Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 151: : The aggrieved Lei family

"Is this kid a freak?"

Looking at the venue, Xiao Lang, who was almost on par with the thunderclouds, many onlookers present shouted in exclamation.

They didn't expect that Xiao Lang in the late stage of the Ordinary World Realm would be able to support Leiyun for so long without losing. This is simply unbelievable.

Unlike other people's surprises, the feeling of thunderous half-length charred at the moment can be described as incredible.

He finally persuaded Lei Yun to help him teach Xiao Lang. He thought that Xiao Lang would soon become a dead dog. He lied in front of him and let him ravage him. As a result, he did not expect that Xiao Lang was so strong that he could follow him. Thunder cloud contends.

"How can this be!"

Lei Dong found it difficult to accept. In his world view, even if he tried his best in the late stage of the world, he couldn't be the enemy of the great perfection of the world.

He didn't know that Xiao Lang was no ordinary person. Before Xuan Yu Xing, he could single-handle the entire Xuan Yu family, and even Xuan Yu Tuo, who was also a World Realm Dzogchen, couldn't help him for a while.

Leiyun's strength is indeed the Great Perfection of the World Realm, but compared to Xuan Yu Tuo's old monster who has lived for tens of thousands of years, there is a slight gap in both combat experience and supernatural power quality.

Therefore, once Xiao Lang's firepower was fully on, Lei Yun really couldn't get any benefits from him.

In the crowd, a few people looked gloomy, silent, and calmly looked at the battle between Xiao Lang and Leiyun.

In the depths of their respective eyes, a deep ray of light passed by.

These people are just a few other people of the same fame as Lei Yun, the Tianjiao "Bai Yaofei" of Baigu County, the suzerain of Xihuangzong "Mo Huang", the big disciple of Longhuo Sect, "Extinguishing" and so on.

These people are the leaders of this ruins exploration, and they will naturally pay special attention to things here.

"I really didn't expect that a little long wind valley would actually crouch a tiger, hide a dragon."

"This trip to the ruins is getting more and more interesting."

"There will be another competitor."


The most aggrieved person in the field is Leiyun. He originally thought that Xiao Lang was in the late stage of the world, as long as he shot and suppressed the opponent in minutes, but now both sides have already fought a hundred moves, except for a little advantage. , There is no sign of suppressing the other party.

"Damn it, is this kid hiding his strength?"

Lei Yun was very depressed. He was also in the Great Perfection Realm of the World Realm anyway. He was usually a young man called by others, an invincible existence among the younger generation, but now he was dragged down by an ordinary late stage world realm. Getting out, this made him feel like he wanted to vomit blood. For many years, he had never suffered such humiliation.

"I still don't believe it!"

Lei Yun was full of jealousy. He gritted his teeth fiercely, and the power of his whole body was running wildly. On the palms of both hands, the thunder and lightning instantly mastered, like the thunder **** descending into the world, very domineering.

"Promise Shocking Thunder Palm!"

Lei Yun yelled and shot out with both palms. This palm was very powerful, far surpassing the previous "Promise Thunder Hand", and everyone frowned.

Few people on the scene could catch such a powerful magical skill.

"I don't know if Xiao Lang can do it?"

Everyone looked at Xiao Lang and raised their hearts involuntarily.

Only Lei Dong showed a sneer. He was also from the Lei family. He knew how powerful Leiyun’s Promise Thunder Palm was. It was one of the most powerful world magical skills of their Lei family, and it was a mid-level world magical ability. .

Over the years, he has always been greedy for Promise Thunder Palm, but his aptitude is too low to be qualified to practice Profound Thunder Palm.

Now that Lei Yun had used this powerful magical skill of Promise Shocking Thunder Palm against Xiao Lang, even if Xiao Lang was more powerful, it might end here.

When everyone was not optimistic about Xiao Lang, Xiao Demon God, Wuhen and others still did not change their faces. They knew Xiao Lang's strength very well. The latter was not even afraid of old monsters like Xuan Yutuo. What's wrong?

The Supreme God of Asura was a little curious. He had never seen Xiao Lang single-handedly singled out the entire Profound Yu family. He didn't know Xiao Lang's strength very well. Although he heard Xiao Demon God and others talk about it, he still felt that it was not true enough.

Now that I just have the opportunity to see Xiao Lang's demeanor, he is naturally full of curiosity.

When everyone's eyes were focused on Xiao Lang, Xiao Lang was unmoved. His eyes calmly looked at the thundercloud that was displaying powerful magic skills, and he let out a cold snort in his nose, and his figure swept out directly.


A terrifying force erupted from Xiao Lang's body.

Leiyun’s Promise Shocking Thunder Palm is a mid-level world-level magical skill, and his angry dragon fist is also a mid-level world-level magical skill. Moreover, with his strong physical fitness, the angry dragon fist can even burst out stronger power in his hands.

Therefore, Xiao Lang was not afraid at all, and faced Thundercloud's attack head-on.

"True Dragon Power!"

