Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 145: : Venerable Wuxiang


Xuan Yu Tianhan was furious: "It's all this time, would I still cheat you?"

"That's hard to say, for the sake of insurance, let's check the goods first!"

Xiao Lang refused to give in.

Xuan Yu Tianhan wanted to turn around and left, but when he thought that his son was still in Xiao Lang's hands, he had to hold back his anger.


Xuan Yu Tianhan had a cold face, and threw the space jade over.

Xiao Lang caught it casually, his mental power penetrated into it, and he checked it.

After a while, Xiao Lang opened his eyes and his expression of satisfaction: "Well, it is indeed a billion sacred spar."

"Then don't you let go!"

Xuan Yu Tianhan shouted.

He was in pain, it was a billion sacred spar! The total income of his Profound Yu family for half a year was fully covered, and now they lost it all at once. I am afraid they will have to live a hard life next.

"No hurries?"

Xiao Lang gave him a white look, but he didn't intend to shame. Now that the Saint Quartz had been obtained, he would naturally let go.

Then, Xiao Lang pulled the Xuanyu Longbow and Xuanyu Tianxiong from the space treasure, unlocked their acupoints, and said faintly: "Congratulations, you are free now."

Xuan Yu Longbow and Xuan Yu Tianxiong were taken aback for a moment. They didn't know what was going on, but Xuan Yu Longbow quickly reacted, and immediately ran to Xuan Yu Tianhan.

Xuanyu Tianxiong showed anger on his face and shouted: "Xiao Lang, I was careless just now, let's fight again!"

"Bastard stuff, isn't it shameful enough?"

Without Xiao Lang speaking, Xuan Yu Tuo couldn't stand it anymore, and he scolded with a ferocious expression.

Hearing this, the fighting spirit on Xuan Yu Tianxiong's face stagnated, and then he saw Xuan Yu Takuya standing there, and suddenly there was no fighting spirit.

"Great Elder!"

Xuanyu Tianxiong was a little bit silly.

"Tianhan has already redeemed you back with a billion sacred spar, don't come here soon!"

Xuan Yu Tuo said with no anger.

Only then did Xuanyu Tianxiong know the reason for Xiao Lang's release of them, and his heart was both angry and aggrieved, but due to Xuan Yu Tuo's majesty, he had to honestly return to the Xuan Yu family's camp.

At this time, Xuan Yu Tuo looked at Qin Wushuang and said, "Now everything has been done according to your instructions. Are you satisfied now?"

"I'm just a mediator, what's the satisfaction or dissatisfaction."

Qin Wushuang shrugged: "But don't worry, since you have already paid compensation, this matter will stop here. My Tianfu Temple will not hold you accountable again, but I hope you can learn your lesson and don't do it again in the future. The same error."

Xuan Yu Tuo snorted coldly, and said no more. He turned around and dismissed the people of Xuan Yu's family, and then returned to the fortress of Xuan Yu's family.

The crowd onlookers saw that the Xuanyu family had all withdrawn, and they all dispersed.

Before leaving, everyone was still talking about Xiao Lang's brilliant deeds.

Single-handedly challenge the entire Xuan Yu family!

With Xuan Yu Tuo, this world realm is great and undefeated!

With the help of Tianfu Palace, one billion sacred crystals were forcibly taken from Xuanyu's family for compensation!

Each of these things is so incredible.

I believe that it won't take long for these things to spread out, and they will become talks for the monks of the Sky Floating Star Territory.

"This time, I would like to thank Senior Brother Qin for his help. Otherwise, we might be in trouble today."

After the Xuan Yu family withdrew, Xiao Lang stepped forward and said with a fist to Qin Wushuang.

"It's just a small matter."

Qin Wushuang waved his hand indifferently, and said with a smile: "Moreover, the reason why I came to help is because of others' trust."

Hearing that, Xiao Lang showed a look of doubt. Is Qin Wushuang entrusted to help?

"I don't know who is entrusted by Senior Brother Qin?"

Xiao Lang asked suspiciously.

Qin Wushuang smiled slightly and said, "Come with me, it just happens that that person wants to see you."

With that said, Qin Wushuang set off directly and flew towards a tall restaurant in Xuanyu City.

Seeing this, Xiao Lang thought for a while, and then he greeted the four demon **** Xiaodao Wuhen Dulong and flew over with Qin Wushuang.

The group soon came to the restaurant, Xiao Lang was also in a private room, and saw the person Qin Wushuang said.

It was the white-haired old man who was with Qin Wushuang before.

"Master, I have brought people here."

Qin Wushuang saluted the white-haired old man and said.

"Yes, Not Bad."

The white-haired old man stroked his beard and smiled, looking at Xiao Lang carefully.

Qin Wushuang turned his head and introduced to Xiao Lang with a blank face: "This is my Master, Venerable Wuxiang, Master asked me to help you."

Venerable Wuxiang?

Hearing that, Xiao Lang and the others were shocked. Although they didn't know this old man, in the Sky Floating Star Territory, people who could call themselves a Venerable, only powerful Era Realm powerhouses had this qualification.

They didn't expect that the old man in front of him was actually an era-level strong man? !

Don't let him think, Xiao Lang immediately moved forward and bowed to the white-haired old man: "Boy Xiao Lang, I have seen the Venerable, thank you for your help."

Xiao Moshen Wuhen and others also bowed forward.

