Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 144: : One billion compensation

Qin Wushuang once again hit the black pagoda with a divine power. Without the protection of the protective cover, the black pagoda shattered directly, and then everyone saw that a light and shadow rushed out of the broken pagoda.

"Those of the Xuanyu family, I have fought with you!"

As soon as that light and shadow rushed out, it let out an angry roar.


The light and shadow quickly dissipated, and then a sturdy figure appeared, and it was the knife that Xiao Lang had been looking for for a long time.


Seeing that the figure that appeared was a knife, Xiao Lang's eyes suddenly widened, showing a look of error. He did not expect that the knife was actually locked in this pagoda.


The knife also saw Xiao Lang, he was taken aback for a moment, and then his face showed a pleasant surprise, and said, "Haha, I knew you would come to rescue me."

He ignored those people from the Xuan Yu family and ran towards Xiao Lang.

And Xiao Moshen Wuhen Poisonous Dragon all three also ran over and asked the knife for a while.

The most excited is Dulong. He grabbed the knife in the hand and said with a happy expression: "Little knife, it's great that you are fine."

"Hahaha, I'm fine, by the way, Dulong, how is your injury?" Xiaodao laughed.

"The master gave me to the Wanbao Hall to exchange a few divine pills. After I took it, the injury was basically healed." Dulong patted his chest and said with a chuckle.

"That's good." The knife also smiled.

Seeing Xiaodao reunited with Xiao Lang and others, Xuanyu Tianhan and others, who originally insisted that they hadn't arrested anyone, all had their eyes blinking and they were silent.

Xuan Yu Tuo gave Xuan Yu Tianhan a vicious look. He didn't know that Xuan Yu Tianhan had caught Mu Xiaodao because he had been in retreat before and didn't know these things.

Just now, in front of everyone, he insisted that the Xuanyu family did not imprison anyone, and as a result, he is being exposed in public. At this time, no matter how thick-skinned he is, he still feels that his face is a bit unbearable.

Xiao Lang didn't bother with the Xuan Yu family for the first time. He called the knife to his side and asked, "Little knife, what is going on? Why are you in that pagoda? Are you from the Xuan Yu family? Did someone catch you?"

When asked about this, a strong anger suddenly appeared on Xiaodao's face, and he nodded and said, "It's them!"

He stared angrily at the people in the Xuan Yu family, and continued: "A few days ago, Dulong and I heard news in Silver Tiger City that there was a magical medicine in the Misty Valley. At that time, Dulong and I had completed the mission. I was thinking of going to Misty Valley to try our luck, but I didn’t expect that after we got there, not only did we not see any magical medicine, but we were attacked by a group of masked men. At that time, the poisonous dragon was seriously injured. Those masked people had no choice but to run into the misty valley."

"I thought that I should have a chance to escape when I ran into the Misty Valley. But who knows, the Xuanyu Longbow has already taken a group of Xuanyu family members and laid an ambush in the Misty Valley. I was caught shortly after I escaped. Surrounded by a group of experts from the Profound Feather family, those people are stronger than me. I tried my best and couldn't escape. In the end, I could only be captured by them."

Listening to the words of the knife, Xiao Lang nodded, and immediately he looked at Xuan Yu Tuo and others, and said gloomily: "Xuan Yu Tuo, Xuan Yu Tian Han, do you have anything else you want to explain?"

Hearing that, both Xuan Yu Tuo and Xuan Yu Tianhan looked very ugly, but for a while they didn't know how to reply to Xiao Lang, after all, it was them who had been beaten in the face.

"Why don't you say anything?"

Xiao Lang was aggressive. He snorted coldly, looked at Xuan Yu Tianhan, and said, "Xuan Yu Tianhan, didn't you just say plausibly that you didn't arrest anyone? How do you explain it now? Or, you Xuan Yu family Patriarch of the house speaks like fart, uncountable?"

"Xiao Lang, you better keep your mouth clean!"

Being attacked by Xiao Lang's words, Xuan Yu Tianhan's complexion suddenly turned red and he scolded.

Although he did tell a lie, he was also the Patriarch of the Xuan Yu family anyway, how could Xiao Lang insult himself so much?

He said coldly: "Yes, we did capture Mu Xiaodao, but what about it? Back then, you killed hundreds of guards of my Profound Feather City and abolished one of my Profound Feather City leaders. Does this matter just leave it alone?"

"Then what do you want?"

Xiao Lang's face was cold, and he meant to continue doing it.

"Okay, just say a few words."

Seeing that the conflict between the two sides was about to escalate, Qin Wushuang on the side immediately stopped him. He looked at Xuan Yu Tianhan and said, "Especially you. Although this matter is your personal grievance, your Xuan Yu family kidnapped Tianfu Palace. The disciple is also an indisputable fact. If Tianfu Palace is really to be investigated, I am afraid that your Xuanyu family will inevitably be punished."

Xuan Yu Tianhan's expression changed, and he was a little bit unconvinced: "I respect Tianfu Palace, but these people are not only the disciples of Tianfu Palace, but also the enemies of my Xuan Yu family. Should I seek revenge from my Xuan Yu family enemies? Doesn't work anymore?"

"Naturally not."

Qin Wushuang said without expression: "You can seek revenge from them, but you must use a fair and honest way instead of using these sneaky methods to achieve your goal. Tianfu Palace does not allow this to happen."

