Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 116: : The assessment begins

With the passage of time, more and more disciples came to the assessment square, and the number has grown from a few thousand before to the current number of nearly 10,000, and this number is still continuing before the assessment begins. Increasing.


At this moment, a melodious bell sounded again from the top of Tianlong Mountain. All the disciples on the assessment square looked up, and they saw a line of figures coming from the top of Tianlong Mountain.

Xiao Lang also saw the group of people coming, and immediately narrowed his eyes.

There are a total of twenty or thirty people in that pedestrian, all of them are full of energy and have extraordinary temperament. You can see that they are unusual people at a glance, especially the leader, who has a white face and no need to look like a middle-aged person. He looks a bit refined and has those eyes. The eyes are like the sea of ​​stars, which makes it difficult to see.

Xiao Lang discovered that he could not feel any fluctuations in the middle-aged man, but it was this that made him very shocked. You know, his current strength is not low anymore, but no matter how he looks at it, he can see it. Not showing the strength of the middle-aged man, this shows that the gap between him and the middle-aged man is very large, otherwise such a situation would not happen.

"That person is Luo Tianqi, the rudder master of the Eastern Sub-rudder of the Tianfu Palace. He has a noble status and a high position. He rarely shows up at ordinary times. He will reveal his true body only on important things like Zongmen assessment."

While Xiao Lang was observing the middle-aged man, Ning Fuer on the side immediately gave an explanation in a timely manner.

Xiao Lang nodded when he heard the words, and felt relieved. No wonder that person looks so majestic and imposing. Even standing among those powerful men, he gives people a sense of standing out from the crowd. It turns out that he is Tianfu. The rudder master of the Gongdongyu sub-rudder.

However, it is also true that Tianfu Palace is a special institution established by the Tianfu Royal Family. To a certain extent, it is also a manifestation of the strength of the Tianfu Royal Family. It can serve as a rudder in such a special institution. Lord, if you don't have strong strength, it is impossible to sit in this position.

After Xiao Lang cleared away the doubts in his mind, a group of people led by Luo Tianqi, the rudder master of the Tianfu Palace, had also flown over the examination square.

"Good rudder!"

Seeing Luo Tianqi coming, some of the elders who had been guarding the assessment square immediately saluted.

Luo Tianqi nodded.

At this time, a gray-haired old man turned his head and said to all the disciples in the assessment square: "All disciples will be divided into three groups according to your titles and wait for the test in the assessment square. Those who do not participate in this test will be withdrawn. When you get to the viewing area, don’t ruin the order."

Seeing that the elder had spoken, the disciples on the assessment square dared not listen, and immediately found their own group according to their identity and title.

Xiao Lang said to Xiao Moshen and Wuhen: "You two are Xuanjia disciples, go to the Xuanjia disciple group, and remember to pay attention to safety during the assessment."

"I see, brother!"

Xiao Moshen and Wuhen both smiled, and quickly walked towards the Xuanjia disciple group confidently.

Suddenly there were only two people left, Xiao Lang and Nymph, Xiao Lang said to Nymph, "Let's go too!"

"Yeah." Ning Fu'er said, and the two immediately stepped forward and walked into the silver armor disciple group.

Within a moment of effort, the three major assessment groups have been classified. The largest group is the Xuanjia disciple group, which has as many as 3,000 people and the largest number. You know, this is to eliminate those who are in retreat. The number of disciples who went out to do tasks and who were unable to participate in the sect assessment due to various reasons, if you add up all those people, I am afraid it can reach four thousand.

Next is the Silver Armored disciple group. Although the number of this group is not as large as the Xuan Jia disciple group, it should not be underestimated. The number of people exceeds 1,000, and the competitiveness is equally great.

The smallest number is the Jinjia disciple group, with only about two hundred people. However, although the number of the Jinjia disciple group is small, everyone knows that the competition here is the biggest. After all, you can become a Jinjia disciple of Tianfu Palace. Which one will be the fuel-efficient lamp? It is not easy to stand out among this group of people and get a ranking.

As for those onlookers, most of them were disciples who failed to obtain the title. The number of such disciples was the largest, exceeding 10,000, but they did not have a title, so they could not participate in the sect assessment. Their assessment was within the specified time. Get the title of Xuanjia disciple, or you will be eliminated. In Tianfu Palace, things like this happen from time to time.

When the disciples on the assessment square were divided into three assessment groups, Luo Tianqi, the rudder master of the Eastern Region Sub-rudder of Tianfu Palace, spoke.

"I am Luo Tianqi, the rudder master of the Eastern Region Sub-rudder. I will preside over every previous Zongmen Assessment Conference. The purpose is to see your progress in cultivation. In the past thousand years, I have been the leader of the Qingguang Great World. Although the scale of the domain sub-rudder is large, the strength of the disciple is a bit low among the many sub-rudders of the Tianfu Palace, which should not be taken seriously. Therefore, I hope that everyone will work hard to stimulate their potential and strive to play in this assessment. Stronger power."

