Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 124: : Trophy

The Shu Ling jade card contains the Protoss. That is what determines the final result of the assessment. It is extremely important to every examiner. Losing the Pros is equivalent to losing the ranking, which is equivalent to all Efforts are wasted.

They have made a long preparation for this sect assessment, and it took a lot of effort to collect these star spirits. According to their speculation, they are very likely to enter the top five this year, one step closer than before.

However, if the Shu Ling jade card is snatched by Xiao Lang, it means that all of this has nothing to do with them. Therefore, Zheng Fei and Yang Hong are unwilling to give up the Shu Ling jade card to Xiao Lang anyway.

Zheng Fei shouted red-facedly: "Xiao Lang, don't go too far. Although your strength is stronger than ours, we are less powerful people. You'd better stop in moderation."

The wolf Yunfeng in the distance also shouted at this time: "Yes, Xiao Lang, don't mess around! My brother was watching from the assessment square!"

Xiao Lang directly ignored Lang Yunfeng. These people thought they could hold him down with a Wolf Yunli. It was a bit naive. He looked at Zheng Fei and Yang Hong coldly, and rebuked: "Nonsense. Not to mention, if you don't want to become waste, then honestly hand over the Shu Ling Jade Plate."

As he said, he directly placed the dagger on the abdomen of Zheng Fei and Yang Hong, and injected a part of the divine power into the dagger, causing it to burst out a sharp blade. As long as his mind moved, this blade would pierce through it. The abdomen of the two destroyed the energy world in it.

"Xiao Lang, don't mess around!"

Zheng Fei and Yang Hong were shocked when Xiao Lang pointed a sharp object at their abdomen, and quickly shouted.

The energy world is the foundation of the monks. Once it is destroyed, not to mention the complete abolishment of the cultivation base, it will at least fall to a few levels, which is equivalent to tens of thousands of years of effort.

"If you don't hand over things within ten breaths, don't blame me for being rude."

Xiao Lang didn't bother to talk nonsense with them, and directly made the final announcement.

Hearing that, Zheng Fei and Yang Hong's complexion became extremely ugly, Xiao Lang is determined to take away their Shu Ling jade card!

Thinking of this, Zheng Fei and Yang Hong suddenly regretted it. Why did they bother to provoke this evil spirit?

Then, they scolded Lang Yunfeng hundreds of times in their hearts, and they felt that if it weren't for Lang Yunfeng to provoke Xiao Lang, these things wouldn't happen.

However, Zheng Fei and Yang Hong finally chose to compromise because they did not dare to bet. They could see that Xiao Lang was a decisive person. Once they violated his orders, the other party might really abolish them. Cultivation base, so they will lose out.

Therefore, Zheng Fei and Yang Hong took out their Shu Ling jade tiles, and reluctantly said to Xiao Lang, "You can give you the Shu Ling jade tiles, but you'd better speak up."

"That's natural. I walk the world with Xiao Lang, and I still have this credibility." Xiao Lang smiled.

Hearing this, Zheng Fei and Yang Hong didn't know what they were talking about, so they had to hand over the Shu Ling jade card to Xiao Lang.

However, Xiao Lang smiled and took the Shu Lingyu cards from the two of them, and looked around.

Xiao Lang discovered that Zheng Fei and Yang Hong had gained a lot. Zheng Fei alone had harvested 21 fourth-level celestial spirits and two fifth-level celestial spirits.

Yang Hong is also very good, harvesting nineteen fourth-level protoss and two fifth-level protoss, as for the number of third-level protoss and second-level protoss.

This number can be said to be quite good, you know, even he has only harvested three fifth-level protoss and eighteen fourth-level protoss.

"Hehe, thank you both for the gift, I laughed at the two star spirits."

Xiao Lang said with a smile, and immediately Zheng Fei and Yang Hong's unceremonious Shu Ling jade plaque all the stars on his Shu Ling jade plaque, and then threw the empty Shu Ling jade plaque to the two of them. .

Zheng Fei and Yang Hong took their Shu Ling jade card. They were very angry. This **** got cheap and sold well. If they couldn't beat each other, they really wanted to beat him up.

Xiao Lang didn't care what Zheng Fei and Yang Hong thought, he only had to get the two Protoss, the others didn't matter. Therefore, he did not violate his promise, took back the dagger, and smiled lightly: "Okay. Now, this matter is over, you can go now."

With that said, Xiao Lang no longer cared about Zheng Fei and Yang Hong, and turned to look at Lang Yunfeng who was hiding in the distance watching the battle. This guy made trouble with him over and over again, and he had to withdraw some interest today.

Lang Yunfeng felt the look in Xiao Lang's eyes. When the face changed, Zheng Fei and Yang Hong were defeated. He no longer had a protective umbrella, and there was no chance of winning directly facing Xiao Lang. If Xiao Lang came to look for it at this time His trouble, then he is really a tragedy.

Therefore, Lang Yunfeng didn't even think about it. Seeing Xiao Lang looking towards him, he immediately turned around and ran wildly, trying to escape.

It is a pity that Xiao Lang would not give him this opportunity. The first time Lang Yunfeng escaped, Xiao Lang displayed his love skills, easily chased him up, and intercepted him.

