Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 111: : Chaos Spirit

Xiao Lang and the others landed on a mountain. The seal formation of the God of Birth Lake has not been opened yet, so they can only wait here first.

The other monks also found a place to land each, waiting for Luo Xiongyu and the others to open the seal of the Lake of Birth God.

At this time, besides Luo Xiongyu and Cao Xingde, five figures appeared in the sky above the Lake of Birth God.

Among the five figures, there are burly and burly men, old men who are dreadfully old, beautiful women with grace, indifferent temperament, and weird-looking people.

Although these five figures have just appeared, you don’t need to guess that these five new figures are among the seven powers that control the Lake of Birth God, except for the Tian Luomen and Chongxiao Island that have already appeared. The leaders of the five major forces.

Now the trial before entering the Lake of Xuanshen is complete, and these leaders have also come out, because they must come forward to open the seal of Lake Xuanshen.

Back then, when the seven powers were fighting for the right to use the Lake of Birth God, a fierce battle took place. This battle lasted for ten years. In the end, it was difficult for the seven powers to tell the winner. The leader made a decision that the Lake of Birth God will be controlled by the seven forces.

In order to prevent powerful forces from violating this agreement, the leaders of the seven major forces jointly arranged a huge seal formation, and divided the seal formation into seven formations to seal the Lake of the Gods of Birth. This has an advantage. , Even without the heads of any party's presence to activate the formation, the seal of the Lake of Birth God cannot be opened. The heads of the seven major forces must gather to open the seal formation.

At this time, the heads of the seven major forces gathered in mid-air, and after a brief discussion, they dispersed and came to the positions of the seven fronts.


As the heads of the seven powers activated the formation, the large seal formation over the Lake of Birth of the Gods suddenly began to move. Above the huge red light curtain, the rosy red luster dyed half of the sky. From a distance, It was like Caixia landing, very gorgeous and eye-catching.

Luo Xiongyu's location is at the top of the seal formation. He looked at the practitioners between the mountains and valleys below, and said loudly: "The seal formation will be opened soon. Anyone who holds the order to enter the lake. , Everyone can practice in the lake, but the Taoist friends who don't have the order to enter the lake, then they can only practice in the vicinity of the Shenshen Lake."

As soon as these words came out, the monks among the mountains and gorges suddenly roared and came here across hundreds of millions of miles of void, just for this moment.


As the heads of the seven major forces continued to exert their power, an entrance finally appeared in the seal formation above the Lake of the Gods, leading directly to the Lake of the Gods of Heaven.

"Well, the seal formation has been opened, let the people of the seven major forces go in first!" Luo Xiongyu said loudly.


There was a sound of breaking through the air in the sky. Under the supervision of Luo Xiongyu, the world-level monks of the seven major forces quickly entered the Lake of the Nativity.

Seeing this scene, all the cultivators in the valley immediately cast enviable eyes, feeling in their hearts that it is good to have a backing, and there is no need to participate in any trial of entering the lake, and a thousand places are directly reserved.

Although I am very envious of the treatment received by the seven powers in the world, no one protested. Although this rule seems unreasonable, the world is always respected by the strong. What the strong say is the rules. The forces have enough strength to occupy a thousand places in the lake, so no one will think this is unreasonable.

After all the world-level monks of the seven great forces entered the Lake of Birth God, Luo Xiongyu looked at the other monks and said, "All the fellow Taoists who hold the order to enter the lake, you can also go in!"

After the words fell, the monks who could not wait for a long time immediately flew up from the mountains and valleys, and then under the supervision of Luo Xiongyu, they entered the seal of the God of Birth in an orderly manner.

Those monks who were not qualified to enter were enthusiastic, but unfortunately they didn't get the order of the lake, so they could only watch outside.

At this time, Xiao Lang and the others had entered the sealed space together with many monks, and beneath them was the Lake of Birth God.

The area of ​​Tanshen Lake is large, and there is a thin layer of chaotic air floating on the lake, which can be easily refined.

However, Liu Tianfeng told Xiao Lang that the real good place of Lushen Lake is at the bottom of Lushen Lake, where there is a natural formation that gathers a large amount of pure Chaos Qi. Only by practicing there can the effect of cultivation be maximized. The chaotic air that flows to the surface outside is already not very pure, and the effect will be greatly reduced when practicing. Only the monks outside who have no order to enter the lake will refine these chaotic air.

Xiao Lang suddenly realized, it is no wonder that all the cultivators drilled down to Shenshen Lake, because there was something better under the water.

Therefore, Xiao Lang and his group immediately set off, flew into the Lake of the Gods, and swept towards the bottom of the Lake of the Gods.

The waters of Tanshen Lake are extremely deep. It took Xiao Lang and his party a full ten minutes to enter the deep water area, and it took another ten minutes to finally see the bottom of Tanshen Lake.

