Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 125: :Publication of the results

After Xiao Lang and Ning Fu'er discussed it, they left here. As for Zheng Fei and Yang Hong, let them move freely.

Looking at the backs of Xiao Lang and Ning Fu'er, Zheng Fei and Yang Hong both gave a wry smile. They were considered to have capsized in the gutter today. The Star Spirits that they finally collected have been searched by Xiao Lang. Gone, all efforts were in vain.

Fortunately, Xiao Lang didn't crush their Shu Ling jade medals, and he gave them the last hope.

There is still half an hour left, and if you work hard, there may be a glimmer of hope for ranking. Of course, they don't dare to think of the top ten.

After some discussions, Zheng Fei and Yang Hong got up and swept in completely opposite directions from Xiao Lang and the others.

Time passed, and half an hour passed quickly.

At this time, Shang Yuankun's loud voice resounded in the space of the Ten Thousand Star Tower.

"The assessment time is up. Everyone immediately stops all plundering and fighting, and hurry up to come out for inspection."

As soon as this voice appeared, most of the weaker disciples breathed a sigh of relief. For them, this last hour was the most difficult time, because there were all eye-catching people staring at their Shu Lingyu plaques. There is always the danger of being expelled from the Ten Thousand Star Tower space at any time, and now that Elder Shang Yuankun announces the end of the assessment, they no longer need to be as nervous as before.

After that, all the appraisal disciples all flew out and flew toward the vortex passage that appeared above them.

Somewhere in the Ten Thousand Star Tower space, after hearing Elder Shang Yuankun's words, Xiao Lang and Ning Fu'er also flew up and entered the vortex passage above their heads.

With a flash of light in front of them, Xiao Lang and Ning Fu'er appeared on the outside assessment square.

"Finally figured it out."

Looking at the dark crowd below, Xiao Lang smiled slightly and came out from inside, indicating that the assessment was over.

"Let's go, let's go there and hand in the Shu Lingyu card."

Ning Fuer pointed to a location on the assessment square and said.

Xiao Lang nodded, and the two immediately landed on the assessment square and went to hand over the Shu Ling jade card.

After handing their Shu Ling jade medals to the elder who was in charge of recycling the jade medals, the two of them walked towards the gathering place for the silver armor disciples.

"Big Brother!"

A shout came from the side, and Xiao Lang turned his head to look, and he saw Demon God Xiao and Wuhen standing in the group of Xuanjia disciples waving hands to him.

Xiao Lang smiled and nodded at them, because the assessment is not over yet, he hasn't even talked to Devil Xiao and the others. After waving his hand, he led Ning Fuer to the gathering place for the silver armor disciples. The appraisal of the disciple group has not yet been completed, and they still have to wait two hours here to get the result of this appraisal.

When Xiao Lang and the others came back, there were already some Silver Armor disciples standing here in the area where the Silver Armor disciples gathered. These were the people who were eliminated early, such as Lang Yunfeng, who was expelled from the Ten Thousand Star Tower space by Xiao Lang. it's here.

When Xiao Lang and Ning Fu'er came back, Lang Yunfeng immediately gritted his teeth with a look of unwillingness and resentment. He could have achieved a good result, but after being driven out of the Ten Thousand Star Tower by Xiao Lang, any result will It has nothing to do with him.

What makes Lang Yunfeng resent the most is that when he was kicked out before, his elder brother Lang Yunli had a very ugly face, obviously he was very disappointed in him, and in his opinion, all of this was caused by Xiao Lang. He pushed everything to Xiao Lang, and his resentment toward Xiao Lang grew stronger.

Xiao Lang directly ignored Lang Yunfeng's cannibalistic gaze, and returned to the team chatting and laughing with Ning Fuer.

However, Xiao Lang still noticed an indifferent gaze toward him. This gaze came from Lang Yunli. Obviously, he robbed Zheng Fei and Yang Hong and expelled Lang Yunfeng from the space of the Ten Thousand Star Tower. Aroused the dissatisfaction of Lang Yun.

However, Xiao Lang still didn't care. As far as he knew, the reason Zheng Fei and Yang Hong would listen to Lang Yunfeng's words and come to trouble him was that they were instigated by Lang Yun. Since the latter asked people to attack him. Now, why should he be polite to each other?

Seeing that Xiao Lang didn't respond to his meaning, Lang Yun snorted coldly, and withdrew his gaze, no longer asking himself to be bored.

At this time, all the silver armor disciples had already handed in their Shu Ling jade medals and returned to the previous team.

Elder Shang Yuankun talked about some related matters above, and announced the start of the assessment of the Jinjia disciple group.

The assessment content of the Golden Armor disciple group is no different from the other two groups, except that the number of people is smaller. More than two hundred Golden Armor disciples quickly entered the Ten Thousand Star Tower space to participate in this final round of assessment.

As all the Golden Armor disciples entered the Ten Thousand Star Tower space, the figures of the Golden Armor disciples immediately appeared on the two giant screens in the sky, and everyone's eyes gathered on the giant screen, staring at the Golden Armor disciples. The next action.