"Wolf Yunfeng, your two companions are like that. You just want to run away. Isn't it too interesting?"

Xiao Lang cut off Lang Yunfeng's path, looked at Lang Yunfeng with a smile, and said.

Lang Yunfeng's complexion changed. This **** was really sinister and was actually instigating discord.

It's a pity that he is no longer Xiao Lang's opponent, and he dared not refute, because he was afraid that Xiao Lang would be angered, so he could only endure it.

"Xiao Lang, I am indeed wrong this time, I apologize to you." Lang Yunfeng endured the anger in his heart and said in a low voice.

"It's over with an apology?"

Xiao Lang sneered and said, this guy has troubled him over and over again, and today he has to pay a price no matter what.

"What do you want?"

Lang Yunfeng got angry. As the young master of the Eastern Wolf Family, he subconsciously doesn't like Xiao Lang, a person with no background, and it is impossible for him to completely subdue.

"It's very simple, hand in your Shu Ling Jade Plate, and then get out of the Ten Thousand Star Tower space by yourself."

Xiao Lang said coldly, at this time, Lang Yunfeng actually dared to challenge him, isn't this looking for death?

"Xiao Lang, don't deceive others too much!"

Lang Yunfeng opened his eyes and shouted angrily: "My eldest brother is watching from outside!"

"Take your eldest brother to press people again?"

Xiao Lang couldn't help laughing and said, "If I was afraid of your big brother, I wouldn't have been an enemy of your wolf family."

Hearing Xiao Lang's words, Lang Yunfeng's voice stopped, and he didn't know how to refute.

Because what Xiao Lang said is really reasonable. From the first time the two of them had a conflict, Xiao Lang had not been afraid of their wolf family. It has always been like this. Now that he wants to use his eldest brother to suppress Xiao Lang, it is indeed true. It's ridiculous.

Thinking of this, Lang Yunfeng was also a little helpless. It was only a long time before the identities of him and Xiao Lang had been completely converted. Back then, he had driven Xiao Lang to flee everywhere, but now it has become Xiao Lang stepping on his head. Do whatever you want.

Thinking of this, Lang Yunfeng couldn't help but smile, he sighed, and tried to subdue softly: "Well, Xiao Lang, this time I lost, I am willing to give you the Shu Ling jade card, but I hope you Don't drive me out of the Ten Thousand Star Tower space."

"It's up to you."

Xiao Lang said indifferently, he had no mercy at all for Lang Yunfeng.

With that said, Xiao Lang ignored Lang Yunfeng's cannibalistic gaze, and directly swept in front of Lang Yunfeng. With a big hand, he held it firmly in his hand.

Lang Yunfeng's complexion changed drastically, and he wanted to break free, but he soon discovered that all this was in vain. Xiao Lang's palm was so powerful that he couldn't break free at all. Moreover, Xiao Lang used a space cage to tie his limbs together. The body was imprisoned, making him completely unable to move.

Lang Yunfeng was desperate. In the face of such absolute strength, he didn't even have the qualifications to resist, so he could only let Xiao Lang deal with him.

After Xiao Lang imprisoned Lang Yunfeng, without any hesitation, he scanned Lang Yunfeng's body directly, and then found Lang Yunfeng's Shuling Jade Card and took it out.

On the Shu Ling jade plate, there are various light spots. Among them, there are no less than two hundred second-level protoss, about fifty third-level protoss, and three fourth-level protoss.

Although this number is not huge, it is quite good compared to the strength of Lang Yunfeng, especially the three fourth-level celestial spirits. It is estimated that they were only obtained with the assistance of Zheng Fei and Yang Hong. Lang Yunfeng's strength is already very good to be able to subdue a fourth-level star spirit.

Xiao Lang did not hesitate to assign all the star spirits on Lang Yunfeng’s Shu Ling jade card into his own Shu Ling jade card, and then pinched the jade Shu Ling jade card in front of Lang Yunfeng. Broken away.

"Do not!"

Lang Yunfeng shouted in his heart, and when the Shu Ling jade card was broken, he would be rejected by the Ten Thousand Star Tower space, and then the Ten Thousand Star Tower would send him out of the space, which indicated that his assessment failed.

It's a pity that all of this is too late, Xiao Lang has already crushed his Shu Ling jade card, no matter how much he shouted, it would be futile.


A black vortex appeared above Lang Yunfeng's head, directly sucking Lang Yunfeng in and sending it out of the Ten Thousand Star Tower space.

After Lang Yunfeng was sent away, Xiao Lang turned around and flew towards Ning Fu'er.

"Xiao Lang, you are too good!"

When Ning Fu'er saw Xiao Lang coming over, she immediately gave him a thumbs up. Xiao Langming knew that Lang Yunfeng's eldest brother Lang Yunli was watching outside, and even dared to send him out of the Ten Thousand Star Tower space. This courage was confirmed. Got.

"For the annoying fly, if you can't slap him to death, the best way is to drive him away."

Xiao Lang smiled lightly, his face was light, and driving away Lang Yunfeng was just a small thing for him, and there was nothing to show off.

"It makes sense."

Ning Fu'er nodded in agreement, and then asked: "Then where are we going now?"

Xiao Lang smiled and said: "Now there is half an hour before the end of the assessment, we can still turn around."

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