Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 119: : Fierce competition


The seal on Xiao Lang's hand changed, and in an instant, endless thunder light emerged from Xiao Lang's body, and Xiao Lang's figure moved directly towards the abdomen of Scarlet Fire Fierce Wolf.

In nature, wolf-like wild beasts have always been known as copper-headed iron-bone tofu waist. The best way to deal with this kind of wild beast is to start from the waist. Of course, attacking the wild beast’s throat and **** can also kill the beast, but Wild beasts tend to guard those places, the attack is too difficult and often unrealistic, and the waist area is large and the defense is difficult, making it an excellent place to attack.

Although this fierce scarlet wolf was transformed by a star, it should not escape the rules of nature, so Xiao Lang also decided to start from the waist, trying to destroy his body and surrender him.

What Xiao Lang uses is his "Holy Thunder Body" magical skill. He has cultivated this magical skill to the Xiaocheng realm, and his power has greatly increased. Even if he does not use other magical skills, he can only use his fists and feet to exert terrifying power. .


Seeing Xiao Lang clenched his fists, when he approached the waist of the Scarlet Fire Fierce Wolf, he immediately threw his fist out, and the power of terror burst out immediately.

Although Xiao Lang did not use any other magical skills, when this fist was smashed out, the fist wind was like a ganglion, fierce, forming a powerful shock wave and exploding, wherever it passed, the space was distorted into subtle details. radian.

It can be seen how terrifying Xiao Lang's punch is!


The Scarlet Fire Ferocious Wolf sensed the crisis, and a panic flashed in his eyes, but the latter was after all an existence comparable to the World Realm Xiao Wan, and he calmed down for the first time, waving his steel-like tail horizontally towards Xiao Lang. Smashed over.

"The speed is quite fast."

Xiao Lang's eyes were slightly cold. He glanced at the steel tail of the Scarlet Fire Fierce Wolf, and said a little, then he saw a mysterious magic seal with his other hand, and a violent spatial fluctuation spread out in an instant. An alien space was formed in front of the steel tail of the red fire fierce wolf, blocking the latter's path.


The Iron Tail of the Scarlet Fire Fierce Wolf was so powerful that when it hit Xiao Lang's Alien Element Space, it immediately made a loud noise, and after a while, the Alien Element Space was smashed.

However, at this moment of effort, Xiao Lang's fierce fist wind had already hit, and it crashed on the waist of Scarlet Fire Fierce Wolf.

The power of this fist was extremely terrifying, almost comparable to a low-grade world magical skill. After being hit, the Scarlet Fire Fierce Wolf wailed, and a huge blood hole was smashed out of its strong waist.

But what surprised Xiao Lang was that after the Scarlet Fire Fierce Wolf was hit by him, it still did not dissipate, and it was still in the form of a fierce wolf.

"This guy is really difficult."

Xiao Lang frowned. The tenacity of the fifth-level protoss was beyond his expectation, almost beyond the fourth-level protoss by several levels.

I really can't imagine how powerful a sixth-level celestial spirit, which is higher than a fifth-level celestial spirit, will be!

As for the top seven-level celestial spirits, Xiao Lang dare not think about it now, because it can be comparable to the existence of the pinnacle realm of Dzogchen in the world. Even if he puts all his strength into it now, it is difficult to shake the seventh-level celestial spirits. If it's not done, you will lose your life in vain.


The Scarlet Fire Fierce Wolf was extremely angry, roaring up to the sky, deafening, its huge and murderous eyes stared at Xiao Lang, as if it would not stop tearing the latter to pieces.

Xiao Lang turned a blind eye to this. He seized the opportunity and continued to make his moves. His fierce fists kept slamming and roaring.

The surrounding space was shocked by this, and the Scarlet Fire Fierce Wolf received a few more punches, the injuries on his waist became more serious, and his combat effectiveness dropped a lot.

The Scarlet Fire Fierce Wolf had a murderous face and vowed to tear Xiao Lang and never stop, but as the wounds on his body became more and more and his combat power declined, he finally became afraid and did not dare to continue to spend it here. After that, turn around and run.

It's a pity that Xiao Lang had already seen the mind of the Scarlet Fire Fierce Wolf. Although the latter possessed the intelligence, but after all, he couldn't compare with the real creatures, how could he escape Xiao Lang's magic eyes.

Xiao Lang followed closely, and soon caught up with the fled Scarlet Fire Fierce Wolf. With three punches and two kicks, the Scarlet Fire Fierce Wolf wailed and wailed. Finally, with a "bang", the huge body completely dissipated and became The original Protoss appearance.

Looking at the Scarlet Star Spirit who finally turned back to its original form, Xiao Lang wiped his sweat. Although he finally won, it took him a lot of effort to destroy the Scarlet Fire Fierce Wolf.

At the moment, Xiao Lang did not hesitate, took out the Shu Ling jade card, and immediately included the red star spirit.

"call out!"

As Xiao Lang took the five-level star spirit into it, a red light spot appeared on the Shu Ling jade card. Its volume was larger than those purple light spots and blue light spots, and it stood out from the crowd with dazzling brilliance.


