Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 127: : Anger Dragon Fist

Xiao Lang nodded. The middle-aged man said that it was the reward for the champion of the silver armor disciple group, so he said directly: "No problem, trouble elders."

"Well, since there is no problem, I will give you one million points first."

The middle-aged man didn't procrastinate. After saying a word, he directly assigned the reward of one million points to Xiao Lang's Sky Floating Order, and then handed the Sky Floating Order to Xiao Lang.

Afterwards, the middle-aged man took out a small jade slip and a small glass medicine bottle, and said: "This is a rewarded middle-grade world magical skill and ten Yuan Yidan, you look at it."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Lang quickly picked up the jade slip and the colored glaze medicine bottle.

Xiao Lang first checked the colored glaze medicine bottle and found that it turned out to be a small space treasure. So, Xiao Lang used a trace of spiritual power to penetrate it, and soon found that the interior space of the colored glaze medicine bottle contained ten pale pieces. Golden elixir.

There are several mysterious brown pill patterns on the surface of each light golden pill. Even if there is a space barrier, he can smell the rich pill fragrance that diffuses from those Yuan Yi Dan.

"It really is Yuan Yidan!"

Xiao Lang smiled slightly. He had read a lot of books in the Sky Floating Star Domain before, and among them, he had some knowledge about the elixir of the Sky Floating Star Domain. He knew these ten pale golden pill. It is Yuan Yidan.

He was quite happy. Although Yuan Yi Pill is not a magical pill, it has a powerful effect of consolidating the essence and cultivating the vitality. Refining this pill is of great benefit to the cultivator and can help the cultivator to lay down Very solid foundation.

He has recently caused his own foundation to be unstable due to the rapid upgrade speed. Although he has worked hard to make up for a period of time, this problem has not been completely solved, and the upgrade must be completely eliminated by using a high-quality pill. The sequelae left behind too soon.

And these ten Yuan Yi Dan can just help him solve his urgent needs, as long as he refines these Yuan Yi Dan, then his problems will basically be solved.

After confirming that there was no problem with Yuan Yidan, Xiao Lang checked the mid-range world magical skills again.

He entered a trace of supernatural power on the jade slip, and immediately a huge message flowed into his mind.

"Angulong Fist, a mid-range world magical skill, created by Luo Tianqi, the rudder master of the Eastern Division of Tianfu Palace..."

Seeing this, Xiao Lang was surprised. He didn't expect that the magical skill awarded this time was actually created by the master Luo Tianqi.

With strong curiosity, Xiao Lang continued to browse the information below.

After a while, Xiao Lang read all the information and finally understood the origin of this magical skill.

It turned out that this magical technique was created tens of thousands of years ago. At that time, Luo Tianqi had not yet become the rudder master of the eastern sub-rudder of the Tianfu Palace, but he was also a man with a good head and a face at the Tianfu Palace headquarters.

It is said that once, Luo Tianqi received a task from the Tianfu Palace headquarters, asking him to go to a dangerous place to slay an evil dragon with countless evil deeds.

This evil dragon has gone crazy because of cultivation, slaughtering many creatures in the galaxy, and alarmed the high-level figures in the Tianfu Palace headquarters. At that time, the Tianfu Palace had already dispatched three waves of people and they were unable to surrender it.

Finally, Luo Tianqi received the order, and he personally fought the dragon for three days and nights before slaying the dragon.

Luo Tianqi was inspired by the fight with the evil dragon. A technique that he comprehended from the fighting method of the evil dragon, after repeated deduction, finally created this magical skill.

Xiao Lang also discovered that although this magical skill was positioned as a mid-range world magical skill, this was because Luo Tianqi did not have the physical fitness of the dragon clan and could not exert the full power of this magical skill.

If matched with the physical fitness of the dragon clan to perform this fist, then the level of this "raging dragon fist" is sufficient to reach the level of the world's supernatural skills, or even higher.

"This time I really made it."

After reading all the information, Xiao Lang was very excited. He was different from ordinary monks. His cultivation track was more inclined to physical cultivation, and his physical fitness was much stronger than ordinary monks. In addition, he had recently cultivated Holy Thunder Body Xiaocheng realm, physical fitness to a higher level, it can be said that it is very suitable for practicing this angry dragon boxing method.

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Xiao Lang put the jade slip of the angry dragon fist technique and the glass pill bottle into the space treasure, and then hugged the fist at the elder, pulling Ning Fuer away.

Afterwards, Xiao Lang deducted 500,000 points from his Sky Floating Order and gave it to Ning Fuer, which was regarded as paying back the debt he owed before.

"Xiao Lang, where are you going next?"

Ning Fuer received her Sky Floating Order and asked immediately.

Xiao Lang thought for a while, and said, "I decided to go into seclusion for a period of time to study the magical skills I just acquired."

Ning Fu'er nodded and was silent for a while, and she suddenly said: "I may have to go home in a while...something happened at home."

