Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 139: : Tian Han Shen Jue

Seeing that Xiao Lang was so persistent, Xuan Yu Tianhan could only sigh in the end, knowing that Xiao Lang would not give up until he reached his goal.

Therefore, Xuan Yu Tianxiong said helplessly: "Xiao Lang, I really don’t know where Mu Xiaodao is. At that time, after Mu Xiaodao ran into the Misty Valley, he lost his track. Our people have not found him for a long time. whereabouts."

Xiao Lang raised the corner of his mouth and said sarcastically, "You mean, the knife is missing?"

"Then I can lie to you?" Xuan Yu Tianhan said angrily: "If we caught Mu Xiaodao, we would have threatened you with this a long time ago, so why waste time with you here."

Hearing that, Xiao Lang frowned. Xuan Yu Tianhan's words were not unreasonable. The disappearance of the knife was indeed a little inexplicable. His natal spirit talisman was clearly intact, but he just couldn't find anyone.

Logically speaking, if the knife was in Xuanyu City, his natal magic talisman should have reacted long ago.

However, it has been more than half an hour since he came to Xuanyu City until now, and the knife's life charm still didn't react at all.

Could it be said that the knife was really not taken by the Xuan Yu family?

But who would it be?

Xiao Lang felt that this matter had become complicated.

"How is it? Xiao Lang, do you want to understand? We really didn't take Mu Xiaodao, he disappeared by himself!"

Seeing that Xiao Lang didn't speak any more, Xuan Yu Tianhan explained again.


Xiao Lang snorted coldly, and said, "Even if you didn't take the knife, the disappearance of the knife is inseparable from your son. So today, no matter what, he must accept punishment."

"Besides, I'm still not sure if you are telling the truth, so I have to take the Xuanyu Longbow, when to find the knife, and when to release him back."

Hearing this, Xuan Yu Tianhan's expression became angry and said, "Xiao Lang, don't you go too far. Do you really think that my Xuan Yu family can't help you?"

Xiao Lang didn't speak, he first sealed the acupuncture path on Xuanyu Tianxiong's body, and then threw it into the space treasure.

Then he moved directly and grabbed the Xuanyu longbow.

Xuanyu Longbow is the culprit of this incident, and today I can't just let him go anyway.

On the other side, when Xuan Yu Longbow saw Xiao Lang flying towards him, his expression changed on the spot. Even Xuan Yu Tianxiong, who is in the small perfect world, is not Xiao Lang’s opponent, let alone him, once he is Xiao Lang Catch, then really let the latter slaughter.

"The thief is so courageous!"

Seeing Xiao Lang grabbing towards his son, Xuan Yu Tianhan's expression was completely gloomy. He shouted angrily, stepped out, and patted Xiao Lang.


Xuanyu Tianhan is a world realm Xiaowan existence, and his strength is no less than the previous Xuanyu Tianxiong, and there is nothing wrong with stopping Xiao Lang.

Sure enough, when Xuan Yu Tianhan patted Xiao Lang with a palm, Xiao Lang immediately stopped.

No way, although he wanted to grab Xuanyu's longbow, he couldn't ignore the threat of Xuanyu Tianhan.

"It's really troublesome!"

Xiao Lang sighed, and could only temporarily stop capturing Xuanyu's longbow, and instead pointed the spear at Xuanyu Tianhan.


Xiao Lang fisted out and collided with Xuan Yu Tianhan's palm.

Xiao Lang took a step back. It wasn't that he couldn't hold Xuan Yu Tianhan's palm strength, but he found that Xuan Yu Tianhan's palm wind contained a chill. As long as he touched it, the chill would feel like Like the needles in the sea, it penetrated into his skin, and finally wrecked in the meridians.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough to activate the power of the Holy Thunder Body in time to force the chill out.

"Your reaction is quite fast, you discovered my tarsus cold profound energy so quickly."

Seeing Xiao Lang expelled the chill so quickly, Xuan Yu Tianhan also sneered.

"I'm overwhelmed." Xiao Lang said faintly. In his opinion, these things are after all trails, and only real power is the right way. Therefore, he is not afraid, just a little wary in his heart.

Xuan Yutian smiled coldly and waved his hands, only to hear endless howls.

Countless horrible cold air erupted from behind Xuan Yu Tianhan, every cold air was extremely cold, and it could easily freeze gold iron into ice slag.

"Next, let you taste the power of my Tianhan Divine Art!"

Staring at Xiao Lang coldly, Xuan Yu Tianhan smiled gloomily.

I saw him dancing with both hands together, and the seal on his palm changed rapidly, and soon a very obscure seal was formed.

And those cold air flying in the sky seemed to be summoned by Xuanyu Tianhan, and it condensed quickly, and finally turned into sharp cones of ice.

"Haha, Xiao Lang, how about a taste of this?"

Xuan Yu Tianhan laughed, he directly stretched out his hand and pointed at Xiao Lang distantly, and yelled, "Go!"

Only the sound of "shoo, hoo," kept ringing, and under the control of Xuan Yu Tianhan, thousands of ice cones shot madly towards Xiao Lang.