Soon, the Golden Armored disciples were thrown into the battle.

As the strongest group among this group of examiners, the competition among the disciples of the Golden Armor is fierce, and the battle scene is the most spectacular. Many disciples are full of excitement and applaud.

There are more than two hundred Golden Armored disciples, most of them are in the realm of World Realm Small Perfection. Although the Golden Armored disciples of this realm are powerful, the real protagonists in this round of assessment are still those of World Realm Dzogchen.

The number of this part of disciples is about 20, which is equivalent to one-tenth of the number of people assessed this time.

These people are powerful and are the real protagonists in this assessment. The protagonists they chase are at least the level of the seventh-level protagonists, and their battles are also the most intense. Every shot will attract countless people's admiration.

Xiao Lang accidentally discovered that Lang Yunli was actually one of these people. With the strength of the Dzogchen in the world, he was unimpeded and overbearing in the assessment. He surrendered three seventh-level stars in just half an hour. The disciples Shaojinjia walked around when they saw him.

Time continued to pass, and finally two hours passed.

Xiao Lang discovered that there were not many Golden Armored disciples eliminated this time, and most of the Golden Armored disciples successfully completed the assessment.

Xiao Lang was not surprised by this. To become a disciple of the Jinjiao, who would not have some means of housekeeping? Even if you can't get the top ten, there are still some means of self-protection.

Elder Shang Yuankun opened the passage of the Ten Thousand Star Pagoda at the right time and released the golden armored disciples.

After the Jinjia disciples handed in their Shu Ling jade medals, they returned to their respective teams.

After all the Golden Armor disciples returned, Elder Shang Yuankun spoke.

"Now that the assessments of the three assessment groups have been completed, then I will announce the ranking of this assessment."

As soon as Elder Shang Yuankun said this, everyone in the square was looking forward to it, showing their expectations. This was the climax of this assessment.

At this time, Elder Shang Yuankun had already obtained the final list of the Jin Jia disciple appraisal group, he glanced at it, and then took out the appraisal list of the other two groups.

"First of all, what I want to announce is the ranking of the Xuan Jia disciple group. There are 3,476 Xuan Jia disciples who participated in the assessment this time. Excluding the number of eliminated people, there are 1,920 people. Next, I will publish the rankings of these 1,920 people on this big screen."

Shang Yuankun pointed to the two huge light screens in the sky and said loudly.

When everyone looked at them, they saw a flash of light on the two huge light screens, and immediately a dense list appeared.

"First place, Wu Tianshan, number of celestial spirits: one third-level celestial spirit, 15 second-level celestial spirits, and 520 first-level celestial spirits."

When everyone saw this number of star spirits, they were all in an uproar, especially those Xuanjia disciples.

This Wu Tianshan was really good, not only had the total number of star spirits astonishing, but also obtained a third-level star spirit. This alone was enough to dominate the Profound Armor disciples.

"Second place, Yang Yi, number of protoss: 17 second-level protoss, 492 first-level protoss."

"The third place, Luo Yun, the number of Protoss..."

Xiao Lang looked at the huge light screen, looking for the names of Xiao Devil God and Wuhen.

Soon, Xiao Lang had discovered.

"The eighth place, Xiao Devil, the number of stars: six second-level stars and 427 first-level stars."

"The ninth place, Wuhen, number of protoss: six second-level protoss, 426 first-level protoss."

Looking at these lines of fonts on the light screen, Xiao Lang smiled and nodded. It's no wonder that the two of them were so self-confident before, and this result is really good.

You know, Xiao Devil and Wuhen didn't have a long time to break through the 9th-order Void True God, and they could definitely achieve such a performance.

"The strength of your two brothers is pretty good, they actually won the eighth and ninth places."

Ning Fuer on the side also saw the names of Xiao Devil and Wuhen, and she praised her immediately.

"Hehe, that's of course, how can my Xiao Lang brother be worse?"

Xiao Lang said with some pride, it seemed that Xiao Demon God and Wuhen were even happier than he could get this ranking.

"If the knife and the poisonous dragon are there, it is estimated that the top ten will account for half."

Xiao Lang smiled to himself.

Soon, the rankings of all Xuanjia disciples were announced. Elder Shang Yuankun put away the list, and then said aloud: "Well, all the disciples who got the rankings, after the assessment is over, they can go to Wanbao Hall to receive their rewards. ."

"Next, we will announce the ranking of the appraisal of the Silver A disciple group. There are 1,320 people who participated in the Silver A disciple appraisal this time. Excluding those who were eliminated, there are still six hundred and fifty people."

After Elder Shang Yuankun finished speaking, he activated the huge light screen again, and the six hundred and fifty lists appeared on the light screen.

"First place, Xiao Lang, number of protoss: seven fifth-level protoss, 61 fourth-level protoss, 709 third-level protoss, and 1,200 second-level protoss. "

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