Luo Tianqi stood in the sky, looked at the many disciples of the Eastern Region Sub-rudder on the assessment square, and said loudly.

When Xiao Lang heard the words, he bowed his head and thought. The Tianfu Palace sub-rudders spread across the entire Tianfu Starfield, acting as the eyes and minions of the Tianfu Great Emperor, helping the Tianfu Great Emperor manage the Tianfu Starfield, ranging from large to small. From these remarks, it can be guessed that there is still some competition mechanism among the major sub-ruds of the Tianfu Palace.

"Well, it's not too early. I announce that this year's sect assessment will officially begin!"

Luo Tianqi didn't seem to have any more thoughts. After he waved his hand and announced the start of the assessment, he summoned the gray-haired elder and gave him the chair of the assessment. Luo Tianqi I was sitting on a big chair, watching this assessment.

The elder who presided over this assessment was called Shang Yuankun. After receiving Luo Tianqi’s order, he shouted to the many disciples on the assessment square: “This assessment will be conducted in order. The Xuanjia disciple group will conduct the assessment first. The second is the silver armor disciple group, and the last is the golden armor disciple group. During the assessment, you cannot skip or demote to participate in the assessment. If you find that you will be severely punished, do you all understand?"


All the disciples replied loudly that most of the disciples here have already participated in many assessments and are very familiar with the rules of the assessment, and naturally they will not violate these rules.

Upon seeing this, Shang Yuankun nodded in satisfaction, and then saw his big hand wave, thousands of rays of light immediately flew towards the crowd of disciples on the assessment square.

When the appraisal disciples in the square saw this, they quickly reached out and grabbed those rays of light into their hands, opened their palms and saw that it turned out to be a jade medal.

"This is the Shu Ling jade card. After you enter the Ten Thousand Star Pagoda, you need to subdue the protoss inside. When you surrender the prostitution, you can use the Shu Ling jade card to inhale it. Remember, surrender. The number of Protoss and the quality of Protoss directly determine your final ranking, so be sure to collect more Protoss and don't make mistakes."

Shang Yunkun explained loudly, and then he waved his hand again, and a vortex passage appeared in the void above the examination square. Shang Yuankun pointed to the vortex passage and said, "This is the passage to the inner space of the Wanxing Tower. The Xuanjia disciple who participated in the assessment can now go in."

As soon as Shang Yuankun said this, those Profound Armor disciples who had already been eager to try immediately flew up, like locusts, flying into the vortex passage overwhelmingly.

Xiao Lang was a little stunned. He originally thought that Shang Yuankun would summon the Ten Thousand Star Tower, but he didn't want the latter to be directly integrated into the void. There was no need to summon, and he could go in directly. It was much smarter than the three-star tower summoned by Luo Xiongyu of Tian Luomen in the sea of ​​stars.

After a while, all the Xuanjia disciples who participated in the assessment all entered the vortex passage. When Shang Yuankun saw this, he immediately waved his hand to seal off the passage, and then Shang Yuankun tapped two again in the void. Immediately, two huge screens appeared in the void, showing the scene inside the Ten Thousand Star Tower.

Seeing this, everyone in the assessment square immediately concentrated, staring at the two huge screens in the sky without squinting.

The same was true for Xiao Lang. He participated in the assessment for the first time and didn't understand it. This gave him a chance to understand the assessment.

I saw on the screen, after those Profound Armor disciples entered the inner space of the Ten Thousand Star Pagoda, they scattered and went looking for the so-called Protoss.

However, Xiao Lang discovered that the internal space of the Ten Thousand Star Tower was not very large, which was equivalent to the size of a small world. Now that more than 3,000 Profound Armor disciples swarmed into them, they immediately became a little crowded. It is estimated that conflict is inevitable Up.

Sure enough, those Profound Armor disciples were still fine in the early stage, but in the middle stage, conflicts occurred, and when 70% of the star spirits were taken away, the remaining 30% were almost resolved by force.

Some people even started to "wrong thoughts", hitting their ideas on other examiners, and directly robbed them.

Although this approach is a bit unorthodox, it is the ultimate goal of Tianfu Palace. After all, only in this way can the examiner's strength be tested. The high-levels of Tianfu Palace are naturally happy.

Xiao Lang has been looking for the figure of Demon Xiao and Wuhen, but there are only two screens in the void. Initially, the two cannot be seen. However, when most of the examiners were eliminated, the two screens focused on those two screens. Those outstanding examiners.

Soon after, Xiao Lang finally saw Xiao Moshen and Wuhen's figure on the screen. Because it was the first time for the two to participate in the assessment, they had not separated too far to avoid being attacked.

Coupled with their consistent tacit cooperation, most of the people who wanted to **** the spirit jade card from their hands ended up making wedding dresses for them, and they were eliminated.

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