Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 126: : The assessment ended

When Xiao Lang's name appeared in the first place, a boiling sound suddenly sounded in the assessment square.

The number of celestial spirits Xiao Lang obtained shocked everyone, seven fifth-level celestial spirits, 61 fourth-level celestial spirits, 709 third-level celestial spirits, and 1,200 second-level celestial spirits. It can be described as terror.

You know, in the past assessments, few Silver Armored disciples can obtain so many Protoss, especially the seven fifth-level Protoss, it is estimated that they have broken records.

"You fellow, now you can be considered as a limelight."

Ning Fu'er looked at the exclamation of the people around her and couldn't help but smile.

Xiao Lang shrugged. To be honest, he didn't want to show the limelight, but for the generous reward of first place, he had no other choice.

In the distance, Lang Yunfeng looked at Xiao Lang who was proud of the spring breeze, and gritted his teeth. To some extent, he actually gave Xiao Lang the number one. If he hadn't asked Zheng Fei and Yang Hong to find Xiao Lang. In case of trouble, the latter would not be able to grab Zheng Fei and Yang Hong's Shu Ling jade cards, and naturally would not be able to hand over so many Protoss.

It's a pity that all this has become a reality. Even if Lang Yunfeng regrets it, it is useless. He can only watch Xiao Lang win the first place, gaining both fame and fortune.

After a while, everyone on the assessment square continued to check other rankings, and soon the second place in the silver armor disciple group appeared in everyone's sight.

"Second place, Zhao Long, the number of protoss: four fifth-level protoss, 42 fourth-level protoss, 305 third-level protoss, and 500 second-level protoss."

Seeing Zhao Long's assessment data, a lot of discussion sounded in the square again.

In terms of quantity, Zhao Long's number of Star Spirits was significantly lower than Xiao Lang's, and the gap was not generally large.

"A new generation of newcomers replaced the old ones. In the past, Zhao Long could win the Silver A championship in almost every assessment. He did not expect to be surpassed by a newcomer this time."

"Yeah, I guess Zhao Long is also quite speechless now. After all, he is surpassed by a newcomer, and he can't live up to his face!"

"From now on, the title of the first disciple of the silver armor will probably be replaced."

In the distance, a tall and sturdy young man with a fortified face had a sullen face, very dissatisfied with the words of these people.

This person is Zhao Long. This person is very strong. He takes the first place every time he participates in the sect assessment and is known as the first person among the silver armor disciples.

Unexpectedly this time, Xiao Lang's latecomer came to the top and directly surpassed him. Zhao Long, who has always been arrogant and arrogant, was really unacceptable for a while, especially when he learned that Xiao Lang was just a newcomer to the world. When he was in the late stage, his emotions became more intense. If it weren't for Shang Yuankun who was still hosting the assessment contest there, he even wanted to see in person what Xiao Lang was.

In the end, all the rankings in the Silver Division were released by Shang Yunkun.

Everyone found that the top ten in the Silver Division had a relatively large change. First, Zhao Long was taken away from the championship, followed by Zheng Fei and Yang Hong, who ranked sixth and seventh last time, and dropped out directly. The top ten, ranked 14th and 15th.

In addition, several dark horses appeared in the top ten, squeezing the old people from the previous session and replacing them by themselves.

All in all, it can be seen from this ranking that the progress of the disciples of Tianfu Palace is still great, at least there is no stagnation.

In the distance, Zheng Fei and Yang Hong sighed. They could have rushed into the top five, but after Xiao Lang snatched the Shu Ling jade medal, their vitality was greatly injured, even if they started a crazy **** in the last half of the hour. Regained some vitality, but in the end it only rushed to the 14th and 15th place, which was far from the top ten.

Although this ranking is not bad, the rewards are not so generous. Compared to their strengths, that reward is of little use to them, which is equivalent to a wasted effort.

When Zheng Fei and Yang Hong sighed, Xiao Lang also found Nymph's place on the ranking list.

This Nizi is ranked 231st. Although this ranking is very low, compared to Nymph's strength, it is already very good. You should know that most of the people in this range are from the world. It is generally difficult for monks in the middle stage of the world to reach this ranking in the early stage of the world.

Nymph is also very satisfied with her ranking. This is her best performance since she participated in the sect assessment several times. Correspondingly, she will receive more rewards this time.

At this time, Shang Yuankun waved a big hand and collected the ranking of the silver armor disciple group, and then announced the final ranking of the golden armor disciple group.

Xiao Lang didn't know much about the Jinjia disciples of Tianfu Palace, but he also paid attention to a few key figures.

The first one is the champion of the Golden Armor disciple group. The one who won this honor was a character named "Hou Fenglei" who actually harvested an eighth-level star spirit, which can be said to be extremely powerful.

The second is Lang Yunfeng's eldest brother Lang Yunli, who actually ranked seventh, harvesting more than a dozen seventh-level star spirits, and his strength is also very strong.