Xiao Lang only heard a low cry, clenched fists with both hands, and blasted directly at the thundercloud.

The immense power roared with the fist, surging out like a violent mountain torrent.


Two powerful magic skills directly collided in the void, making two deafening sounds.


The endless strong wind swept across, the violent force blasted the ground at the impact site into a large hole, and the extremely terrifying force burst out, sweeping in all directions.

Leiyun originally wanted to see how Xiao Lang died, but his complexion changed in an instant. He found a strong counter-shock force surging towards him, making his figure unable to stand firm and involuntarily backward. fall back.


The huge force hit him, making him feel the qi and blood trembling all over, and a mouthful of blood rushed to his throat.

"Damn it!"

Leiyun's complexion was so ugly, he swallowed the blood back, unwilling to be embarrassed in front of others.

But the audience are not fools, they can all see that Leiyun's face is ugly, it is obvious that he has suffered internal injuries.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Leiyun was knocked out by a huge force. Xiao Lang was actually not much better. Like Leiyun, he was also knocked out for a long time. He had been backing hundreds of steps on the ground before he could stop.

Xiao Lang had a holy thunder body to protect his body, so he wouldn't suffer from internal injuries, but the qi and blood in his body still made Xiao Lang's face blue and white.

"There was a tie!"

The crowd of onlookers opened their eyes wide, and Xiao Lang's strength once again shocked them.

Only Leiyun looked ugly and didn't say a word. Everyone thought he was tied with Xiao Lang, but only he knew that in the battle just now, he actually suffered.

He could see that although Xiao Lang was turbulent with blood, he was actually not injured internally, but there were already some injuries in his body. Although not serious, he did lose the battle.

"Where did this **** come from!"

Lei Yun gritted his teeth secretly, annoyed in his heart, and was very upset with Xiao Lang, the dark horse that suddenly came out.

"Are you going to fight?"

Xiao Lang calmed down the blood in his body, looked at the thundercloud on the opposite side, and asked lightly.

Hearing this, Lei Yun gritted his teeth again and stared at Xiao Lang angrily, but he didn't make any more moves.

In fact, he still has a killer trick that he has not used, but he does not intend to use it, because some injuries have already appeared in his body. If he does not hurry up and adjust it, I am afraid it will affect his entry into the ancient ruins.

The ultimate goal of his visit to the ancient ruins this time is for the magical medicine in the ancient ruins.

Their Lei Family's magical skills and mental methods are very peculiar. If they want to advance, they must build a stronger physique so that the body can receive more lightning energy, so as to become stronger.

And his current cultivation has entered a bottleneck period, and his body strength has reached a critical point. If he wants to go further, he must break through this critical point.

And the magical medicine in the ancient ruins is the key to his breakthrough of this critical point.

Therefore, for the miraculous medicine, he must bear it.

"Good luck this time."

Lei Yun said angrily, then turned and left with a group of people.

He thought very clearly, first enter the ancient ruins to get the magic medicine, and then increase the strength, and after all this is done, it is not too late to come to Xiao Lang to settle the account.

Lei Dong was very upset when he saw that Lei Yun gave up and stopped fighting, but he didn't have the courage to order Lei Yun, so he could only give up.

After glaring at Xiao Lang, Lei Dong walked away in despair.

Xiao Lang's eyes were calm. He didn't leave Lei's people behind. It was not that he was afraid, but that it was unnecessary.

The reason why he was able to defeat Leiyun was also relying on the power of the Dao Spirit Body, once the power of the Dao Spirit Body faded, he would fall into a disadvantage.

Therefore, since Leiyun knows that enough is enough, he is naturally happy too.

"The good show is over, everyone is gone!"

The crowd of onlookers saw the Lei family leave, and they all left separately, but they were still feeling today's affairs, especially admiring Xiao Lang.

In the crowd, Bai Yaofei, Mo Huang, Fire Fighting and other Tianjiao figures all had their eyes twinkling, and they looked at Xiao Lang in the distance, and then left.

Their eyes were deep, their faces were uncertain, and no one knew what they were thinking.

"Big brother, are you okay?"

At this time, Devil Xiao and the others came over and asked with concern.

Just now, Xiao Lang actually fought against Thunder Cloud. Although he knew Xiao Lang's strength was not weak, he still couldn't help but be a little worried.

"It's okay, that thundercloud can't hurt me."

Xiao Lang shook his head and smiled.

After hearing this, Devil Xiao and the others were relieved.

Shura World God looked at Xiao Lang in amazement, and could not speak for a long time.

"Master Shura, what's wrong with you? Is there a flower on my face?"

Xiao Lang joked and said, he has adjusted the qi and blood in his body, and now it has completely returned to normal.

The world **** of Shura smiled bitterly: "I originally thought that entering the world realm should be able to shorten the distance between us a little bit. I didn't expect you to be so perverted, and even the world realm is not afraid of Dzogchen. I still think about how to shorten us. The distance between them is really ridiculous."

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