Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 152: Loose seal

Shura World God sighed. He thought that reaching the world realm could narrow the distance with Xiao Lang, but the facts proved that this was just his wishful thinking.

Looking at the Shura World God who was sighing, Xiao Lang smiled slightly, and said, "Why Master Shura thinks this way? How many powerhouses are in this boundless universe? How tired would we be if we had to surpass each of us?"

"I personally think that in life, the most important thing is not to surpass others, but to surpass yourself. As long as you can constantly surpass yourself and constantly break your limits, you are truly strong."

"Break the limit, surpass yourself?"

Hearing this, Shura World God's eyes lit up and seemed to have an epiphany.

"Master Shura figured it out now?"

Xiao Lang asked with a smile.

The world **** of Shura thought for a moment, and finally smiled, shook his head and said, "I have been ashamed for more than 80,000 years, and I am considered an old antique, but I didn't expect that even such a simple truth has not been understood. I am really ashamed."

"When people are unavoidably confused, Lord Shura needn't blame himself."

Xiao Lang shook his head.

After Shura's World God knot opened, his face was immediately radiant, and his former self-confidence was restored.

He looked at Xiao Lang and gave him a fist: "Xiao Lang, thank you very much."

"You're welcome, all go back!"

Xiao Lang waved his hand, turned and walked outside the market.

After this battle, there were a lot fewer people in the bazaar, and many monks had left, making every effort to prepare for the next entry into the ancient ruins.

Xiao Lang had the same plan, so he left.


The Asura World God laughed and followed.

The group left the market and returned to their residence.

"You first move on your own, I will retreat for a while."

Xiao Lang gave orders to Xiao Moshen and others, then turned around and walked into the alien space he built, and disappeared.

Because of the limited time, Xiao Lang didn't rush to refine the purple thunder fruit. He just used this time to understand the great spirit body as much as possible, and strive to control the power of the great spirit body as soon as possible.

Time passed, and another three days passed in a blink of an eye.

In the Valley of Long Wind, the number of monks is increasing, with more than one thousand, and the popularity is unprecedented.


At noon that day, the huge purple vortex in the center of Changfeng Valley suddenly heard movement, and a huge wave came out from it.

"The seal of the ancient ruins is loose!"

When the monks of Changfeng Valley sensed that wave of fluctuations, this idea emerged in unison.

For a while, the monks living in all corners of Changfeng Valley walked out of their residences one after another, looking at the huge purple vortex in the center of Changfeng Valley.

At this time, the huge purple vortex in the center of Long Wind Valley was no longer stable, the rotation of the vortex began to accelerate, and huge waves of fluctuations continued to spread from it.

"Is the seal about to be opened?"

The monks showed joy, and they could sense that the seal inside the purple vortex seemed to be weakening rapidly.

Among the people paying attention to the purple vortex were Xiao Moshen Wuhen Xiaodao and others. They saw that the power of the seal was weakening, and immediately turned to the Alien Element Space to notify Xiao Lang.

After a while, Xiao Lang left the customs.

"The seal is loose?"

Xiao Lang's face was different. After waiting for so many days, did he finally wait?

He raised his head and looked at the alien space in the middle of Long Wind Valley, and he saw that the seal of the ancient ruins was weakening.

"Go, let's go!"

Xiao Lang commanded immediately, leading the flight towards the purple vortex.

Not only them, but the other monks in Changfeng Valley were swarming near the purple whirlpool at this time.

As long as the seal is opened, they will enter it the first time.

A group of monks finally stopped not far from the purple vortex.

The seal of the ancient ruins has only weakened, but has not disappeared, so they still have to wait.

Xiao Lang and his group stood at the front of the crowd. He glanced away and saw two acquaintances.

Lei Yun and Lei Dong of Lei Family!

At this moment, Lei Yun led dozens of Lei's family members to stand in the forefront of the crowd, his eyes stunned, so imposing.

In addition, Xiao Lang also saw a few relatively unfamiliar faces.

Through careful identification, he recognized the identities of those people as the other figures in Changfeng Valley.

"Bai Yaofei" of Baigu County, "Mo Huang" of Xihuangzong, and "Fire Fighting" of Longhuo Sect.

Bai Yaofei of Baigu County, like Leiyun, dressed in white like snow, is handsome and handsome.

