Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 115: : Lang Yunli

Early in the morning, Xiao Lang woke up early from his cultivation. When he heard the melodious bell from Tianlong Mountain, he immediately called Xiao Moshen and Wuhen to walk towards Tianlong Mountain.

The site for the assessment of the sect is located at the assessment square on the hillside of Tianlong Mountain. This is a plaza built by the Dongyu Sub-rudder of the Tianfu Palace specifically for the triennial assessment of the disciples of the Tianfu Palace. Every assessment is done here.

Xiao Lang and the others didn't come to the Tianfu Palace for a long time and didn't understand the assessment square. However, when they came to the assessment square, they found that the area of ​​the square was huge enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people to participate in the assessment at the same time.

It was not yet time in the morning, but it was already overcrowded. Thousands of Tianfu Temple disciples came here to participate in this sect assessment.

Xiao Lang observed the contestants in the assessment square and found that there were the largest number of Profound Armored disciples, followed by Silver Armored disciples, and the least amounted to Golden Armored disciples. It is estimated that there are only about a hundred. Find.

"Xiao Lang, here!"

Not long after Xiao Lang arrived at the assessment square, Ning Fu'er's voice came from the front.

When Xiao Lang heard the words, he immediately looked forward and found that Nymph was standing in front and beckoning to them.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Lang also smiled, and then walked over with Xiao Demon God and Wuhen.

"Girl Fu'er, it was quite early!" Xiao Lang said with a smile.

Ning Fu'er gave him a white look, with a slightly charming appearance, and said: "You fellow, I have been looking for you several times in the past few days, but you can't get out of retreat, how about it? Are you confident enough? Rush into the top five in the silver armor disciple group?"

Hearing this, Xiao Lang touched his nose and said calmly, "Almost!"

What he didn't say was that his goal was not the top five in the Silver A disciple group, but the champion, because he was quite interested in the generous rewards of the Silver A disciple group champion.

"Come on, I also believe you can do it." Ning Fuer said encouragingly to Xiao Lang, clenching her fist.

Xiao Lang smiled faintly, he thought for a while, and then asked: "By the way, what are the rules for this assessment?"

Ning Fuer explained: "The rules are very simple. There is an era artifact in the sect called the Wanxing Pagoda. The Wanxing Pagoda is a vast space in which there are many celestial spirits. The disciples who participate in the assessment only need to enter the Wanxing Pagoda. The star tower captures the protoss, and the more protoss that is captured, the one who can win.

"So simple!"

Xiao Lang was slightly surprised. He originally thought that the Eastern Region Sub-rudder of the Tianfu Palace was going to hold a ring contest, but he didn't expect that the so-called assessment was just to capture the protoss.

"It’s simple, don’t underestimate those prostitutions. After the gestation of the Ten Thousand Star Pagoda, the strengths of the prostitutions in the Ten Thousand Star Pagoda are very powerful, and it is difficult for ordinary people to capture them, and the most important thing is that so many people participated in the assessment The disciples of the Tianfu Palace enter the Ten Thousand Star Tower together to capture the Protoss. It is easy to friction and fight. If you are unlucky, you may even be besieged. Once you lose the strength to the opponent, you will be automatically expelled from Ten Thousand. Star Tower, and Tianfu Palace doesn't care about these things, because the elders only look at the results, whoever has more stars in their hands can win." Nymph retorted.

Xiao Lang nodded, but he didn't care. Isn't it a big melee? He only played this kind of game not long ago, and it was nothing terrible.

When Xiao Lang and Ning Fu'er were chatting together, suddenly, Xiao Lang narrowed his eyes and saw an acquaintance.

This acquaintance is Lang Yunfeng!

At this moment, Lang Yunfeng was following a young man with a group of Tianfu Temple disciples beside him.

Xiao Lang found that the young man was somewhat similar to Lang Yunfeng, but judging from the position of Lang Yunfeng, the position of the young man was obviously higher than that of Lang Yunfeng.

Ning Fu'er also saw Lang Yunfeng and the young man in front of Lang Yunfeng, her face changed immediately, and she whispered: "That's Lang Yunfeng's brother, Lang Yunli. This person entered Tianfu many years ago. Gong, is a powerful disciple of the Golden Armor, Lang Yunfeng is in the Eastern Region of the Tianfu Palace and has a good time. Apart from the relationship between the wolf family, this Lang Yunli is the backstage."

Xiao Lang nodded. No wonder that person looked a bit similar to Lang Yunfeng, who turned out to be Lang Yunfeng's brother.

When Xiao Lang and the others discovered Lang Yunfeng, Lang Yunfeng also spotted them, and when Lang Yunfeng saw Xiao Lang walking with Ning Fu'er again, his complexion suddenly became very ugly.

He attached a few words to Lang Yunli's ear, and after Lang Yunli nodded, he walked towards Xiao Lang with a few followers.

"Xiao Lang!"

