Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 113: : Shenglei Zhenquan

Listening to Nymph's explanation, Xiao Lang also raised his eyebrows. With that said, the sect assessment was indeed pretty good.

Among other things, the reward of one million points is already very rich. You must know that one million points are not a small number. He received the eighth level task he received before. The reward is only one million points, and this is just an assessment. As long as you win, you can get one million points, which can be said to be quite easy.

"By the way, what is the reward for this year's sect assessment?"

Xiao Lang became interested in the sect assessment, so he asked.

"This year's rewards are more abundant. The first place in the silver armor disciple group will directly reward one million points. In addition, it will also reward a middle-grade world magical skill and ten Yuan Yidan." Excitedly said, a pair of beautiful eyes full of yearning.

"So rich!"

Xiao Lang also showed a look of surprise when he heard the words. He didn't talk about the value of one million points. If he took it to the Wanbao Hall, so many points could be exchanged for many good things.

Not to mention, the first place will also reward a middle-grade world magical skill, which is worth more than one million points. The Holy Thunder Body magical skill he exchanged in Wanbao Hall before is a middle-grade magical skill. The world's magical skills cost him 1.5 million points.

However, what shocked Xiao Lang most was the last ten Yuan Yi Pills. Xiao Lang had also heard of this pill before. It is said that this pill was refined by a senior alchemist in the Sky Floating Star Region. It is a world-class medicine, very suitable for monks in the world.

Because in the Yuan Yidan, there are two things that world-level cultivators need very much, one is chaos, and the other is massive energy of heaven and earth, world-level cultivators need to cultivate these two kinds of things if they want to advance. thing.

It is precisely because of these benefits of Yuan Yidan that the price of Yuan Yidan is very expensive, often there is no market, and it is difficult to buy. It can only be seen at some large auctions.

Unexpectedly, the Eastern Sub-rudder of Tianfu Palace was so rich and powerful that he would come up with this kind of thing to reward his disciples.

"How is it, is it very exciting?"

Seeing Xiao Lang's bright eyes, Ning Fu'er couldn't help but smile.

"It's a bit."

Xiao Lang chuckled, saying that it was a lie to say that he was not moved. After all, he is now in the golden age of improving his strength. Whether it is the point value, the mid-level world magical skills, or Yuan Yidan, it is a great deal to him. the benefits of.

"Hehe, this is only a reward for the first place. In addition, the door party has sent rewards for the second to tenth place!"

Ning Fu'er said with a smile, seeing Xiao Lang look like a curious baby, Ning Fu'er continued: "The second place in this assessment is also very generous. In addition to the 800,000 points reward, there is also a The mid-level world magical skill, eight yuan and one pill, is not much worse than the first place, and the third place in the assessment is rewarded with 500,000 points, a mid-level world magical skill, and five yuan Yidan, even if it is the fourth place in the assessment, there is a reward of 400,000 points and one Yuan Yidan."

Listening to Nymph's explanation, Xiao Lang's heart became more and more, Nymph's smile said, "How about it, are you interested in participating in the sect assessment?"

Upon hearing this, Xiao Lang pondered for a while, and then asked: "How to participate?"

"It's very simple. Although the Zongmen assessment is not stipulated once every three years, participation in the assessment is voluntary. If you want to participate in the assessment, you only have to wait for the day of the assessment and go directly to the assessment room to register. Naturally, the elders of the Zongmen There will be arrangements." Nymph explained.

Hearing this, Xiao Lang nodded, and then he remembered something and asked: "By the way, what is the time for the sect assessment?"

"The end of next month!"

Nymph said.

Xiao Lang was relieved. In that case, it was less than two months before the sect assessment began!

Ning Fu'er smiled and said: "Don't worry, with your strength, it is absolutely no problem to get the top five in the silver armor disciple group."

She has great confidence in Xiao Lang's strength. The latter was able to compete with the powerhouses of the latter stage of the world in the middle of the world. Now Xiao Lang's strength has entered the latter stage of the world, enough to compete with those top silver armor Disciple.

Xiao Lang smiled. He didn't worry about these things, but he didn't explain anything. He nodded and stopped talking about this topic.

As he was preparing to participate in the sect assessment, Xiao Lang also dispelled the idea of ​​doing the task. Last time he spent a lot of effort on the task, and finally got 1 million points. And this sect assessment only needs If you get the first place in the silver armor disciple group, you can get one million points, and you can also get a middle-grade world magic skill and ten yuan one pill for free. The value of these things adds up, I'm afraid that it is far Over one million points worth.

After continuing to talk with Ning Fuer for a while, Xiao Lang returned to his residence. Since he decided to participate in the sect assessment, he had to make some preparations.

In addition, he planned to notify Xiao Devil and Wuhen of this matter. The strength of these two guys had reached the level of the 9th-order Void True God, enough to participate in the assessment of the Profound Armor disciple group.