Xihuang Zong Mo Huang is a young man of about 30 years old, older than Bai Yaofei and Leiyun, because he is the lord of a sect. He has been in a high position all year round, and he has developed an indescribable aura. Give people a great sense of oppression.

Xiao Lang speculated that this Mo Huang might be the strongest person this time.

The dragon fire sect is also very young, and his long red hair is very conspicuous. He is wearing a black robe and embroidered with two dragons with auspicious clouds and fire-breathing lotus embroidered on it, majestic and majestic.

These people are the leaders of this relic tour, and everyone is faintly led by them.

Of course, Xiao Lang would not be led by them. Although his strength was lower, his combat effectiveness was not necessarily weaker than them, so he formed his own faction and stood on the other side.

"This guy is really arrogant!"

Lei Dong saw Xiao Lang, and his face immediately became unhappy. He was almost beaten to death by Xiao Lang that day, so he naturally had no favor with Xiao Lang.

Of course, he would never think that the reason why he was almost killed by Xiao Lang was because of his provocation.

Lei Yun's gaze also looked over, but he did not speak, but his gaze flickered, he turned his head and stopped paying attention to Xiao Lang.

"Hehe, Leiyun, did you release the water that day?"

At this moment, the fire extinguisher not far away looked over and smiled at Leiyun.

But this laughter came into Leiyun's ears, but it was so harsh.

"What do you want to say?"

Lei Yun glanced at him and said coldly.

The fire fighting of Longhuo Sect has always been not quite right with him. He suffered a loss in Xiao Lang's hands a few days ago, and this fellow took the opportunity to mock him.

"It's nothing, I just think you shouldn't be so bad. At any rate, it's also the Great Perfection in the World Realm. How can you not even beat the latter stage of the World Realm?"

Extinguishing shrugged, not salty or salty.

"Should we try?"

Lei Yun's gaze sank, pulling away from the posture of the contest, and said coldly.

"When I'm afraid you won't make it?"

The corner of the fire extinguisher's mouth was lifted, and a touch of sarcasm appeared, and it was necessary to start with Leiyun.

"Stop it!"

At this moment, there was a shout, but it was Bai Yaofei, Baigu County, who spoke.

"What are you two doing? You are about to enter the ruins. What can you do?"

Bai Yaofei said coldly.

Hearing this, Lei Yun stopped now. Although he was not afraid of Bai Yaofei, the latter was a local snake in Baigu County after all, and there was no need to avenge him.

Seeing that Leiyun stopped after the fire, he stopped making gestures, but the sarcasm on his face remained unabated.

Bai Yaofei took a look at the fire and said helplessly: "Are you two going to have a good break? The ancient ruins still need you to fight for the seal key. If you run out of energy now, how can you get the key?"

"Just kidding."

Extinguishing shrugged his shoulders and said noncommitantly. He didn't really want to compete with Leiyun, he just wanted to take the opportunity to mock him.

Leiyun snorted coldly, glanced at the fire with a gloomy look, and did not answer.

Bai Yaofei shook his head helplessly, and stopped bothering them.

This little episode just passed, the scene fell into calm again, and many monks calmly waited for the moment when the seal was opened.

In the blink of an eye, another hour passed.


The seal of the ancient ruins has finally reached its lowest point, and the purple vortex is getting thinner and thinner, and the light curtain inside can be seen with the naked eye.

"The seal is about to be opened!"

At this moment, Xihuangzong Mo Huang, who had been keeping his eyes closed and rested, suddenly spoke.

As soon as these words came out, everyone came to their heads, their eyes fixed on the light curtain in the vortex passage.

I saw that the light curtain trembles in the distance at this time, obviously it has reached its limit.


At a certain moment, a crisp sound came out, that layer of light curtain finally reached its limit, and the bang broke into countless light spots.

"The seal is open, everyone, go in!"

Seeing that the seal was finally opened, all the monks shouted with hot faces.

The fastest is of course the thunderbolt, Bai Yaofei, Mo Huang and Fire Fighting standing in the front. They flew into the ancient ruins the first time the seal was opened.

Next was Xiao Lang and his party, almost immediately next to Lei Dong Bai Yaofei and others.

The other monks in Changfeng Valley saw that Bai Yaofei, Xiao Lang and others had already entered, and they also flocked in, for fear that the treasure would be taken away if they were late.