The crowd on the ground exclaimed. Xuan Yu Tianhan's move directly cut off all of Xiao Lang's path. Under such a large number of ice cones, Xiao Lang couldn't avoid it anyway, and could only be forced to accept it.

Xiao Lang also knew his current situation, Xuan Yu Tianhan's attacks were too intensive, and it was impossible for him to avoid it. Only by facing the opponent's attack could he win.

However, the ice cones of Xuanyu Tianhan are not simple ice cones. Each of those ice cones is very sharp, not to mention, and they also carry a strong tarsus cold profound energy. If they are accidentally hit, they will immediately Those annoying tarsus cold profound energy invaded the body.

When there are not many such things, nothing will happen, but once the quantity increases, the consequences will be serious. The most terrible consequence is to directly freeze people into ice sculptures from the inside.

Xiao Lang naturally wouldn't let this happen, so when the ice cones shot towards him overwhelmingly, he immediately counterattacked.

"Thousand Chances are like palms!"

Xiao Lang shouted coldly and waved his hand to play several Thousand Chance Prajna palm magic skills. Although this Thousand Chance Prajna palm is not a world magical ability, it has an advantage that other world magical skills do not have, that is, large-scale attacks.

As soon as the Thousand Chance Prajna palm appeared, it immediately transformed thousands of solid palm prints and flew toward the ice cones.

"Boom bang bang!"

In the next moment, thousands of palm-like prints of the palms of thousands of chances collided with those overwhelming ice cones, and a series of deafening impacts sounded in the sky, like countless fireworks blooming in the sky.

It's a pity that Xiao Lang's Thousand Chance Prajna Palm is still too low level after all to completely block so many cones of ice.

Therefore, some fish that slipped through the net soon passed through the attack range of the palm of a thousand abilities, and shot towards Xiao Lang.

"Dragon Elephant Golden Wheel!"

Upon seeing this, Xiao Lang shot two more dragon-like golden wheels and intercepted all the remaining ice cones.

At this point, Xuan Yu Tianhan's seemingly mighty attack was completely blocked by Xiao Lang, and it did not play any role.

Xuan Yu Tianhan's complexion was not so good. He only knew that Xiao Lang's physical fitness was very strong before, so he didn't fight him close, but he didn't expect that Xiao Lang would not be able to fight long-rangely.

"I still don't believe it."

Xuan Yu Tianhan gritted his teeth, a fierce color flashed in his eyes.

After that, Xuan Yu Tianhan took a step forward and summoned countless chills again.

"Tianhan Divine Art, the Ice Dragon appears!"

Seeing Xuan Yu Tianhan scream, his hands changed, and the cold air from the sky immediately gathered, forming a huge cloud of cold ice in front of Xuan Yu Tianhan.


The next moment, a deep dragon roar came from the huge ice cloud group, and then everyone saw that a huge ice dragon rushed from the ice cloud group come out.

"go with!"

Xuan Yu Tianhan pointed at Xiao Lang opposite and gave orders to the ice dragon.


The ice dragon roared again, his icy gaze directly locked on Xiao Lang, and then his body moved, turning into a white light and slaughtered towards Xiao Lang.

Before the ice dragon arrived, Xiao Lang felt an icy cold wind blowing over, causing some icy debris to appear on his hair and skin.

"What a great ice dragon!"

Xiao Lang squinted his eyes and was able to make ice chips appear on his hair and skin, which was enough to prove the strength of this ice dragon. If he didn't pay attention, he might be injured by the cold carried by the ice dragon.

"This insidious trick of Xuanyu Tianhan is really endless!"

Xiao Lang snorted coldly, and immediately saw him raise his hand and waved, and an invisible gas mask appeared in front of him immediately, isolating the chill brought by the ice dragon.

Afterwards, Xiao Lang activated the Saint Thunder Body, then flew out, directly hitting the ice dragon's head with a punch.


The ice dragon uttered an angry roar, and opened its huge dragon mouth to spit out a huge ice arrow at Xiao Lang.

Xiao Lang immediately shot a golden dragon-like wheel, resisting the huge ice arrow.

After that, Xiao Lang displayed his love skills and came to the top of the ice dragon, the split **** Prajna palm displayed it, and once again slammed into the ice dragon's head.


However, the ice dragon is obviously not simple, its body splits dozens of sharp ice arrows, and shoots towards Xiao Lang.

"Damn it!"

Xiao Lang was startled. For his own safety, he had to temporarily give up dealing with the ice dragon and avoid the attacks of those ice arrows.


And at this time, the ice dragon launched an attack on him again, the same ice arrows, but this time there were more ice arrows than before, and they were also sharper.

"Damn, I really thought I was afraid that your Frost Arrow would fail!"

Xiao Lang was also angry, he cursed, and a fierce light burst into Xuan Yu Tianhan's eyes.

"You let the ice dragon hit me! Well, since you like dragons so much, then I will get a dragon to play with you too!"

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Lang stood still, his fists struck each other, and a violent energy erupted from him.

At this moment, everyone, including Xuan Yu Tianhan, narrowed their eyes.

Because they discovered that Xiao Lang now looks like a peerless dragon!

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