Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 112: : Return

Xiao Lang and Liu Tianfeng came to the strange flowers. There were seven strange flowers in total. After discussion, Xiao Lang took three and Liu Tianfeng and Liu Feiya took two.

Since these strange flowers were not of high level, Xiao Lang and the others easily picked them down, and then the group left here.

They need to find new places and continue to refine the chaotic air here. After all, their main purpose here is the chaotic air in the God of Birth Lake. As for the chaotic spirits in the lake, it can only depend on luck.

Fortunately, the area of ​​Chushen Lake was large enough, and they could easily find another place where Chaos Qi was abundant.

However, Xiao Lang and his party only cultivated here for two days, and the chaotic energy around here was completely consumed by them.

In desperation, they had to continue to change places.

In this way, the group spent ten days in the Lake of Xuanshen. In the past ten days, Xiao Lang and the others have changed no less than ten positions, refined a large amount of Chaos Qi, and they have made great progress.

However, it is a pity that after ten days, the chaotic energy in the Lake of Birth God has been greatly reduced, and it is very difficult to find the place where the previous chaotic energy is strong.

Fortunately, Xiao Lang and the others had harvested a lot of Chaos Spiritual Relics in these ten days, which was enough for them to use for a while.

The chaotic air at the bottom of Lushen Lake has diminished, and some monks chose to leave, and Xiao Lang also left after spending two days in Lushen Lake.

When Xiao Lang and the others came outside the Lake of Birth God, the people of the seven major forces were still waiting nearby, but those who had not obtained the qualifications to enter the lake were almost gone.

"Let's go too!"

Xiao Lang said in a low voice, and took the lead to fly towards the exit of the seal formation.

Liu Tianfeng and Liu Feiya followed, and the group soon came outside the Sealed Array. The experts in the Liu family saw Liu Tianfeng and others come out, and immediately flew over to gather.

"Friend Xiao Lang, where are you going to go next?"

At this moment, Liu Tianfeng looked at Xiao Lang and asked aloud.

"Let's go back!"

Xiao Lang said, he has been out for a while, and it is time to return to the Tianfu Palace.

Liu Tianfeng nodded, his gains from this trip were also great, and it was time to return to Fei Yuexing.

Therefore, after a few conversations, Xiao Lang and his group immediately set off and flew towards the periphery of the Star Sea.

Xiao Lang was not in a hurry, because it was very far away from the outer area of ​​the Sea of ​​Stars, and it would take at least three months to arrive. So next, Xiao Lang used this time to rush on the road while refining the God of Birth. Those chaotic spirits acquired by the lake.

In the Lake of Birth God and his entourage, his world heart has made great progress, and he is only one step away from the late stage of the world. Maybe he can refine some chaotic spirits and he can successfully advance.

Liu Tianfeng saw Xiao Lang specializing in cultivation, so he did not disturb him, and continued to lead the way.

In this way, the group left the depths of the Star Sea, passed through the central area of ​​the Star Sea, and finally managed to get out of the Star Sea's range after three months.

"Haha, it's finally out!"

Liu Tianfeng laughed and said, feeling quite happy. He looked at Xiao Lang and said: "Daoist Xiao Lang, Star Sea has already come out, how about I go to Feiyue Xing for two drinks?"

Xiao Lang slowly opened his eyes, his eyes shining brightly, and a vague and vast aura passed from him, but this aura only appeared for a moment and was restrained by him.

"No, it's time for me to go back to Tianfu Palace after being out for so long."

Xiao Lang shook his head and smiled at Liu Tianfeng.

Hearing that, Liu Tianfeng had some regrets, but he just invited Xiao Lang along the way, since the latter was unwilling to let it go.

"Okay! If you have a chance in the future, Daoists must come to my Feiyue Xingliu's house as a guest. The door of my Liu family will always be open to Daoists." Liu Tianfeng said.

Xiao Lang also clasped his fists, and said, "The world is full of banquets, Daoyou Liu, I'm leaving."

After all, he didn't look back, and flew directly away from here.

Liu Tianfeng also hugged Xiao Lang's left back, while Liu Feiya looked at Xiao Lang's back with regret and never moved away.

Liu Tianfeng noticed the strangeness of his daughter, he couldn't help sighing, and said: "Fiya, let's go."

After all, Liu Tianfeng didn't stay here anymore, leading a group of experts from the Liu family and flew towards Feiyuexing.

Liu Feiya finally withdrew her gaze. In fact, she knew in her heart that she and Xiao Lang were not in the same world, and there could be no results. She could only keep that unrealistic fantasy in her heart.

After leaving the Sea of ​​Stars, Xiao Lang returned to the Qingguang Great World.

Since he was already familiar with the journey, Xiao Lang was on his way very fast this time. In just over a month's effort, he had already returned to the Eastern Region of the Tianfu Palace.

