Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 118: : Level 5 Protoss

Ning Fuer quickly put away the remaining Level 2 Protoss, and then left the area with Xiao Lang.

Next, the two continued to search for the Prosperity in the space of the Ten Thousand Star Tower, and they gained a lot. There are already no less than ten purple light spots on Xiao Lang's Shu Ling jade card, and the blue light spots are more than doubled. .

Nymph is the same, because Xiao Lang gave her almost all the second-level protoss, and even helped her to subdue those protoss. Therefore, she has no fewer than fifty second-level protoss in her hands. , Even the third-level celestial spirits, there are as many as four or five.

The two continued to search, because the current time has only passed more than half an hour, so there is no conflict. Other examiners are racing against time, searching for the whereabouts of the stars. No one will waste time at this time. To **** other people's protoss.


When Xiao Lang and Ning Fu'er were on their way, Xiao Lang suddenly stopped.

When Ning Fu'er saw this, she stopped quickly. She asked with some confusion, "Xiao Lang, what's the matter?"

"There are good things over there."

Xiao Lang looked to the far side and whispered.

After hearing this, Ning Fu'er was also interested and curious about the good things Xiao Lang said.

Xiao Lang didn't say much, got up and swept in that direction, and Ning Fu'er quickly followed.

After the two of them flew some distance, they finally saw the good thing Xiao Lang said.

I saw a huge red star spirit suspended in the void ahead, and the red light radiating from his body made it look like a scorching sun, shining brightly, and very spectacular.

"It's actually a fifth-level star spirit!"

Nymph's pretty face showed a look of shock. The red star spirit represented that the level of this star spirit had reached the level of the fifth-level star spirit.

Protoss of this level are already comparable in strength to World Realm Small Perfection. They are very powerful. Generally speaking, the silver armor disciples did not surrender the power of prostheses of this level. Nymph did not expect that, Xiao Lang said. The good thing is actually a fifth-level star spirit.

"Xiao Lang, don't you want to surrender that fifth-level star spirit?"

Ning Fu'er looked at Xiao Lang and said something incredible.

Xiao Lang nodded and didn't speak. Since he came here, he was naturally interested in this fifth-level star spirit, because he knew very well that he wanted to get the first place in the silver armor assessment group. It is possible to collect a few fourth-level protoss. There are countless geniuses in the Tianfu Palace. There are always some powerful characters who can fight higher levels and subdue some fifth-level protoss. It is probably not a problem. If he does not have fifth-level protoss, It may lose competitiveness.

"That can be comparable to the existence of the World Realm Small Perfection. It is too dangerous for you to go alone."

Ning Fu'er was a little anxious. Although Xiao Lang was able to leapfrog before, she had never seen Xiao Lang who had ever fought with a world-level perfectionist, so she was also very worried.

"Don't worry! If it doesn't work, we just run away."

Xiao Lang smiled at Ning Fu'er, he was full of confidence. Now his strength has reached the end of the world stage, it is difficult to find rivals in the same stage, and it should be no problem to deal with some world stage Xiaozhuan existence.

Seeing that Xiao Lang was so persistent, Ning Fu'er was also a little helpless, but she knew Xiao Lang's character, tenacity and persistence, and never gave up lightly. When he was only in the middle of the world, he dared to take on the eighth level task, not to mention this. Kind of thing.

Therefore, Nymph could only say helplessly: "Well, then you should be careful."

"Okay, wait for you to stay away from here. This star spirit has a high level. Once a battle occurs, it may affect you." Xiao Lang smiled.

Ning Fu'er nodded, and then flew to the distance to watch, while Xiao Lang killed the fifth-level star spirit.


Before Xiao Lang approached the fifth-level star spirit, the latter made a buzzing sound, and the red light on his body rose so much that he turned into a majestic giant wolf.

The giant wolf was very tall, like a hill, with muscle knots on its huge body, very mighty and domineering.

What's more terrifying is that the body of the giant wolf is still burning with red flames, and the surrounding temperature has risen a lot because of this, and even the surrounding space is burnt a little distorted.

Red fire fierce wolf!

This is a name that suddenly popped out of Xiao Lang's mind. This giant wolf transformed from a fifth-level star spirit also felt a little pressure.

However, Xiao Lang's eyes brightened. The giant wolf can bring pressure to him, indicating that its strength is very strong. Only by surrendering to such a star can he have a certain advantage in the assessment competition.

"Naughty animal, honestly change back to its original form!"

Xiao Lang immediately yelled, his figure moved, and he flew towards the scarlet fierce wolf.

Because the Scarlet Fire Fierce Wolf was transformed by a fifth-level star spirit, Xiao Lang didn't keep his hands either.

"Split God Prajna Palm!"

Xiao Lang only heard a soft sigh, and a terrifying palm wind pushed out across the palm of his hand, hitting the head of the scarlet fierce wolf.


Seeing the tiny human being in front of him attacking towards him, the scarlet fierce wolf also roared, opening his blood basin and biting towards the palm of the cracking god's palm.


In an instant, the palm wind of the Prajna Palm of the Split God was bitten in the mouth by the Scarlet Fire Fierce Wolf. Before he could show his strength, he was bitten by the Scarlet Fire Fierce Wolf and disappeared into the void.