After a while, Xiao Lang and his group came to the ancient ruins.

Xiao Lang discovered that although the outer seal had disappeared, this alien space still existed, and it was very stable, at least not dissipating for a long time.

This is because the Dragon Elephant who created this alien space is a very powerful Era Realm powerhouse. The alien space he created is naturally very stable and will not be like the alien space created by the world realm. If it is not maintained, it will collapse on its own before long.

Xiao Lang cast his gaze on this alien space and carefully examined it.

The area of ​​this alien space was so huge that with Xiao Lang's eyesight, he couldn't see the end at a glance.

Xiao Lang discovered that there was heaven and earth in this space, but there were no sun, moon and stars in the sky, only a bright cloud, just like the sunset on the west mountain, unchanged forever.

There are many mountains on the ground of the space, and some mountains even have buildings. The golden light shines all over the place, which is not ordinary at first sight. Even after endless years, they still stand tall.

Of course, there are also some buildings that cannot withstand the erosion of time and have collapsed into a pile of rubble.

Xiao Lang not only sighed, the alien space created by the world realm is just an ordinary void space without sky and no earth, but the space created by the powerful people in the era realm has heaven and earth, colorful clouds in the sky, and mountains and rivers on the ground. , And even build buildings on the mountains and rivers, creating a small world.

"It is said that there are alien spaces created by powerful people in the world, which can become a big world, can derive heaven and earth and all things, and even give birth to some simple ways of heaven."

Xiao Lang sighed that such a mighty force could be called a world-shaking good fortune. It is estimated that the strong at the pinnacle of the Era Realm would not be able to do it. Only the stronger immortal emperor could do it.


When Xiao Lang sighed, the monks behind him had already entered this space.

When they saw the luminous buildings on the ground, their eyes suddenly lit up.

Most of these people are ordinary world realms and Void True Gods. They are not interested in the magical medicine in the ruins, because they know that there is a thundercloud and Bai Yaofei will put them out to put out the fire. It's better to focus on other treasures, maybe you can get a good harvest.

"The treasures in those buildings have basically been wiped out by Shao Yuan's gang, so don't think too much about it."

Just when most people decided to venture in those ruins first, a cold voice suddenly came out from the crowd.

When everyone heard the words, they all looked in the direction of the sound.

The person who spoke was wearing a robe, a hat on his head, and was covered with a black gauze, so he could not see his true face.

"Hmph, after the ancient relics seals faded, Shao Yuan was not the only one who entered here to explore, and some other people also came in. Do you think those people will leave the treasures to you?"

The man wearing the black gauze hat seemed to notice the eyes of everyone, and immediately asked with a cold snort.


Everyone was speechless. Indeed, no one would be so stupid that they don't want to leave their treasures and walk in for nothing.

So I'm afraid that those magnificent buildings are already empty.

"Now if you want treasures, you can only open the seal inside the ruins. It is said that there are many good things in addition to the magical medicine. Those are the objects you should covet."

After speaking, the black gauze hat person flew forward and flew toward the depths of the ruins.

Everyone stared at each other, but the man in the black gauze hat simply left, and didn't know who he was?

Xiao Lang frowned as he watched the leaving figure of the black gauze hat person. For some reason, he always felt that something was wrong with that person, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Shaking his head, Xiao Lang stopped thinking about it. The man was wearing a black gauze hat and a robe. He obviously didn't want to reveal his identity. It was probably someone from a secret family.

"Let's also go to the heritage center."

Said to Xiao Demon God, Shura World God and the others, Xiao Lang took the lead and flew towards the interior of the ruins.

Everyone nodded and immediately followed.

Thousands of monks, after listening to the words of the man in the black gauze hat, also gave up the idea of ​​treasure hunting, and flew toward the interior of the ruins with all their heart.

The black gauze hat is unpleasant, but it makes sense. Those buildings have already been emptied. At this time, treasure hunting is just a waste of time. It is better to rush to the center of the ruins and find a way to open the seal so that you can get it. treasure.


For a time, in the sky of the alien space, thousands of figures cut through the sky and went straight to the inside, just like a locust crossing the border, quite spectacular.

The crowd flew for nearly half an hour, and finally slowed down, for no reason, the center of the ancient ruins arrived.

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