"what's up?"

Hearing this, Xiao Lang was stunned and asked.

Ning Fuer stopped talking, but she finally smiled and said, "It's nothing, it's just a small matter."

Upon seeing this, Xiao Lang frowned. From Nymph's expression, it could be seen that what she said shouldn't be trivial, but she refused to say it, and he had nothing to do.

"If you need my help, just tell me."

In the end, Xiao Lang could only comfort Nymph in this way.

Ning Fu'er smiled and said, "Well, I know, if there is nothing wrong, I will leave first."

After speaking, Ning Fuer turned around and walked down the mountain.

Xiao Lang looked at her thin back, after a long time, he sighed, and then set off to go back.

After returning to his residence, Xiao Lang greeted Xiao Moshen, which was to enter the alien space retreat again.

Xiao Lang did not rush to comprehend the Wulong Fist Technique, but first took out the ten Yuan Yidan.

For him now, the most important thing is not to cultivate how many advanced magic skills, but to completely stabilize his foundation.

If the foundation is not solid enough, no matter how many magical skills he cultivates, it is useless, but it will speed up the hollowing out of his body, leaving him with serious sequelae.

Therefore, for the current Xiao Lang, the most urgent task is to thoroughly lay a solid foundation before being distracted to think about other things.

Taking out a Yuan Yi Dan, Xiao Lang swallowed it into his belly without hesitation, and then began to refine it.

The medicinal power of Yuan Yi Dan is very neutral and will not cause any discomfort, which is good for Xiao Lang to absorb and refine.

After spending two days, that Yuan Yidan was completely refined by Xiao Lang. At this time, he felt that his body and meridians seemed to be a bit more fulfilled than before.

Then, Xiao Lang took out the second Yuan Yi Pill and continued to refine.

Time flickered, and half a month passed. In the past half month, Xiao Lang has not gone out, sitting in the alien space all day refining the pill.

After half a month of hard work, all ten Yuan Yi Dan has been refined by him.

In the alien space, Xiao Lang slowly opened his eyes. He clenched his fists, feeling that there seemed to be a powerful force in his body that could burst out at any time. Every inch of his body was extremely enriched, and there was nothing to be found. Disadvantages.

This is the most perfect state!

Xiao Lang was quite happy. After half a month's hard work, he finally wiped out the sequelae left before, which was nothing but a worry for him.

In addition, Xiao Lang also discovered that his strength had also improved a lot during the half-month training, and he was only one step away from the peak of the late world realm.

"Yes, you can almost practice the angry dragon fist now."

Xiao Lang chuckled lightly. The foundation has been laid, and he can also devote himself to the cultivation of new magic skills.

Xiao Lang flipped his palm and took out the jade slip containing the "Angry Dragon Fist Technique", injected a divine power, and activated it.

After Xiao Lang received the information of the angry dragon boxing technique, he carefully observed it several times.

Then Xiao Lang stood up from the ground, and he extended a finger to point on the jade slip. After being stimulated by the divine power, the latter projected a beam of light and appeared in the alien space.

One of the beams of light turned into a black dragon in the space, with a grinning look that looked very cruel.

The other beam of light turned into a middle-aged man. Seeing that, it was Luo Tianqi who Xiao Lang had seen in the examination square not long ago.

Luo Tianqi and the black evil dragon appeared in the alien dimension at the same time, but Xiao Lang's expression did not fluctuate, because he knew that these were the illusions that came with the magic jade slip, but Luo Tianqi followed the evil dragon at the time. It is said to be helpful to comprehend the profound meaning of angry dragon fist.


As soon as the black dragon appeared, he immediately roared to the sky. The huge sound shook the alien space. Fortunately, it was an illusion and not a real black dragon, otherwise Xiao Lang, the alien space could not stop it. Live it.

"Naughty animal, take your life!"

At this time, Luo Tianqi's vision yelled, and his body moved, and he even grabbed the black dragon.

Upon seeing this, the black dragon fought back and directly fought Luo Tianqi's vision.

Both are strong in the Era Realm, so even if these are just two illusions, Xiao Lang can feel the fierceness of the battle from their battles. It can be said that if he encounters this level of existence now , The other party can easily pinch him to death with just one finger.

After an hour, the battle stopped, but the two phantoms did not stop moving... Luo Tianqi's phantom actually twisted with the black dragon.

At the beginning, Luo Tianqi's twisting was tense, unable to look directly at it, but gradually Xiao Lang discovered that Luo Tianqi's twisting became more and more regular, until in the end, Luo Tianqi's twisting broke away from the original In essence, it has evolved into a complete set of boxing techniques.

"That's it!"

Xiao Lang had some doubts at first, and he couldn't understand Luo Tianqi's intentions, but after reading it a few times, he suddenly enlightened him and suddenly realized.

He slapped his thigh, immediately pulled away, and followed the black dragon to twist.

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