After returning to his residence, Xiao Lang told the truth about the matter, Xiao Demon God and Wuhen. After hearing this, Xiao Demon and Wuhen were also very interested in the sect assessment. After all, the rewards were still very attractive.

"I'm going to retreat for a period of time. You first authenticate the title of the Xuanjia disciple, and then make preparations."

After Xiao Lang finished speaking, he stopped talking, turned and walked towards the mountains.

Xiao Lang built an alien space in the mountains, and then walked in by himself. He decided to consolidate his strength again. Since he decided to participate in the sect assessment, he had to run for the first place in the silver armor disciple group. Go, after all, the first prize is the most generous.

However, it is not so easy to get the first place in the silver armor disciple group in the sect assessment. The silver armor disciples of Tianfu Palace are not ordinary world-level monks from outside, and can join Tianfu Palace. People, how many are weak?

Even Lang Yunfeng's kind of dude, his own talent is also very outstanding, enough to kill the existence of the same level, not to mention those who are more excellent than Lang Yunfeng.

It is definitely not so easy to take the first place in the hands of this group of Tianjiao, even if he is now in the late world stage.

After entering the alien space he created, Xiao Lang directly sat down cross-legged to consolidate his strength.

In addition, Xiao Lang also took a certain amount of time to comprehend a new magical skill.

This magical skill comes from his holy thunder body.

In the records of the Saint Thunder Body Cheats, when a cultivator has cultivated the Saint Thunder Body to the small level, he can practice a magical skill of the Saint Thunder Body.

The name of this magical skill is "Sacred Thunder True Fist", a very common name, but the Saint Thunder Body Cheat Book sets it as an attack technique of the middle-grade world magical skill level.

Today, Xiao Lang has a lot of world magic skills, but most of them are at a relatively low level. Even the strongest dragon elephant golden wheel is barely close to the middle-grade world magical ability, the real middle-grade world magical ability. He doesn't have a copy.

This also caused him to be so helpless in the face of the powerful Xiong Kun when he was participating in the trial at Xuanshen Lake, all because of his low level of magic skills.

The level of Shenglei Zhenquan has reached the level of the mid-range world magical skill. If he can successfully comprehend it, it will greatly enhance his combat strength, so that he will be more confident to fight for the first place.

After that, Xiao Lang took out the jade slip that recorded the saint thunder body and input a trace of divine power to activate it.


The jade slip shone suddenly, and a huge message immediately flooded Xiao Lang's mind.

The first half of that message is the cultivation method of the Saint Thunder Body, and the second half is the cultivation method of the Saint Thunder True Fist.

Xiao Lang watched carefully the cultivation method of Shenglei Zhenquan, and patiently realized it.

"Sacred Thunder True Fist is an offensive magical skill attached to the Holy Thunder Body. The old man's "Nine Revolutions of the Holy Thunder Body" has the Nine Revolutions Holy Thunder True Fist magical skill. This Holy Thunder Body naturally also has the Holy Thunder True Fist. However, if you want to practice Sacred Thunder True Fist, you must first cultivate the Saint Thunder Body to the level of Xiaocheng, otherwise it will not be possible to practice successfully, because this is the basic condition for whether you can display Sacred Thunder True Fist."

It was the same words written by the "Venerable Saint Thunder", Xiao Lang observed carefully, not missing any words.

"The old man's Nineth Rank Sacred Thunder Fist is a very aggressive attacking magical skill. The power of each punch is comparable to top-level physical training. It requires a strong physical fitness to display it. The same is true. , As a simplified version of the Nineth Rank Saint Thunder True Fist, the Saint Thunder True Fist also requires the cultivator to have superior physical fitness. The domineering fist broke the meridians."

"Therefore, all cultivators must remember not to be greedy for the power of Saint Thunder True Fist, and ignore the cultivation of Saint Thunder Body, because Saint Thunder Body is the foundation."

After reading this passage, Xiao Lang nodded in approval, and agreed with this passage said by the Holy Thunder Venerable.

If you want to cultivate a powerful magical skill, you must first have a strong physical fitness as a foundation, otherwise you will not be able to display it even if you learn it. This is the importance of the foundation.

Afterwards, Xiao Lang retracted his mind and continued to observe the cultivation method of Shenglei Zhenquan.

The cultivation of Saint Thunder True Fist is not complicated, as long as the Saint Thunder Body can be cultivated to the small level, it is easy to successfully cultivate it.

Therefore, Xiao Lang was able to get used to it soon and displayed the Saint Thunder True Fist.

Shenglei Zhenquan has three realms, divided into Xiaocheng, Dacheng, and Consummation.

According to the cheat sheet, Xiaocheng’s Shenglei Zhenquan can be easily cultivated, but Dacheng’s Shenglei Zhenquan is more difficult. It requires diligent practice and a certain degree of savvy before you can hope to practice successfully.

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