"this is……"

When Xiao Lang and his group arrived at the bottom area of ​​Lake Tanshen, Xiao Lang's eyes suddenly condensed, looking at the bottom of Lake Tanshen with some disbelief.

He discovered that the topography at the bottom of the Lake of Birth God really looked like a huge array pattern, which was really amazing.

You know, what he saw was only the tip of the iceberg of the entire Lake of the Gods of Birth. If all the water of the Lake of Gods of Birth was drained, it would be even more spectacular.

In addition, Xiao Lang also discovered that the intensity of the Chaos Qi at the bottom of Tanshen Lake is far greater than that above. The closer to the bottom of the lake, the richer the Chaos Qi.

"Hehe, let's find a place to start practicing!" Liu Tianfeng smiled.

Hearing this, Xiao Lang nodded, and then the group found a suitable place at the bottom of Xuanshen Lake and directly cross-legged into the state of cultivation.

Xiao Lang’s mood has calmed down. The natural formation at the bottom of the Lake of Xuanshen really surprised him, but these have nothing to do with him. What he has to do is to refine the chaos here as much as possible, reap more benefits, and put his own Strength rises.

So not long after, Xiao Lang also entered the cultivation.

As early as in Scarlet Cloud City, Xiao Lang had learned the method of refining Chaos Qi, so soon, a steady stream of Chaos Qi surged from all directions, and was then sucked into his body by Xiao Lang for refining.

Since absorbing the chaotic source stone last time, Xiao Lang has not been exposed to the new chaotic energy, and his world heart has also progressed slowly because of this. This time I was lucky enough to come to a place like Shenshen Lake. Refine the heart of the world and strive to break through new realms.

Of course, this is not an easy task. Every advancement in the world realm is very difficult, especially the promotion of the big realm, it is even more difficult. Xiao Lang wants to take the opportunity to break through, and it depends on luck.

Time flickered, and three days passed.

For the past three days, Xiao Lang, Liu Tianfeng, and Liu Feiya have been practicing. Although their gains have been great, they still have a long way to go before breaking through.

But on this day, Xiao Lang and the others stopped cultivating, because the chaotic energy in this area had become thinner and they needed to change places.

"Friend Xiao Lang, let's go and see elsewhere?"

Liu Tianfeng stood up, looked at Xiao Lang, and said.

"it is good!"

Xiao Lang nodded, the chaotic energy in this area was almost refined by them, and it would be useless to stay here.

At the moment, a group of people quickly swept out, swooping to other areas of Nanshen Lake.

Soon after, Xiao Lang suddenly waved his hand to signal Liu Tianfeng and Liu Feiya to stop.

Liu Tianfeng was a little puzzled. He looked at Xiao Lang and asked, "Daoist Xiao Lang, why did you stop suddenly? The chaos here is not very strong, let's look for it again?"

Xiao Lang shook his head and said, "The chaos here is not very strong, but there are good things here."

Hearing this, Liu Tianfeng was a little stunned. What could be called a good thing by Xiao Lang?

Xiao Lang didn't explain, he slowly moved forward and flew in one direction.

Liu Tianfeng and Liu Feiya looked puzzled, they could only follow behind.

Soon after, Xiao Lang finally stopped, his eyes lit up, and he smiled: "Haha, I found it."

Liu Tianfeng showed a puzzled look, but when he looked forward, his eyes widened suddenly.

"this is……"

I saw a few weird flowers growing in the bottom of the lake in front of them. Those flowers were peculiar in appearance, exuding a pale yellow light, and no species could be seen. However, it was enough to grow in places like Tanshen Lake. Explaining their unusualness, Liu Tianfeng sensed the aura of chaos on the flowers.

"Could this be what the outside world calls the Chaos Spiritual Feast?!"

Liu Tianfeng said in shock.

"It should be."

Xiao Lang smiled and nodded. The so-called chaotic spirits are actually similar to chaotic spirit stones. They are species that mutate after absorbing a large amount of chaotic energy. This species is either a wild animal or a plant, such as in front of you. These strange flowers are just one of them.

"Haha, I didn't expect that a trip to Xuanshen Lake would have unexpected gains."

Liu Tianfeng laughed and was very happy. Things that can become chaotic spirits generally contain a huge amount of chaos. The chaos in the Lake of Birth will be consumed within half a month. At that time, These chaotic spirit creatures can provide them with more chaotic air.

"Let's go, let's pick those flowers first."

Xiao Lang also smiled, and then said to Liu Tianfeng.

"it is good!"

Liu Tianfeng nodded immediately. There were three thousand monks practicing in the Lake of Birth God. In case someone else finds these chaotic artifacts, they will definitely **** them, and it will inevitably be another fight.

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