Xiao Lang's expression changed slightly, and the scarlet fierce wolf in his heart really had some tricks, and his heart was slightly more cautious.

Of course, the attack that should have been still not diminished. Seeing that the God of Splitting Prajna palm was shattered, Xiao Lang continued to take action, preparing to use other means to subdue the fierce wolf.

"call out!"

He displayed his love skills, turned into a phantom, and instantly came to the head of the Scarlet Fire Fierce Wolf. At that moment, Xiao Lang's eyes went dark, and two slaying beams shot out and continued to attack Chi. The head of the fiery wolf.

But unfortunately, the slaying attack still failed to work. The Scarlet Fire Ferocious Wolf not only has a strong defensive ability, but also has an extraordinary response and speed, and can easily dodge his regular attacks.

"This beast is really difficult."

Xiao Lang cursed secretly, and continued to shoot.

However, at this time the Scarlet Fire Fierce Wolf had been completely angered, and saw it roaring, opening its mouth wide, and biting towards Xiao Lang.

"not good!"

Xiao Lang was shocked in his heart, and quickly backed away, avoiding the bite of the Scarlet Fire Fierce Wolf, but before he could pant, a violent breaking wind sound came from behind him.

It was the tail of the Scarlet Fierce Wolf, which turned into a huge iron whip, lashing towards him.

With the power of the Scarlet Fire and Fierce Wolf, if this is drawn, although it will not be drawn to death, it is very possible to break a few ribs.

Therefore, Xiao Lang hurriedly slapped the palms of the Split God Prajna, "Boom!" Two loud noises slowed down the Red Fire Fierce Wolf's tail sweeping attack, and he took advantage of this gap and hurriedly flew away.

Ning Fu'er, who was seen from a distance in this scene, was frightened, and a heart was raised in her throat, for fear that Xiao Lang might have an accident.

But when she saw that Xiao Lang had successfully avoided several attacks from the Scarlet Fire Fierce Wolf, she slowly felt relieved.


The Scarlet Fire Ferocious Wolf hit Xiao Lang by surprise, and wanted to catch Xiao Lang in one fell swoop.

However, after Xiao Lang's initial frenzy, he gradually stabilized, his attacks and defenses became organized, and the chances of Scarlet Fire and Fierce Wolf became less and less.

Xiao Lang slapped the palm of the **** of splitting several times, and forced the Red Fire Fierce Wolf back several steps in succession. He immediately seized the opportunity to display the magical skill of the dragon elephant seal. The huge dragon elephant seal exudes powerful fluctuations in power. Under Lang's command, he smashed towards the Scarlet Fire Fierce Wolf like a meteor.

"Naughty animal, taste this!"

The Scarlet Fierce Wolf was stunned by Xiao Lang before, and when it reacted, the Dragon Elephant Seal was already close at hand.


After that, Long Xiangyin smashed into the Red Fire Fierce Wolf without any accident, and the powerful force burst out directly.

In just a moment, the power of the Dragon Elephant Seal tore a huge mouth of blood on the Scarlet Fire Fierce Wolf, but the Scarlet Fire Fierce Wolf was not an entity, so no blood flowed out.

However, the impact of this kind of injury on the Scarlet Fire Fierce Wolf is still great, at least from the appearance, the color of the Scarlet Fire Fierce Wolf's body has been lightened by this.

However, Xiao Lang was not very satisfied with this. When he was surrendering the fourth-level celestial spirits before, as long as he caused this kind of injury on his body, the bodies of those fourth-level celestial spirits would surely collapse and reappear like a celestial spirit. , But after the Red Fire Fierce Wolf suffered this kind of injury, it was only the color faded, and other aspects were hardly affected.

"It seems that it is not so easy to surrender this star spirit!"

Xiao Lang shook his head and smiled bitterly, but he didn't give up, and continued to shoot, killing the Scarlet Fire Fierce Wolf.


After the Scarlet Fire Fierce Wolf was injured, his temperament became even more impatient. Seeing Xiao Lang killing him, a raging flame burned in his eyes, extremely angry.

The Scarlet Fire Fierce Wolf roared, and endless flames gathered in its huge mouth.


Afterwards, a blazing red line of fire was ejected by the Scarlet Fire Fierce Wolf, scorching the void, and greeted the killed Xiao Lang.

Xiao Lang's eyes flashed when he saw this. The scarlet flames spit out by the Scarlet Fire Fierce Wolf were not ordinary flames. The temperature of this kind of flame was so high that it could melt the world's artifacts, even he did not dare to ignore it.

Therefore, Xiao Lang temporarily gave up the attack, avoided the flames of the Scarlet Fire and Fierce Wolf, and decided to find another opportunity to attack.


However, what Xiao Lang didn't expect was that Scarlet Fire Fierce Wolf could control multiple such lines of fire at the same time, which almost prevented him from making progress.

"Dragon Elephant Golden Wheel!"

In desperation, Xiao Lang could only sacrifice the dragon-like golden wheel and resist some of the flames.

"Naughty animal, have you played enough!"

After fighting for a long time, Xiao Lang couldn't surrender the Scarlet Fire Fierce Wolf, and Xiao Lang was also a little angry. After he used the Dragon Elephant Golden Wheel to block the Scarlet Fire Fierce Wolf's flame attack, he displayed his love skills and swept to the Scarlet Fire. The profile of the fierce wolf.

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