When Xiao Lang returned to the Eastern Territory of the Tianfu Palace, Xiao Demon God and Wuhen had already returned from the mission, but the knife and the poisonous dragon were still not moving. It can't be done in a few months.

"Devil, everything is okay at home?"

Xiao Lang looked at Demon God Xiao and asked.

"Everything is normal, but Nymph has come to you several times during the time I came back."

Demon Xiao said with a smile.

Xiao Lang nodded, but Wuhen looked at Xiao Lang in surprise and asked, "Xiao Lang, are you breaking the realm?"

Hearing this, Xiao Lang smiled and nodded. He didn't deliberately hide his strength in front of Xiao Demon God Wuhen. Xiao Demon God and the others only need to observe carefully to see the clues.

Seeing Xiao Lang nodded and admitted, Wuhen couldn't help but his eyes lit up and asked, "Then what realm are you now?"

"Almost... the late world stage!" Xiao Lang laughed.


Hearing this, Xiao Moshen and Wuhen took a breath, even if they had been mentally prepared, they were still shocked at this moment.

"Your upgrade speed is too fast!"

Wuhen smiled bitterly and shook his head. They haven't broken through the world realm so far, but Xiao Lang has reached the late stage of the world realm. The gap makes them feel ashamed.

"Haha, don't be discouraged, I think your strengths have also grown, and you should not be far from the world realm." Xiao Lang laughed.

Xiao Moshen and Wuhen smiled bitterly. Their strength has indeed increased a bit. This is because they have completed a task before and obtained a point. They used that point to redeem some magical medicine, so they improved some strength, but Their improvement was nothing compared to Xiao Lang.

"By the way, Lord Shura hasn't returned yet?" Xiao Lang asked again.

Xiao Moshen shook his head, "No."

Xiao Lang was not asking. The Supreme God of Asura went out to find a breakthrough opportunity. This requires luck. If you are lucky, you will soon find a breakthrough opportunity and then make a breakthrough. But if you are not lucky, it is hard to say. It may take decades, hundreds of years, or even longer to break through.

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang shook his head and stopped asking about this matter.

After staying in the residence for two days, Xiao Lang decided to look for Nymph. The last time he borrowed Nymph's 500,000 points, now he returned from the sea of ​​stars, it was time to return it.

Ning Fu'er lived on Tianlong Mountain. Xiao Lang had been there once, so it was easy to find him.

Ning Fu'er didn't go out to perform the task. Seeing Xiao Lang's arrival, a pretty face suddenly showed surprise.

"Xiao Lang, you are back from the Sea of ​​Stars!" Ning Fuer said in surprise.

"Haha, Miss Fuer, it's been a long time!" Xiao Lang said with a smile.

Ning Fu'er looked at Xiao Lang's body, and immediately said in surprise: "Xiao Lang, you guys are really amazing. In just a few months, you actually broke through to the late world stage. ?"

"It's just a fluke break."

Xiao Lang smiled modestly, but did not deny it either.

"Hey, you are a fluke. I have lived in the Celadon World for so many years, and I have never seen you so perverted. In just a few years, I have broken through two realms in a row. It is a freak. "

Ning Fu'er rolled her eyes, and said irritably, after she broke through the world realm, her progress was very slow. She is still in the early stage of the world realm, and she has not even touched the threshold of the mid-world realm. The time when Xiao Lang broke through the world realm was with her The difference is almost the same, and as a result, it has now reached the late stage of the world. Such a talent, except to describe it as a freak, can't find any other adjectives temporarily.

Being called a freak, Xiao Lang also gave a wry smile, and could only answer by shrugging his shoulders.

"Well, let's not talk about you."

Ning Fu'er smiled, changed the subject, and asked: "By the way, why are you free to come to me?"

Xiao Lang pondered for a moment, and then said, "Well, it's like this. Didn't I borrow 500,000 points from you before? Let me ask if you need me to do the task with you. I will help you for free. ."

Upon hearing this, Ning Fu'er shook her head and said: "There is no time to do the task. In a while, the assessment of the sect of the Tianfu Palace will begin. I have to prepare well and try to get a good one. The ranking is good."

"Zongmen assessment?"

Hearing this, Xiao Lang was taken aback, he still didn't understand what the assessment meant.

Ning Fu'er said: "Well, Tianfu Palace East Sub-rudder organizes sect assessments every three years, mainly to see the progress and strength of the sect disciples, and to urge them to work hard and cultivate hard."

"Is there any benefit to this assessment?"

Xiao Lang couldn't help asking.

"The good thing is that as long as you can achieve good results in the sect assessment, you can get corresponding rewards. These rewards include heavenly materials, elixir, magic tricks, and a large number of points, such as the past The champion of the Silver A disciple appraisal contest can directly receive a reward of one million points."

Ning Fuer explained with joy.

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