In addition, Xiao Lang also paid close attention to the top ten of the Golden Armored disciple group one by one. In addition, he also did not let go of some of the Golden Armored disciples with lower strength but outstanding performance. Has a certain potential, as long as the machine encounters it, there is a possibility of flying into the sky.

In the end, all the rankings in this assessment were released. Shang Yuankun and Luo Tianqi each made a statement. Finally, under Luo Tianqi's instructions, Shang Yunkun ended the sect assessment.

As Luo Tianqi, Shang Yuankun and others left, everyone on the assessment square began to disperse. Xiao Lang and Ning Fu'er greeted them, and then found Xiao Moshen and Wuhen.

As soon as Wuhen saw Xiao Lang, he shook his head and said, "I thought I could be proud of taking the ninth place. I didn't expect that you, such a perverted fellow, actually won the Silver Division champion!"

"Yes." Xiao Moshen nodded in agreement.

Listening to the complaints of these two people, Xiao Lang also smiled, patted their shoulders, and said: "You are also pretty good. It didn't take long for you to enter the realm of the 9th-order Void True God. Nine, already very good."

Xiao Moshen and Wuhen rolled their eyes to express their contempt. Compared with Xiao Lang, their ranking was the difference between the sky and the underground.

Xiao Moshen was still not convinced, and said: "My next goal is to be the champion of the silver armor disciple group!"

Hearing that, Xiao Lang laughed, this guy, now he doesn't brag about drafts.

"Okay, it's not so easy to win the silver armor disciple group. Go back and practice for a while!"

Xiao Lang smiled and said, he also waved his hand, and then walked towards the foot of Tianlong Mountain with Ning Fuer who was snickering on the side.

Wuhen also smiled and said, "It makes sense, I also went back to practice."

Then followed.

"You don't look down on people!"

Devil Xiao said angrily, but he didn't stop at all, and quickly chased after him.


As everyone left the assessment square, the Zongmen assessment officially came to an end.

Most of the monks chose to return to their residences and waited for ten days to give out rewards from the Tianfu Palace.

Xiao Lang and the others also returned to their residence, but he was not in a hurry to receive the reward, but chose to retreat to consolidate his strength.

It was not until more than a month later that Xiao Lang left the customs. By this time, most of the people had already received the rewards, and the Wanbao Hall would no longer be so crowded.

In the morning, Xiao Lang came to Ningfulu's residence and was about to call her to the Wanbao Hall on Tianlong Mountain.

As for Xiao Moshen and Wuhen, because they had already received their own rewards, they were now studying the world magical skills they had obtained in retreat, so Xiao Lang did not call them either.

"Xiao Lang, what can you do with me?"

Nymph was very happy to see Xiao Lang's arrival, and asked expectantly.

"Didn't I owe you 500,000 points before? It just so happens that I am going to the Wanbao Hall to collect the rewards today. I want to take this opportunity to return the 500,000 points to you." Xiao Lang laughed.

"So it's this!"

Ning Fu'er pursed her lips, feeling a little disappointed in her heart. She thought Xiao Lang had come to her specially.

"Yes, what else is there?"

Xiao Lang smiled and said, "The reason why I participated so actively in the sect assessment is that I want to return the 500,000 points value to you as soon as possible."

Ning Fu'er couldn't help rolling her eyes, scolding Xiao Lang to be a root of wood, and she didn't understand women's thoughts.

"Let's go, while it's still early, let's go to Wanbao Hall first." Xiao Lang urged.

Ning Fuer had no choice but to follow Xiao Lang to the Wanbao Hall.

Seeing Nymph's helpless look, Xiao Lang smiled in his heart.

In fact, he who understands the power of love, how can he not know Nymph's little thought, but he is not willing to put his mind on this now, so he pretends not to know.

His family and confidantes are still in the chaotic world waiting for him to return. He has no intention to find new feelings, so in the face of Nymph's enthusiasm, he can only selectively ignore it.

He sighed slightly in his heart, Xiao Lang shook his head, and then rushed to the Wanbao Hall on Tianlong Mountain with the reluctant Ning Fuer.

After half an hour, the two came to the huge Wanbao Palace.

Since more than a month has passed since the Zongmen assessment, most people had already received the rewards, so when Xiao Lang and the others arrived, the Wanbao Hall was not crowded, only a few disciples wandering around here.

Xiao Lang took Ning Fuer to the work window of Wanbao Hall, handed in his Sky Floating Order, and then said: "Elder, I want to receive the reward for the sect assessment."

Just after Xiao Lang had finished speaking, a middle-aged man appeared in the service window, and he didn't speak. After receiving Xiao Lang's order from the sky, he checked.

After a while, the middle-aged man glanced at Xiao Lang and said in a low voice: "Xiao Lang, the champion of the silver armor disciple group, can be rewarded with one million points, a middle-grade world magical skill, and ten Yuan Yidan. No problem, right?"

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