Looking at the red light spots on the Shu Ling jade plate, Xiao Lang laughed and was quite happy. The weight of a fifth-level celestial spirit is heavier than ten fourth-level celestial spirits. This is his assessment of the silver armor competition. An important bargaining chip for the group champion.

"You guy is getting more and more perverted."

At this moment, Ning Fu'er also flew over and said in shock.

She witnessed Xiao Lang destroying a fifth-level celestial spirit with her own eyes, and her heart was full of shock. Although in previous sect assessments, some people in the Silver A group had captured the fifth-level celestial spirit, but they were able to do this. There are only a few people, and all of them are at the pinnacle of the late world, and they can be upgraded to a disciple of the Golden Armor in just one step, and some are no less than the disciple of the Golden Armor, but Xiao Lang is different, so he breaks through It didn't take long for the latter stage of the world, not even two months, to have such a fighting power in such a short time, I have to admit that this guy is a wizard and a freak.

"Are you complimenting me or scolding me?"

Being said to be abnormal, Xiao Lang was also speechless. He said with a wry smile.

Nymph covered her mouth and smiled, and then said: "Before I thought you had the hope of competing for the top ten, but I now think that you might have the hope of competing for the championship in the silver armor evaluation group."

"Right on my mind."

Xiao Lang laughed. He hadn't told Nymph before that the champion of the silver armor assessment group was his goal for this assessment.

"Then you have to continue to cheer, among the silver armor disciples, there are a few super abnormal." Nymph said with a grin.

Xiao Lang didn't know the people of the Yinjia disciple group, so he asked: "Which people in the Yinjia disciple group should pay attention to?"

Ning Fuer explained: "There are five people who will pose a threat to you. These five people are the top five winners of the silver first appraisal group in the last assessment. They are Kun Peng, Yue Yun, Li Changtian, and Feng Hong. Zhao Hui. These five people are very powerful, and they are all in the pinnacle of the world. If they encounter it, it will definitely be very troublesome."

"Of course, the sixth to tenth places in the previous assessment are not vegetarian. These people are also the pinnacles of the late stage of the world and have the potential to compete for the top five. Now three years have passed, their strength will definitely be It’s strengthened, and you have to be careful if you meet them."

After listening to Nymph’s explanation, Xiao Lang also nodded. He had not investigated the information of these people before, and didn’t know about these people, but he only had to know something in his heart. Will it be troublesome? That is the future.

"I see. Let's go. There is still more than an hour before the end of the assessment. Let's collect more Protoss."

Xiao Lang nodded, then said.

Ning Fuer had no objection, and the two immediately set off, left here, and looked elsewhere for the figure of the fifth-level celestial spirit.

The distribution of the Protoss in the space of the Ten Thousand Stars Tower has a certain pattern-the deeper it goes, the higher the level of the Protoss. It is said that in the deepest part of the space of the Ten Thousand Stars Towers, there are advanced stars that are more powerful than the seventh class Protoss. Ling, even the Golden Armor disciples didn't dare to go deep, only when the elders went to those places when they were being assessed.

Xiao Lang naturally wouldn't go to those places. After he and Ning Fu'er left, they continued to look for the fifth-level star spirit nearby.

He was lucky. After surrendering the first fifth-level celestial spirit, in the next half an hour, he surrendered two fifth-level celestial spirits, one of which was very powerful. At the level of the first-class celestial spirit, the latter changed into a demon tiger form with terrifying combat power. He tried his best to win, and finally put it in his bag.

Nymph has also gained a lot. Although it is not possible to subdue the fifth-level celestial spirits like Xiao Lang, it is still possible to subdue the third-level celestial spirits. There are many celestial spirits in this area. After half an hour, there are already no less than ten three. The first-class celestial spirit was put into the jade sashing card by her.

As time passed, the Protoss below level 5 in the Ten Thousand Star Tower space were almost completely harvested. Therefore, most of the monks began to fight and rob each other's Protoss.

This is the time when the competition is fierce. The Protoss has been harvested. If you want to get a better ranking, you can only hope to succeed by grabbing the jade medals from others.

Xiao Lang and the others also inevitably encountered several waves of attacks, but the opponents were only ordinary late stage world realms, not Xiao Lang's opponents. They easily presented their Shu Ling jade cards and were beaten out of the Ten Thousand Star Tower space by Xiao Lang.

By then, the number of Protoss in Xiao Lang's hands was already very large, and the top ten should be stable.

However, Xiao Lang was not satisfied with this. His goal was to be a champion, and the top ten could not satisfy his ambition.

Therefore, Xiao Lang continued to take Ning Fu'er and took the initiative to rob other disciples, focusing on disciples with high strength.

Although this approach is not very authentic, Xiao Lang can't take care of it so much in order to get the rankings. The purpose of Tianfu Temple's establishment of this assessment is not to cultivate their moral qualities, but to test their strength.

In the monk's world, the survival of the fittest has always been the survival of the fittest, and the strong are respected. There is not so much morality and truth to speak of. Strong strength can have everything, and a big fist is the last word.

Xiao Lang had already realized this, and naturally he would not feel guilty for it, so he was quite decisive in his actions. After meeting him, many unlucky appraisal disciples were expelled from the Ten Thousand Star Pagoda space after they met him. Their Shu Ling jade medals naturally became Xiao Lang's trophy.

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