Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 66: Bloodwind Valley


Upon seeing this, the blood-robed man leader's complexion finally changed, and he found that the power that Xiao Lang punched casually made him feel irresistible.

"How can this guy be so strong!"

The leader of the blood-robed man yelled in his heart, and he immediately turned around and fled away. Xiao Lang's strength was much stronger than him. If he stayed here, he would be killed by Xiao Lang sooner or later.

"Want to run?"

Xiao Lang smiled coldly when he saw the leader of the blood-robed man turning around and fleeing, and then he directly displayed his love skills, and then quickly chased the man in the blood-robed man.

Although the leader of the blood-robed man was powerful, it was nothing in front of Xiao Lang. Therefore, Xiao Lang quickly caught up and intercepted the path of the blood-robed man.

"I'm fighting with you!"

Seeing that his way was blocked, the blood-robed leader's expression changed as he took the lead. Then he gritted his teeth and screamed, holding a long knife and slashing towards Xiao Lang.

"Bloodthirsty knife technique!"

The leader of the blood-robed man shouted loudly, and a strong blood-red light burst from the long knife, shooting out in all directions, illuminating the leader of the blood-robed man very terribly.

"call out!"

The fierce blood-red light tore through the space, drew a scary trace in the void, and then slashed towards Xiao Lang frantically.

If he were here in the early stage of the general world realm, I am afraid he would really be pushed back by this terrifying blood-red sword light, but Xiao Lang was not a general early stage of the world realm, and his strength was far from the surface.

Therefore, when the blood-red sword light flew, Xiao Lang directly greeted him, and the arm that turned into a dragon claw slammed on the sword light, blasting it away instantly.

The blood-robed leader's complexion changed drastically. He didn't expect that his strongest blow would be so vulnerable in front of Xiao Lang. He suddenly had no idea of ​​continuing to fight. He turned and fled to the other side.

"Where to go!"

Xiao Lang coldly drank, showing his love again, and instantly caught up with the leader of the blood-robed man.


Xiao Lang let out a cold cry, two sharp black lights shot out from his eyes, and he directly caught up with the leader of the blood-robed man, and penetrated through his back.


The leader of the blood-robed man froze instantly, and the vitality dissipated from him, turning into a corpse, falling from the sky.


When the blood-robed people saw that their leaders were killed by Xiao Lang, their complexions suddenly changed, and they no longer wanted to fight, and they flew in all directions.


Seeing those blood-robed people who were scattered with birds and beasts, Xiao Lang snorted coldly. These blood evil sect people are so evil, he wouldn't let them leave.

Therefore, when the blood-robed men scattered and fled, Xiao Lang and Ning Fu'er immediately caught up.

Within a few minutes of effort, all the blood-robed men were killed by Xiao Lang and Nymph. For a while, the sky in the town was filled with a faint blood mist.

Xiao Lang looked at the corpses of the blood-robed men with indifferent eyes like a cold killing god, without any mercy. Although he was going to kill him today, in his opinion, these people are the ones to be killed.

At this time, the residents of the small towns below killed all the blood-robed people within a few minutes of seeing Xiao Lang. After the initial confusion, the residents of the small town responded, so the entire town immediately There was a burst of enthusiastic applause, and some emotional town residents even knelt down and worshipped Xiao Lang and Nymph.

In their eyes, Xiao Lang and Ning Fu'er were like gods, suddenly appeared above the small town, and then rescued them from danger.

"Xiao Lang, shall we go down and have a look?"

At this time, Ning Fuer flew to Xiao Lang's side in the sky and asked in a low voice.

Xiao Lang glanced at the small town below, then shook his head, and said, "No, the blood evil sect people are all dead. They are fine, but it is the blood evil sect. This sect is so evil. Hurry over. Destroying the Blood Fiend Sect earlier can also reduce some of these tragedies."

Hearing this, Ning Fuer nodded, and then Xiao Lang did not delay, turned around and flew in the direction of the Blood Fiend Sect, while Ning Fuer quickly followed.

Until Xiao Lang and Ning Fu'er both flew away, the residents of the small town below still did not get up, and still bowed in the direction where Xiao Lang and Ning Fu'er left.

Along the way, Xiao Lang's expression was very gloomy. Although he had no good feelings about the evil blood sect before, because he had not seen the evil deeds of the evil blood sect with his own eyes, he was not in a hurry to destroy the evil blood sect.

But since he had witnessed the blood evil sect's cruel behavior just now, his desire to destroy the blood evil sect became very strong.

Therefore, Xiao Lang didn't speak all the way, and always took Ning Fuer forward at full speed.

At this speed, the two of Xiao Lang quickly approached the blood evil sect's territory, and finally a few days later, Xiao Lang and Ning Fu'er came to the blood evil sect 100,000 miles away.

