me!"

This sound was mixed with surging divine power, which directly shook the blood-robed people and almost fell to the ground.

However, some powerful blood-robed men held Xiao Lang's voice, and they all looked up towards the sky.

"Blood evil sect, who dares to make a loud noise here!"

A tall and sturdy man in a blood robe strode out and shouted to Xiao Lang and Nymph in the sky.

"Blood Fiend Sect, it really is you beasts!"

Xiao Lang was extremely angry and cursed, which immediately caused all the blood-robed people to glare.

In the area of ​​Bloodwind Valley, their blood evil sect is a unique overlord force. No one dares to provoke them, even people from Absolute Wind City, they must avoid them when they see them. No one has ever dared to stand in front of them. , So insult the blood evil sect.

Therefore, when Xiao Lang's angry curse came out, all the blood-robed people were angry, and they turned their angry gazes at Xiao Lang, and many people in the blood-robed robe screamed, saying that they wanted to Xiao Lang. Skin cramps.

"Are you from the Tianfu Palace?"

At this time, the tall and sturdy man in the blood robe said suddenly that during this time, several disciples of the Tianfu Temple had come to trouble with their blood evil sect, so he immediately thought of the Tianfu Temple. go with.

Xiao Lang glanced at him coldly and did not deny it. He said indifferently: "I have long heard that the blood evil sect is doing a lot of evil in this area. Now it seems that the rumors should be true. If so, your blood evil sect is also true. There is no need for it."

"You can insult the Blood Fiend Sect if you are looking for death?"

The tall and sturdy man in the blood-robed man's complexion darkened, staring at Xiao Lang coldly, and then he said to the group of blood-robed men next to him: "You guys, get me on, take down those two guys, remember Stay, that woman will keep it for me."


The group of blood-robed men agreed in unison, then they drew their weapons and flew towards Xiao Lang and Nymph.

There are about fourteen or five blood-robed men in this team, and each of them holds a dazzling long knife in his hand, which is radiant and very sharp.

Fourteen or five blood-robed men shot together, and suddenly countless knives shot out, and there was endless blood permeating, which was breathtaking.

When ordinary people see such a scene, they are afraid that they will lose their momentum without fighting, but Xiao Lang is no ordinary person.

"court death!"

There was a hint of coldness on Xiao Lang's face, and he saw that he also took one step, and then punched the front without any fancy.


Xiao Lang did not use any magical skills in this fist, only relying on his own power. However, under this fist, the terrifying fist wind instantly shattered the overwhelming blade light, and the surrounding blood was completely dissipated. .

"Boom bang bang bang!"

Afterwards, a series of noises rang out in the sky. It turned out that Xiao Lang's fist wind shattered the blades of the fourteen or five blood-robed men and continued to move forward. The blood-robed people all blasted into blood mist.


Seeing Xiao Lang's punch to kill a group of blood-clothed guards directly, the eyes of the tall and sturdy blood-robed man also shrank, and then he coldly said: "Your Excellency killed my disciple of the Blood Fiend Sect in front of me, Don’t you put my blood evil sect in the eyes?"

"You are right, not only will I not put your blood evil sect in my eyes, but I will also completely destroy your blood evil sect and kill all your scumbags!" Xiao Lang said coldly.

"What a big tone!"

The tall and sturdy man in the blood-robed robe gave a cold cry and waved his hand: "Everyone, get on me, kill this crap!"


All the blood-robed people in the town promised, and then one after another pulled out their weapons and killed Xiao Lang.

And because all these blood-robed men pointed the finger at Xiao Lang, the small town residents who were being oppressed in the small town suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and then they all looked at Xiao Lang gratefully, if not Xiao Lang Suddenly appeared, they might have become the dead souls of the blood-robed people.

There are about two or three hundred blood-robed people in the small town, but most of the blood-robed people are true void gods of the seventh and eighth ranks, and their strength is not that strong. Therefore, Xiao Lang and Ning Fu'er have nothing at all. He retreated, shot directly, and quickly beat the blood-robed people to their feet, causing heavy casualties.

Seeing that most of his men were killed and injured, the eyes of the tall and sturdy man in the blood-robed robe were red, he shouted, drew a long knife and killed Xiao Lang.

"The world?"

Xiao Lang also saw the leader of the blood-robed man, whose strength was the same as him, and was also the pinnacle of the early world stage.

However, even though he was in the same realm, Xiao Lang didn't put him in his eyes. He only stepped out and punched the leader of the blood-robed man.


Following Xiao Lang's punch, a terrifying fist wind appeared again in the void, like a landslide and tsunami, blasting towards the leader of the blood-robed man frantically.

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