Venerable Wuxiang smiled slightly and said: "You are welcome, the reason why the old man will help you is because of your special physique."

Hearing this, Xiao Lang was startled, not knowing why.

"Hehe, it seems you don't know your physique yet."

Venerable Wuxiang stroked his beard and smiled: "Presumably you have already discovered that there is a mysterious energy in your body that can help you strengthen your cultivation in a short time, and the distribution of meridians in your body is similar to that of ordinary people. Not the same, am I right?"

Xiao Lang was shocked. He did not expect that Venerable Wuxiang had already seen through the secrets in his body so far apart.

"How did the Venerable know?" he asked.

Venerable Wuxiang didn't hide it either, saying: "It's very simple, because I know how the changes in your body are caused."

Xiao Lang had never known what was going on in his body, and now he finally met someone who knew, how could he miss it?

He immediately said: "Also please inform the Lord."

Venerable Wuxiang nodded and smiled: "Your physique, called Dao Spirit Body, is a physique conceived from the Dao Dao of the Chaos World. I must have obtained a Dao Dao Spirit Tree before and use its secrets Enlightened, am I right?"

Xiao Lang was shocked, and the words of Venerable Wuxiang were true.

At the same time, he was also quite relieved. He didn't expect that his mysterious physique would be called Dao Spirit Body.

"Venerable, what are the peculiarities of my great spirit body?"

Xiao Lang asked again.

"This is a long story."

Venerable Wuxiang thought for a while, and immediately said: "As a good treasure, the spiritual body of the Dao Dao has the most direct benefit, which is reflected in helping you improve your combat effectiveness. In addition, the Dao Spirit also has a natural The affinity of the Dao of Heaven, when you enter the Era Realm in the future, when you need to understand the ultimate heaven, you will be able to appreciate the benefits of the Dao’s spirit body."

"God affinity?"

Upon hearing this, Xiao Lang thoughtfully.

"Yeah." Venerable Wuxiang nodded, and said: "However, the greatest benefit of the Dao Spirit Body is its potential. It is said that the Dao Spirit Body can eventually evolve into an extremely heaven-defying physique called Wan Dao. Chaos body, this physique is very against the sky, the legend contains the supreme ultimate meaning, the one who can comprehend will eventually become the strongest existence in this world, but it is a pity that the old man has lived for endless years and has not seen anyone who can comprehend it. The ultimate meaning of the ten thousand chaos body."

Having said that, Venerable Wuxiang envied him, and shook his head regretfully.

Xiao Lang was even more shocked. He didn't expect that he was just a physique that he had sensed at will, and he had such a huge potential. It was really unintentional, Liu Chengyin.

"Haha, having said so much, I haven't introduced myself yet."

At this time, Venerable Wuxiang smiled and said: "My name is Wuxiang, but Venerable Tianfu from the headquarters of Tianfu Palace. You should come from a sub-rudder of Tianfu Palace, right?"

Xiao Lang was shocked again. He didn't expect that this knowledgeable old man actually came from the Tianfu Palace headquarters and was a high-ranking Tianfu Venerable. No wonder he could see his physique at a glance.

You know, even Luo Tianqi, the rudder master of the Eastern Sub-rudder of Tianfu Palace, could not see his physique.

He clasped his fists and said, "We are from the Eastern Sub-rudder of Tianfu Palace in the Celadon World."

"Oh, Luo Tianqi's boy?"

Venerable Wuxiang nodded and said, "Actually, I called you, besides telling you the secret of physique, there is one more thing."

"Venerable, but it doesn't matter," Xiao Lang said.

"Have you heard of the Sky Floating Conference?" Venerable Wuxiang asked.

Xiao Lang looked blank and didn't know.

"Hehe, the so-called Tianfu Conference is a grand event held at the headquarters of Tianfu Palace. The purpose of the Tianfu Conference is to attract outstanding disciples from different rudders into the headquarters and provide better training."

Venerable Wuxiang smiled and said, "You have the physique of a great spiritual body, and your talents are not bad. You are a good seed. If you are interested, you can participate in the Tianfu Conference. As long as you can enter the Tianfu Palace headquarters, it will be great for you in the future. benefit."

Xiao Lang suddenly realized that this old man was here to dig people.

He asked calmly, "I don't know when will this day float meeting be held?"

"The Sky Floating Conference is generally held every three hundred years. Now it is exactly one hundred years before the next Sky Floating Conference opens. If you can reach the World Realm Great Perfection within these hundred years, you will be able to participate in the Sky Floating Conference. Qualifications."

Venerable Wuxiang explained.

"Is there a hundred years left?"

Xiao Lang nodded, and after thinking for a long time, he said, "You can try it."

If he could really enter the Tianfu Palace headquarters, it would be of great benefit to him. He is eager to improve his strength now, and naturally he does not want to miss such an opportunity.

Seeing Xiao Lang's promise, the old face of Venerable Wuxiang also showed a smile, he took out a jade slip from the space treasure and handed it to Xiao Lang.

"In this piece of jade slip, there are some information on the spiritual body of the Dao, and there is also a practice method that can help you cultivate the spiritual body of the Dao and increase your control over the spiritual body. Participating in the Sky Floating Conference in the future will also improve you. Chance of success."

Xiao Lang quickly took it with both hands, carefully put it away, clasped his fists, and thanked him, "Thank you, Venerable, for giving me the law."

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