Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 140: : Anger Dragon Zhanwei


Xuan Yu Tianhan also noticed Xiao Lang's strangeness, he immediately frowned, and Xiao Lang felt obviously different at this moment.

If the previous Xiao Lang was like a sharp sword with a force of force, then Xiao Lang is now a peerless beast, exuding a fierce and violent aura, if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes , Even think that the one standing there is no longer a human being.

Right now, Xuan Yu Tianhan's heart was secretly vigilant. He had always been a cautious person. The aura on Xiao Lang's body had obviously changed, and it was obvious that something was about to happen.

He immediately changed his seal, manipulated the ice dragon, separated more ice arrows and shot towards Xiao Lang.


Looking at the sharp ice arrows, Xiao Lang gave a cold snort, saw him take a step forward, and then blasted out a punch.

Xuan Yu Tianhan's brow furrowed, and Xiao Lang's movement gave him an illusion, as if it was not a person punching, but an evil dragon launching a brutal attack.

The next moment, Xiao Lang's fist slammed into the void in front of him, and only heard a "boom", the extremely terrifying fist wind exploded like a mountain.

"Boom bang bang!"

The violent fist wind roared out, and instantly collided with those ice arrows. Those seemingly indestructible ice bolts were bombarded in front of Xiao Lang's fist wind, and then they were crushed by the violent fist wind. The dust is blown into the air.

"What a terrible boxing technique!"

When the crowd of onlookers below saw this scene, they all showed shocked expressions. A single fist wind destroyed all the ice arrows, which showed that Xiao Lang's magical skills were not simple.

Xuan Yu Tianhan's face was gloomy, and he was also a little surprised by the power of Xiao Lang's punch. Originally, he thought Xiao Lang had revealed all his cards before, but he did not expect that the latter would still hide such a powerful magical skill.

However, even if Xiao Lang's strength was strong, he couldn't compromise on this. When he saw his seal changed, the huge ice dragon below immediately let out a low roar, raised his head and bit at Xiao Lang frantically. .

"It's just right!"

Seeing this, Xiao Lang let out a sharp stern, he stepped out, and when he waved his fists, that powerful aura appeared again.

His footsteps stomped hard in the void, and his figure immediately rushed out.

"True Dragon Power!"

Xiao Lang shouted angrily, his fist instantly condensed endless divine power, and as Xiao Lang blasted his punch, a powerful shock wave burst out immediately.

What Xiao Lang displayed was the anger dragon fist that he had just understood not long ago, so after the shock wave appeared, a dragon-shaped appearance was immediately formed in the void, looking majestic and powerful.


The next moment, Xuanyu Tianhan's ice dragon and Xiao Lang's dragon-shaped shock wave directly collided in the void.


Endless violent fluctuations spread, the ice dragon and the dragon-shaped shock wave entangled in the void, the biting cold and the stern wind collided with each other, making the surrounding air become mad.

The crowd onlookers all showed awe, and the destructive power caused by the bomb this time was even more terrifying than before. Fortunately, there was a large protective formation above Xuanyu City. Otherwise, they would be finished if they got a little bit of cold air and wind. Up.


The cold air and the gang wind entangled in the void for a while, the power finally weakened, and finally slowly dissipated.

Xuan Yu Tianhan's complexion was a bit ugly, the Tianhan Divine Art that he was good at was actually destroyed by Xiao Lang in this way, leaving him completely faceless.

But at this time, Xuan Yu Tianhan couldn't care about his face anymore. He immediately waved his hand and shouted: "Everyone is on me, absolutely can't let this thief run wild on the ground of my Xuan Yu family!"


The crowd of the Profound Yu family immediately agreed, they immediately dispersed and surrounded Xiao Lang in the middle, and then one after another sacrificed their magic skills and rushed towards Xiao Lang.


For a time, Xiao Lang was besieged by various magical abilities. Although any one or two of these magical abilities could not harm him, he was still besieged by so many magical abilities at once, and he felt a slight threat.

"Are you planning to use group fights?"

Xiao Lang frowned. Even though he had the Saint Thunder Body Protector, he couldn't let these magical skills attack him. After all, the Saint Thunder Body was not an immortal body. If he suffered too many attacks at once, it would be a little overwhelming. .

Therefore, Xiao Lang immediately shot, playing several magical skills to break through.

"Split God Prajna Palm!"

"Dragon Elephant Seal!"

A series of magical skills were madly released by Xiao Lang, and they collided with those magical skills of the Xuan Yu family.

"Boom boom boom!"

In an instant, a series of explosions sounded in the void, just like the moment when fireworks were in full bloom, full of splendor and danger.

"Hmph, it's not that simple to break through!"

How could Xuan Yu Tianhan couldn't see Xiao Lang's thoughts, he sneered suddenly, and when his figure moved, he joined the encirclement and suppression of Xiao Lang.

Xuan Yu Tianhan did not use any other tactics. He once again summoned an ice dragon, and then instructed the ice dragon to slaughter Xiao Lang in the center of the battle.

"Brother, be careful!"