When Lang Yunfeng approached, he immediately gave a cold cry. Although he and Ning Fu'er were not married yet, Xiao Lang often walked so close to Ning Fu'er, which made him very angry, if he didn't know he could not beat Xiao. Lang, he was about to teach the other party a long time ago.

"Lang Yunfeng, what do you want?"

Seeing Lang Yunfeng approaching, Xiao Lang glanced at him, then said lightly.

Now Lang Yunfeng has no threat to him, and he doesn't care about Lang Yunfeng as much as before. Of course, if there is a chance in the future, he will make Lang Yunfeng pay some price for his previous actions.

"It's nothing, just to warn you, if you don't want to die too miserably in the assessment, stay away from Fu'er." Lang Yunfeng gritted his teeth.

"Oh, are you threatening me?" Xiao Lang continued to glance at Lang Yunfeng and asked.

"Hmph, whatever you think, my words are already here anyway, I hope you know yourself and don't cause trouble to your upper body." Lang Yunfeng hummed.

"Lang Yunfeng, do you know what I dislike the most?"

Xiao Lang didn't directly fight back against Lang Yunfeng's words, but first asked him back.

"What?" Lang Yunfeng was taken aback.

"What I don't like most is that others threaten me, because every time I hear threats, I like to fight him." Xiao Lang sneered.

"Okay, you have a seed!"

Lang Yunfeng was very angry, Xiao Lang really wanted to fight him!

"Xiao Lang, don't think that you can do whatever you want with a little bit of improvement. Your strength is in the Sky Floating Star Region, but it's only a middle-lower bottom." Lang Yunfeng sneered.

"Oh, I am a lower-middle level, so I would like to ask, your strength is not as good as me, what are you?" Xiao Lang sneered and asked back.

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Moshen and Wuhen behind Xiao Lang laughed, and even Ning Fu'er couldn't help but sneered. Lang Yunfeng shot himself in the foot!

"Well, Xiao Lang, wait and see for me!"

Lang Yunfeng's face was pale, he knew he couldn't speak to Xiao Lang, so he could only leave after a few words, and then left with angrily.

"This guy is really annoying!"

After Lang Yunfeng left, Ning Fu'er couldn't help but complain, she was very disgusted with Lang Yunfeng, but the latter had been pestering her all the time, and she was very upset.

"Hehe, it's just a fly, don't care about it."

Xiao Lang smiled faintly. In his words, Lang Yunfeng did not take Lang Yunfeng seriously. Lang Yunfeng is only in the middle stage of the world, and he is already in the latter stage of the world, and his fighting strength is even stronger. He was no longer on the same level, so he naturally wouldn't take Lang Yunfeng seriously anymore.

While Xiao Lang and others were laughing and talking, Lang Yunfeng also returned to Lang Yunli's side with a few anxious followers. The latter saw his depressed look and asked casually: "That and your fiancee Who is the guy walking together?"

When asked about this by his elder brother, Lang Yunfeng replied: "A hateful guy."

As he said, he briefly told Lang Yunli about Xiao Lang's affairs.

After hearing this, Lang Yun shook his face coldly and said: "Useless things, although you and your fiancee are not married yet, it is related to the face of my wolf family. How can you just ignore it?"

Lang Yunfeng lowered his head and dared not say a word. His eldest brother has always had a cold temper. Don't think they are brothers with the same child, but if Lang Yunli gets angry, he won't care about it at all. He doesn't Dare to annoy each other.

Lang Yun snorted coldly, not wanting to reprimand this unsuspecting brother too much. He turned around and said to the young people on the side: "Zheng Fei, Yang Hong, you two are in the silver team, if you have a chance, Remember to teach that kid named Xiao Lang, although my younger brother is not a weapon, he is also a member of my wolf family, how can his fiancee walk with others."

Zheng Fei and Yang Hong are two tall young people. After listening to Lang Yunli's words, they nodded immediately and said, "Younger Li, don't worry, we can leave this to us, the one named Xiao Lang The kid is so arrogant, we will teach them how to behave."

Lang Yun nodded sharply, and then stopped paying attention to this matter, standing quietly on the square, waiting for the start of the sect assessment.

The wolf Yunfeng on the side has already blossomed with joy in his heart. Zheng Fei and Yang Hong are familiar with them. These two people are followers of his elder brother, and they are both at the peak of the world stage. In the disciple group, there were those who competed for the top five, and these two people helped to teach Xiao Lang, forgiving that the latter couldn't make any waves.

"Hey, Xiao Lang, I see what you do this time!"

Looking at Xiao Lang and others in the distance, the corner of Lang Yunfeng's mouth could not help but evoke a sneer of gloat.

Xiao Lang didn’t know at this moment that he had been targeted by Lang Yunli, but then again, with Xiao Lang’s character, even if he knew it, he wouldn’t be afraid of anything. It's impossible to participate in the appraisal competition of the silver armor disciple group. Even if he can participate, he will not necessarily be afraid of the other party.

Therefore, Xiao Lang did not pay attention to what Lang Yunfeng and Lang Yunli had said. At this time, he was still standing in the square, quietly waiting for the morning to come.

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