This was already a very close distance. Taking into account the strength of Xue Shazi himself, Xiao Lang did not move on, so they stopped at this place.

"What shall we do next?"

Ning Fuer saw Xiao Lang stop, so she asked.

Xiao Lang looked around carefully, and he whispered: "Blood Shazi is a powerhouse in the late world stage. It is more difficult to kill him with the strength of the two of us. Therefore, before you lead the blood Shazi Before we come out, we have to arrange some means."

With that, he said to Nymph, "Let’s look around here first to see if there are ground veins around. I need to find enough ground air to set up a gathering formation."

"Gathering formation?"

Hearing this, Ning Fu'er's eyes lit up slightly. The last time she was in Huangyan Valley, she had also seen Xiao Lang cast a gathering formation method. At that time, the gathering formation method was very powerful. The Futian Array mask smashed away, and its power was comparable to the powerhouses in the middle and late stages of the world.

At first she was also very worried. After all, she and Xiao Lang are both in the early world stage. Even if Xiao Lang's combat strength is against the sky, it is still very difficult to kill the blood evil son. If the assassination fails, their purpose It will be exposed, and follow-up actions will become more troublesome.

And if Xiao Lang could construct a gathering formation, the possibility of them killing the blood evil spirit would be greatly increased, and she wouldn't have to worry so much.

Therefore, when Xiao Lang said that he was going to find the veins, Ning Fuer immediately agreed.

Afterwards, the two began a search nearby.

The place where Xiao Lang and the others were located was a volcanic valley, surrounded by many active volcanoes, and the temperature was much higher than other places.

This was planned on the map before Xiao Lang came here. Within 100,000 miles of the blood evil sect, this volcanic valley is the place with the strongest atmosphere of the earth, and because of its proximity to the volcano, the land here The Qi, like Huang Yangu, also possesses a rather strong fire element. If the Qi of the Earth can be gathered, it will be enough to condense a powerful gathering formation again.

Before long, Xiao Lang found nearly ten huge ground veins around the volcano. This is a huge number. You know, when he was in Huangyan Valley, Xiao Lang only found about eight ground veins. The power of ten ground veins. Once gathered, the powerhouses at the peak of the late stage of the world will also temporarily avoid their edge.

Xiao Lang set up the rune of the gathering formation in each vein, and then left the place with Nymph.

After setting up the means, the next thing to do is to lead the blood to the bait.

Therefore, Xiao Lang and Ning Fu'er quickly flew to the direction of the Blood Fiend Sect.

The distance of one hundred thousand miles, for the world realm, is one or two hours, so Xiao Lang and Ning Fu'er quickly arrived outside the Bloodwind Valley.

From the outside, Bloodwind Valley is like a cracked egg, three sides of which are blocked by towering cliffs, only the front entrance can enter.

Xiao Lang discovered that when they were within a thousand miles of the Bloodwind Valley, blood-red fog began to appear around them. When they reached the entrance of the Bloodwind Valley, the blood-red fog around them was already very dense and visible in some places. The degree is even less than kilometers.

Of course, all of this is naturally nothing to the eyesight of the world realm, not to mention that the world realm also has divine consciousness and spiritual power that can be scanned, so Xiao Lang and the others came to the bloodwind valley smoothly. .

"The Bloodwind Valley is in front of you. Later, you will act according to the previous plan. Remember, once the Blood Fiend is drawn out, you will immediately take him to the Volcano Valley."

Xiao Lang pointed to the entrance of the Blood Wind Valley with dense blood mist in front, and said to Ning Fu'er.

At this moment, Nymph has changed into a set of clothes. Compared with the relatively conservative clothes before, Nymph's clothes are now more exposed, with two white towers on the chest, and the bottom is so tight that there is almost no fat. With a small waist, the lilac skirt outlines a seductive curve, and even Xiao Lang couldn't help but glance again.

I didn't really see it before, that this little Nizi actually has the potential to be a fairy.

Ning Fu'er frowned her slender eyebrows and looked at her dress somewhat helplessly. If Xiao Lang hadn't had to let her wear it like this, she would never want to wear it like this.

"Okay, you go, I will go back to the volcano valley to make arrangements, you must pay attention to your own safety."

Xiao Lang glanced at Nymph's hot figure one last time, and then flew away from the place with a smile.

"Asshole! Asshole!"

Seeing that Xiao Lang had left like this, Nymph could not help but cursed a few words, but she also knew that this was impossible, so she had to bite her silver teeth, and then took out a handful. Long sword, walked towards the entrance of Bloodwind Valley.

Xiao Lang didn't actually go far, he actually hid not far away to observe Ning Fu'er's situation. After all, the Blood Fiend Sect was not a small sect. It was indeed dangerous to let Ning Fu'er lead the snake out of the cave by himself.

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