In the distance, Xiao Devil and the others saw this scene and quickly reminded them loudly. Unfortunately, they were too far away, and Xiao Lang might not be able to hear them.

"Hey, Xiao Lang, now I see if you can free up your hands against my ice dragon!"

Xuan Yu Tianhan smiled evilly, and the look in Xiao Lang's eyes was full of sinister meaning.

The ice dragon's speed was very fast, and it flew behind Xiao Lang in the blink of an eye, and saw it roar, and a pair of sharp dragon claws grabbed Xiao Lang's back directly.

This claw is very powerful. If it hits, even if Xiao Lang has a saint thunder body guard, he will suffer a serious injury. After all, the ice dragon is a magical skill summoned by a powerful person in the world of Xuanyu Tianhan. , Its power is naturally not comparable to the **** skills of other world realms.

The Xuanyu Longbow in the distance also sneered. Before Xiao Lang's performance was very strong, he was worried that he would be captured by Xiao Lang, but now it seems that it would be good for Xiao Lang to keep himself.

At this time, Xiao Lang had already discovered the arrival of the ice dragon, but there were still many magical skills in front of him constantly attacking, making him completely unavailable to deal with the ice dragon.

"It seems that injuries are inevitable."

Xiao Lang smiled helplessly, then gritted his teeth fiercely, and then turned around resolutely, ignoring the various magical abilities from the rear, and directly displayed the angry dragon fist, smashing the huge dragon claws of the ice dragon.


There was another deafening loud noise, and the violent power burst out in an instant. Xiao Lang was shaken back by the counter-shock force seven or eight steps before he barely stopped.

And the pair of dragon claws of the ice dragon were also completely shattered. The whole dragon's body was full of cracks, it was terrible, and there was no king's air before.

However, even though Xiao Lang defeated Xuan Yu Tianhan’s ice dragon magical skills, his defense also appeared to loosen up at this moment. In an instant, all the magical skills behind him hit him. Body.

"Boom boom boom!"

With dozens of magical skills blasting on his body, Xiao Lang only felt a fierce pain on his back. It felt like being hammered a dozen times on his back with a heavy hammer, but he resisted the drama. Pain, turned around and released a few dragon-like golden wheels, which resisted those world-level attacks.

Then Xiao Lang gritted his teeth and the seal on his hand changed again, releasing a powerful psychic power.

Hearing only a sound of "Om", a mysterious spiritual power swept out, instantly defeating most people's spiritual defenses, causing them to fall into a short period of sluggishness.

This is the power of affection that Xiao Lang has not used for a long time. After reaching the world, the power of affection seems to be more and more tasteless, but it can still come in handy at critical moments.

"It's now!"

Taking advantage of most of the people in a sluggishness, Xiao Lang immediately seized the opportunity and flew quickly towards the profound feather longbow in the back.

At this time, the Xuanyu Longbow was also affected by Xiao Lang's psychic power, and was in a sluggish state. He didn't even know that Xiao Lang had already flew towards him.

However, Xuan Yu Tianhan was not restrained by that psychic force because of his strong strength. Therefore, when he saw Xiao Lang passing through the defense and grabbing towards Xuan Yu's longbow, he was shocked.

"you dare!"

Xuan Yu Tianhan yelled, extremely anxious, he couldn't care about reuniting the ice dragon, and directly chased Xiao Lang.

It's a pity that he was still a step late after all, and before he could catch up, Xiao Lang had already arrived in front of Xuanyu Longbow.

"Longbow, wake up soon!"

Xuan Yu Tianhan roared, and the powerful sound wave mixed with divine power penetrated the void, unexpectedly awakened Xuan Yu's longbow from the sluggishness.


At the beginning, the Xuanyu Longbow was still in a daze, but when he saw Xiao Lang who had come in front of him, his expression suddenly changed.

"Longbow, run away!"

Xuan Yu Tianhan shouted again.

Xuanyu's longbow suddenly felt aroused, and then without even thinking about it, he turned around and fled behind.

It's a pity that he is a ninth-order Void True God who has never even entered the world realm, how can he escape the palm of Xiao Lang's late world realm?

Seeing Xiao Lang stretched out his hand and grabbed it, he grabbed the Xuanyu longbow in his hand and picked it up like a chicken.

"let me go!"

Xuan Yu Longbow was shocked, and quickly shouted, but Xiao Lang ignored him at all.

Xuanyu's longbow kept struggling, trying to break free from Xiao Lang's control, but Xiao Lang's palm was like a pair of iron tongs, very powerful, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break free.

"Try it again? Just abolish your meridians!"

Xiao Lang glanced at Xuanyu Longbow coldly and warned.

Hearing this, Xuanyu Longbow's face turned pale, and he instantly became honest. There was no way, he was really afraid that Xiao Lang would abolish his meridians.

"Xiao Lang, don't mess around!"

At this time, Xuanyu Tianhan in the rear had also caught up, but when he saw that Xiao Lang had grabbed the Xuanyu longbow, his expression suddenly changed, and he quickly yelled.

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