"Then what do you want us to give up?"

Xuan Yu Tianhan gritted his teeth, with a sullen expression on his face, Qin Wushuang used Tianfu Palace to press him, and he really couldn't refute it.

"It depends on how they are willing to forgive you."

Qin Wushuang pointed to Xiao Lang and others, and said.

Hearing this, Xuan Yu Tianhan looked at Xiao Lang, his expression even more ugly. They and Xiao Lang were already mortal enemies, how could it be forgiven?

Qin Wushuang looked at Xiao Lang again at this time and said, "Junior Brother Xiao Lang, what do you plan to do with this matter?"

Xiao Lang frowned and thought.

According to his original wishes, he naturally hoped to kill all the mastermind this time, but this is obviously impossible.

If he kills Xuanyu's longbow, Xuanyu Tianhan will definitely fight him desperately, and the situation will only get messier.

And he could see that Qin Wushuang didn't want him to conflict with Xuan Yu's family.

If he changed to before, he would naturally not care about Qin Wushuang's thoughts, he would deal with what he should do.

But now it's different. With the old fox Xuan Yu Tuo, he still needs Qin Wushuang's power, so he must consider Qin Wushuang's face.

The mysterious power in his body has slowly receded, and his strength has gradually returned to the previous level. In this case, without Qin Wushuang's help, if there is a conflict with Xuan Yu's family, it is definitely his side that suffers.

Therefore, considering the safety of Xiao Demon God's knife and theirs, Xiao Lang cancelled the idea of ​​letting Xuan Yu Longbow commit suicide and said, "Although I want to destroy the Xuan Yu family, now that the knife has been found, I can. With the net open, Rao Xuanyu's long bow is not dead."

"However, capital crimes are unavoidable, and living crimes cannot escape. The Xuanyu family is deliberately thinking about kidnapping my brother, which almost caused a catastrophe. Therefore, there must be some compensation, which is absolutely indispensable."

"it is good."

Qin Wushuang nodded immediately. He glanced at Xuan Yu Tianhan and others before saying: "Xuan Yu Tianhan, are you willing to accept this result?"

Xuan Yu Tianhan was very unwilling, and said, "That depends on how much he wants us to compensate."

Xiao Lang smiled slightly: "Not much, just a billion sacred spar."

"What! A billion Saint Quartz?!"

Hearing this, Xuan Yu Tianhan's complexion flushed, and he shouted angrily: "Why don't you grab it!"

"Are there many billion sacred spars?"

Xiao Lang glanced at him and snorted coldly: "Back then, your Xuanyu family issued a reward order for killing me. Didn't you also offer a reward of one billion? Why? You can get it when you catch me, and you can get it now. Can't come out?"

Xuan Yu Tianhan was so angry that he vomited blood. These two things are not the same at all, right?

Moreover, one billion sacred spar is not a small amount. Once the loss is paid, even if their Xuanyu family has a big business, it will inevitably be hurt.

Thinking about this, Xuan Yu Tianhan turned his head and snorted coldly: "At most 100 million sacred spars, don't give them more."

Seeing Xuanyu Tianhan's resolute attitude, Qin Wushuang had to stand up and speak, and he said, "I think this is feasible, Xuanyu Tianhan, if you don't want your Xuanyu family to be destroyed, you'd better prepare the Saint Quartz. ."

"The surname is Qin, you are helping you to oppress my Xuan Yu family with the same family!"

Xuan Yu Tianhan said angrily.

"You exalt your Xuanyu family too much. I don't even bother to do this kind of thing."

Qin Wushuang said indifferently: "Or let's punish the Xuan Yu Longbow as the crime of openly kidnapping Tianfu Temple disciples, and see if your Xuan Yu family can accept this punishment?"

Hearing this, Xuan Yu Tianhan's complexion was stagnant. He really didn't want to give the one billion sacred spar, but he was even more unwilling to let his son accept the punishment from Tianfu Palace, which was definitely not something he could bear.

Thinking of this, Xuan Yu Tianhan sighed, and now it seemed that Xiao Lang and Qin Wushuang had already settled their Xuan Yu family!

"How about it, have you thought about it?"

Qin Wushuang raised his brows and said coldly: "Make a decision faster, I have limited time."

Xuan Yu Tianhan sighed, and said, "This time, my Xuan Yu family accepts it. I hope that your words will count. After you have paid the compensation, you will not be entangled again."

"That's natural."

Xuan Yu Tianhan was helpless, he ran to Xuan Yu Tuo, and the two talked in a low voice.

After a while, Xuan Yu Tuo looked at Xiao Lang and said indifferently: "My Xuan Yu family can pay you one billion sacred spars, but the premise is that you must release all of my Xuan Yu family."

Xiao Lang smiled faintly: "Don't worry, as long as I see a billion sacred spars, I will release them immediately."

Seeing Xiao Lang's promise, Xuan Yu Tuo stopped talking, and Xuan Yu Tianhan let out a cold snort, turned and went down to join the Saint Quartz.

After a while, Xuanyu Tianhan flew up again, holding a space jade in his hand: "The sacred spar has been gathered, can we let people go?"

"I inspect the goods first."

Xiao Lang stretched out his hand and said lightly.

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